We bring you an update on the latest filming news for Game of Thrones season eight, including a furtive look into a curious new set which may result in much speculation. But more importantly: rejoice, for the Lady Mormont of Sass Island has returned!
Our sources inform us that Bella Ramsey, the prodigious young actress who first blew us away in season six, has been filming this week in Belfast. She wasn’t the only one, as Emilia Clarke was seen in Belfast, though we don’t know whether they filmed together or not… but I do know I would pay to see that! Can you imagine a conversation between two forces of nature as thunderous as Lyanna Mormont and Daenerys Targaryen?
Ramsey featured most prominently in “The Broken Man”, when we first met Lyanna, and in “The Winds of Winter”, when she scolded the other lords and advanced Jon as king. We were delighted to have her back in season seven, even though she didn’t have such a prominent role and wasn’t present after the first few episodes. We don’t know how much Lyanna will appear this time, but, at least, now we can be sure she will have a role to play “in the wars to come”. Here’s hoping for a few more showstopping scenes!
Now, onto news that are still cool but can’t quite reach the magnificent badassery of Our Lady of Bear Island: earlier in the week, GOTlike Locations found a new Paint Hall set!

Though we can’t see most of this multi-story set from the front-facing side, the few parts we do show the Red Keep’s characteristic stonework (though it is and has always been more of a salmon pink, really). The windows are also consistent with the keep.
Perhaps more importantly, another detail you may have noticed is that most of the building appears to be in ruins, at least at the top. Is Daenerys’s vision at the House of the Undying—of the throne room with a burnt down roof during winter—coming true? (No, it couldn’t have been all ash; there were icicles!). Whether that’s what this is or not, it certainly is set somewhere in the spacious Targaryen keep—and it’s seen better days.
What do you think is going on here? And how hyped are you for Lady Mormont’s return?
The Lady Bear will have a role to play wherever the script says “insert sass here”.
I would love to see her and Jorah have a conversation.
Ill leave the details of the Red Keep set to others. To me, it just looks like scaffolding. Lots and lots of scaffolding.
Oh, and……..*drum roll*……………………Hodor
I’d love that!
I can’t blame you. I have been looking at these things (with an unhealthy obsession) for years now. You develop an eye for these things, after that…
They’ve also just recently been making/finishing another Red Keep entrance wall outside haven’t they? (as seen on A Red Priestess’ twitter) This looks like the backside of yet another that is for post-damage… and the other is for repaired perhaps?
I don’t need any more Lyanna M. if it’s just some more ‘mini-speeches.’ It’d be fine or better if she was in some personal conversation with someone… Let her act in other words instead of just talk for a couple of lines.
Luka Nieto,
I bet! It’s kind of like music for me. I’m not very good at reading sheet music, but I’ve been figuring out basslines and guitar riffs with just my ears for so long now that I can often tell what note is being played just based on what I hear.
Lady Bear may have sass, but I don’t think it ends well for her.
As far as pictures, there are some more that show:
I am interested to see how the show is going to make a distinction between Lyanna’s and Arya’ s character. They seem much alike, almost as if the Lady of the Bear Island stood as a substitute for Arya while she was out of Winterfell and North.
That’s kind of what I’m hoping for. I love the actress, but i wish they would make Lyanna into more of an actual person and less a gimmicky cardboard cutout of slogans. Sometimes I get frustrated that they make all of the northerners look like pussies except for Lyanna M.
I was in Belfast today and tried to get a peek of the set and the studios.. couldn’t see much more than these pics although did manage to get a few pics of the KL set from a carpark and a couple of a ballista.
The Red Keep has since been painted a pale brown shade, so I’m guessing they’ll add the red coat after this
Yes, a conversation with Jorah would be fantastic! Wonder if she’d throw his past back at him?
Little lady bear is on my love list so I’m happy she’s back! I don’t think they’d cast her back just for decorative reasons. Judging by her views so far I think she may not be pleased that Jon acknowledged Dany as his Queen.
Definitely looking forward to her interaction with Dany and /or Jorah!
Most of these props of damage in KL don’t seem consistent with the wildfire destorying KL theory….
I would like to see a scene of Baby Bear walking her tough talk – like, firing flaming arrows at wights. If she died in battle I’d be OK with it. And I agree with those who note that she’s way overdue to have some actual dialogue, rather than merely haranguing. I remain unpersuaded as to whether or not she can act, much as we all fist-pumped her scenes.
She should be able to compromise considering that when she first met Jon she dismissed him as a “Snow”, and declared that she knows no king but the king in the north, whose name is Stark. Yet it didn’t take her long to be the first one to declare Jon the King in the North, so I think she’s more negotiable than she leads on.
