New photos of the Game of Thrones filming prep in Kaštela

banners`1Revealed just two days ago as a new location for Game of Thrones season five, preparations are well under way in the town of Kaštel Gomilica, Croatia. New photos have been released by, revealing that not only is clean-up being done at the filming location this week, but sets are already being built. confirms that Kastela Gomiliac shooting will take place in early September. Game of Thrones will shoot scenes for the fifth season around the Kastilac fortress and other areas nearby.

They also report that the city leaders hope that the filming will serve as a great tourism ad, showing their cultural and historical heritage. Local extras will be used in filming.

Photos below the cut!

Production would not officially confirm to the publication how long shooting will be, but their unofficial sources have informed them that filming preparations will last more than 20 days, and the actual shooting will take four or five days.

burningallDocking permits have been requested from the town, indicating that they’ll be using some ships during the shoot,  in the area from Kastilac towards Torac (westwards), for several dozen ships. We believe that they will be in the shot, rather than ships for people to be on.

We’ve heard from our own sources that the show is recruiting extras in the Split region this year for Braavosi sailors, and that a few Lannister guards will be needed, solidifying the idea that the Bay of Kastela waterfront will stand in for Braavos.

Seeing the royal Lannister-Baratheon banners on set, it’s safe to say those guards will be filming in this area. But is Kastela standing in for part of Westeros, or is someone representing the royal Baratheon-Lannister house visiting Braavos?

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We’ve also heard that 50 Unsullied extras have been chosen from Split, indicating that some Meereen scenes will once again be filmed in the area.

Lannister Baratheon banner
Waterfront building set
moving stuff

There are more photos at the source, so visit to see the rest!

Sue the Fury
Susan Miller, Editor in Chief of


  1. Kastela looks perfect for Braavos, I’m hoping they do it justice.

    I’m wondering if we’ll even get to see Cat of the Canals. Crossing my fingers for a Braavosi language.

  2. Looking forward to seeing how Kaštela becomes Braavos!

    Interesting news about the Lannister guards.

    They already appropriated the method of Raff the Sweetling’s death in the “Mercy” chapter for Polliver, but they could still cover the Lannister contingent’s voyage to Braavos to negotiate with the Iron Bank. I had believed that a representative from the Bank would travel to King’s Landing to discuss the crown’s debt, but maybe it will be the other way around. And if Daeron doesn’t make it into the show, maybe Arya will kill one of the Lannister soldiers there, and that will be what prompts Jaqen/The Kindly Man to give her the “bitter milk” that causes her blindness.

    Alternatively, the presence of Lannister soldiers could just mean that area will be doubling as the King’s Landing docks in addition to Braavos.

  3. jentario,

    Mercy! I was wrong! But those ARE Tyrell/Lannister sigils on the carpet thingamajig

    I love that D&D are passing published material to deliver a filler season

  4. I am certain that Arya will kill Meryn Trant instead of Raff, since they already used that scene with Polliver.

  5. Ragman’s Harbor,

    What’s his face who does the languages said he has a lot of cool stuff in season 5, so it’s possible we’ll get another Valyrian sub-language for Braavosi. I wonder if Maisie will give it a try

  6. Those Banners are from the background of the purple wedding and I think they will just recycle the parts for construction work and we won’t see the banners in the episode(s).

  7. Hermann,

    Spoilers! But that’s very possible.

    I was thinking that Meryn will replace Kettleblack once Jaime leaves for Dorne but your theory seems more likely now! He’s even on Arya’s list.
  8. Jared,

    I like it!

    Moving back the blindness to result not drom killing Dareon but from her kill of whoever replaces Raff the Sweetling (Lion or Meryn Trant as others theorized above) in the Mercy chapter leading to her blindness could be a nice season finale to her arc.

    Thinking of the Mercy chapter also strengthens my feeling that the leaked role of the thin man in his 50’s with financial cunning could be Harys Swift or whoever D&D make the new Master of Coin after Tyrion.

  9. Darquemode,

    Nah. It would have been a names role if it was Harys Swift.

    It’s most likely Arya’s target from late in ADWD after she first switches her face. I’m positive that’s how they’ll end the season. The face switching is just too juicy to delay.
  10. jentario,

    Could be…

    I think it would be a much stronger ending the way I laid out than her receiving her acolytes robe. Different strokes…

    I don’t agree with your assessment of those casting leaks. Just because they did not have names in the leaks does not mean those roles will not be named characters in the end.

  11. Not convinced they’ll be any Lanisters in Braavos and killing off Trant or Lancel wouldn’t make a great deal of sense ( Will pretty much be Jaime in the Kingsguard at this rate with Loras still not joining!) as they have no real business in Braavos. I think they’ll just have Arya

    kill some local Bravoosi who she witnesses doing something particularly unwholesome. I don’t think there’s any special need for it to be a named character as a extended extra role would serve just as well
  12. Maybe a White Walker will go to Braavos and the best character in the show (Khaleesi) will show up and save the day

  13. Dragonslayer,

    They most definitely have cast Lannister guard extras for filming in the Split/Kastela area. So even if they somehow preserved a few backdrops from last year when they had no reason to, we still have other reason to believe the Lannisters are filming there.