This is great news.
I choose to believe that the wee She-Bear helps bring the northern alliance all the way to kings landing for the bittersweet climax.
That Lyanna/Danny meet will be interesting ..Two badass womens met for first time ..what the reactions will be?The wait for this S8 is killing me everyday..little by little and slowly and softly .
Grail King,
Where did you see those ?
I’m sure we will get her scene with Jorah.
We must get a Jorah, Lady Mormont moment, It’s just too good to not film.
I do not think L.M. will think much of Danny.
Will she support Jon as a Targaryian? She has always been a Stark supporter.
Baby Bear and Papa Tormund????
Missandei: This is Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, , Khaleesi of the
Lyanna: Can we please skip all the titles and move on to important things before the dead are at our doors.
But all serious I’m wondering how their meeting will go and how she will react to her.
about the ruin: Icicles, does that mean a cold king will be getting to KL?
Lyanna: “Is he your boy toy or is he your nephew? I’ve heard conflicting reports.”
House Monty,
It’s going to be a dragon, at least in the beginning, and my bet is on the wightified one. However, it looks like there will be a lot of action in the ruins afterwards, so it’s quite possible that wildfire will continue to be a threat (though I believe that the actual explosion will be prevented by good guys).
I think it’s evidence enough for the northern lords that Jon is a real Targ 😉
I’m very glad that Lyannna Mormont and Bella Ramsey will both be returning. I never had any doubt that they would, but it’s great to hear nonetheless. With so many new characters heading North, the potential for a whole host of new characters to be impressed/intimidated by the Lady of Bear Island is a delightful one to consider.
One of the scenes that I would most love to see in this upcoming final season is a scene in which Ser Jorah interacts with Lady Lyanna, and receives some measure of forgiveness/acceptance/reconciliation on behalf of their family. What’s more, I believe it has a good chance of happening!
Of course, there’s a fair chance that lifting an emotional weight that significant from Jorah’s shoulders might serve as as an ideal precursor for his imminent death, but at this point in the story, that’s a risk for almost every character. I’ll take that chance if such a cathartic moment affords our wayward knight some long-awaited peace of mind.
Jorah standing next to Dany, Jon, Tyrion, Drogon and Rhaegal while meeting/facing Lyanna, Arya, Sansa, Sam and Bran at WF would be quite a scene indeed. Hopefully, Jorah and Lyanna get a minute of loaded discussion regarding swords and slaves.
For some reason, I think Team Dany is going to have difficulty making it to WF peacefully though.
I saw them on Reddit, I posted them to previously tv/ got speculations and spoilers, like a day or two back.
Yes! Would be an interesting comparison with Arya and Jons reunion (Make It SO!) I wonder if he will offer his sword to her, and would be interesting to see her fighting skills. I do agree, I want to see her interact with someone and doing so with Jorah would just be perfect.
Jon: “Arya, I’ve been hearing rumors you wiped out all the Freys who slaughtered our family at the Red Wedding…and a slew of other villains.”
Lord Royce: “You should’ve been her. Her execution of Littlefinger was sheer artistry. Sliced through his carotid artery so fast her dagger was back in its sheath before his arterial spray even started spurting.”
Sansa: “Is it true you took out that vicious sadist Ser Meryn? You know, he enjoyed beating me and punching me in the stomach.”
Arya: “He hit me and punched me in the stomach too. Five minutes before I exsanguinated his ass.
Sansa: “What does that mean?”
Arya: “I poked him full of so many holes all of his blood leaked out.”
Sandor: “You killed Meryn F*cking Trant? How’d you manage to do that?”
Arya: “Trant didn’t have a sword. Or armor. Only a wooden stick. He was beating up little girls in Braavos to get his rocks off.
So I gouged out his eyes with a little oyster knife and turned his chest into Swiss cheese. I tried to have a little chat with him but he had trouble talking with the blood filling his lungs. I punctured his liver, and then for a coup de grace sliced his throat from ear to ear.
Sandor (beaming with pride): “The Hound has taught you well, young Padawan. I wonder what your kill count is up to now.”
Lyanna Mormont: “62!”
Lord Glover: “I thought it was less.”
Hooded Spectator: “Fewer.”
Davos (looks around): “What?”
Hooded Spectator: “Nothing.”
Gendry: “Well it’s 66 if you count the 4 deaths she parlayed out of the 3 lives Jaqen owed to the Red God for saving him, in order to get me and Hot Pie out of the Lannisters’ concentration camp.”
Dany (to Tyrion): “She sounds like quite a woman. I don’t think we have to worry about naming my heir anymore.
Jon: “What about me?”