  14. jentario,

    You could be right it’s not Harys Swift. Even I said it may not be him! XD

    That said, I do not agree with your argument whatsoever.
    I’ve never understood the “hiding” argument. HBO has never released every role to be cast on Game of Thrones. Has any show anywhere? Not releasing all the information about every role (yes, even including names) is not the same as purposely hiding that information. Period.

  15. Some roles are too small to really have much fanfare over. The casting video this year was 6 characters involved in Dorne, and two-time Tony winner Jonathan Pryce.

  16. Bookpuristhater,

    The fact you present it as a question suggests you haven’t read them?

    Not sure why some people are so keen to try and create conflict between the book and the show. The majority of people here have watched/read both and enjoy both.
    To sum up: Stop shit-stirring.

  17. jentario,

    That was certainly not my point.
    I said whoever D&D use as the new Master of Coin. That person could be a featured extra and unnamed for all I know.

    Oh well, this topic is so not worth going back and forth over to me. I’m done.

  18. Off Topic: Wondering if this happens to anyone else with the site….sometimes I come to WoTW and the most recent post is not there. Then I will leave the site and the most recent post will be back next time I visit. There is no pattern I have recognized and I wasn’t sure if it is something with my Browser or the site.

  19. Those banners had me excited for a second but it obvious now that they are just old set pieces they are using for construction.

    I’m really interested to what the Lannister guards are going to be doing/who they will be guarding if they are indeed going to be in Braavos. Hopefully we’ll get some pictures when the actors are there!

  20. Chim chimney chim chimney chim chim cher-ay, my rape is my rape so I mustn’t be late…..

  21. Mine is the Furry:
    Chim chimney chim chimney chim chim cher-ay, my rape is my rape so I mustn’t be late…..

    HA! I’ve missed you, Ry!

    Great stuff, Fury! Soooo excited for Ayra’s storyline this season.

  22. They’re flying if they’re really getting to Mercy this season. I’m quite excited to see that though.

  23. Game of Thrones offseason, has become like NFL or NBA offseason. I’m loving all these updates and pics. I’m so glad I discovered this site, WIC has become just dreadful.

  24. Lady nym,

    Hmmm…I like that idea. Haven’t seen Penny Dreadful yet, tho, so can’t judge the acting, but I can picture him with silver (blue?) hair.

  25. Ashara D:
    Lady nym,

    Hmmm…I like that idea. Haven’t seen Penny Dreadful yet, tho, so can’t judge the acting, but I can picture him with silver (blue?) hair.

    I’m not putting my hopes so high on the blue hair .. Remember Dario?

  26. Lady nym,

    I’ve watched Penny Dreadful and I’m not too keen on the guy’s acting or his fake English accent (he’s actually American). He looks the part certainly but there are pretty men (to invoke show Greatjon’s terminology) who could do a better job with the part. Of course we don’t even know yet if they’ve cut young Griff entirely…If he’s in though, I really doubt we’ll get blue hair.

  27. Greenjones:
    Lady nym,

    I’ve watched Penny Dreadful and I’m not too keen on the guy’s acting or his fake English accent (he’s actually American). He looks the part certainly but there are pretty men (to invoke show Greatjon’s terminology) who could do a better job with the part. Of course we don’t even know yet if they’ve cut young Griff entirely…If he’s in though, I really doubt we’ll get blue hair.

    The most imporatnt thing i think is not to cut him , I won’t care too much about the actor than , i will be like” thank the god they did not cut him” but they could at least bring an actor with

    Targaryen featuers 🙂

    And about the hair color I think D&D are not a big fan of the color blue 🙂 his gonna have black hair <<

    like his half brother

    << joking don't eat me 🙂
    Or brown hair , just don't go too far and bring someone blonde 🙂

  28. Lady nym,

    I liked him more in The Killing last year than in Penny Dreadul, but he might do!

    The most recent actor I’ve considered for the role (if it is even cast) is Edvin Endre from Vikings where he played King Horik’s son, Erlunder. If I squint I can almost see Griff and Young Griff in this photo… ! XD

    My first two choices are Freddie Fox and Matthew Beard though.

  29. I think they’re just recycling the Lion & Stag Board as a wood base, they’re going to paint something on it..

  30. Darquemode:
    Lady nym,

    I liked him more in The Killing last year than in Penny Dreadul, but he might do!

    The most recent actor I’ve considered for the role (if it is even cast) is Edvin Endre from Vikings where he playedKing Horik’s son, Erlunder. If I squint I can almost see Griff and Young Griff in this photo… ! XD

    My first two choicesare Freddie Fox and Matthew Beard though.

    Very good I liked your first choice better . Lets just pray they make it to the showe

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