Dany: “You’ve helped bring fire and ice together. Now go do that “shield that guards the realms of men” thing you’re always talking about. The Princess and I have work to do. Capice?”
Ten Bears,
Hahaha I’d have a go at killing The Zombie Mountain to see that scene in the outtakes.
Yeah I’m not surprised if that is a burnt out Red Keep
Tbf it was kinda foreshadowed in Show Dany HoU
I keep thinking back to Brans brief vision on his way North, of the Dragon over KL, these days I’m wondering if that could now be the NK on Wight-Viserion, the Icicles can point to him smashing it with Ice flame or whatever it is he breathes
Though that vision may have had an intact Sept of Baelor, could be a continuity error perhaps
Though for mine, if they have trashed KL there’s something of a sad implication they may have trashed Winterfell on their way down – unless of course they bypass it for cryptic reasons relating to what Winterfell is and its relation to Long Night
She didn’t change her mind without good reasons so there’s no gap in that arc at least to my view. Jon first proved who he is to her and only then she turned around.
Which is why I think they’ll need to persuade her – as well as the other Northern Lords – about the change of ‘status’ and the logic behind Jon’s choices – they need to see what he saw in Dany.
That said, there are only 6 episodes left to conclude the story, and I don’t know how much time there will be for lengthy interactions, long dialogues and exhanging long lists of arguments – as if it were real life, time is of outmost importance as things have accelerated in the plot, since NK and his army march south and if Cercei sends troops too, they’d be stuck in the middle- they all have to make their decisions fast!
😀 😀 😀
…But unrealistic – no one knows about Jon’s real identity, unless Bran shared that info with Sansa and Arya before Jon returns.
So, I’d go for the more realistic ‘Is he your boy toy using him for kicks and to get the throne, or do you really care about him and about the North’s future – and are you crazy like your father the Mad king? I’ve heard confilicting reports!’
To which we know the answer – at least from what we have seen so far.
Jared, it’s always a pleasure to read your posts! Yes, I’m definitely looking forward to that. It would be so important for Jorah’s arc and I really want that for him, no matter what happens afterwards. He deserves that emotional reassurance and some peace of mind.
So they are still filming:-(
Pleased to see Bella back would love her to out Dany in her place with one of her speeches and do expect some friction at least in the first episode until the real Kings identity is made known.
I’d love to see the little she-bear do some fighting, as they hinted at the fact that she knew how when she said “I don’t plan on knitting by the fire while men fight for me” to Lord Glover. Maybe she could feature in a few short scenes training people along with Brienne and Arya. That would be pretty cool.
Of course her reunion with Jorah is a must, and it would be amazing to see her forgive him and accept him back into the Mormont fold.
I wanna see Lyanna spearhead the movement to refuse Dany as their overlord, just like Jon warned her about. Jon may be Warden of the North but what if his people reject that?
I also think that Jon will be worried about his parentage since Northern politics is a minefield right now and who the hell knows how Dany would react, so he’d decide to keep it a secret, until it is revealed publicly by a furious Sam.
Yep, it was – and I remember the conversations about whether the white residue on the floor and on the Iron Throne that Dany reaches for but never touches, was ash or snow. Thus Luka’s remark that it couldn’t all be ash. I always thought it was snow, because I thought I saw drops of water forming on her face.
For a while I thought that Dany’s vision of seeing Drogo and the baby in a hut in the snow beyond the Wall meant that she died north of the Wall. Yet, even though she didn’t die when she actually flew north of the Wall, the prophesy did come true in a way: in the vision she sees Drogo, proclaims that she will love him forever, yet turns and walks away from them, leaving them in the snow. And she did indeed leave a baby in the North, Viserion. And she left Drogo, too, because she fell in love with Jon.
Or you can even say she left a child/Viserion & Drogo/Jon in the North when they both went in the lake. Which should have killed nearly anyone but as prophesied her “love” Jon/Drogo returned… It was very telling that as we saw Dany waiting on the Wall at Eastwatch, she was looking down for Jon not up for Viserion. They both went in that lake. Almost seemed like she wanted Jon to return more than Viserion. Or did she know that Viserion was a lost cause? Either way her love returned to her…
Mr Derp,
Tinfoil Alert
• I’m a bit sleep-deprived, so I apologize if this sounds more than a bit far-fetched.
• Also, I have one or two preliminary questions for book readers:
In the books, wasn’t there something about Robb executing a Will naming Jon as his heir or legitimizing him? And that the books left off with that Will either lost or its whereabouts unknown?
Anyway, here goes…
• [Tinfoil Level: 8.75 out of 10]
Before their arrival in WF in S8, Dany will legitimize Jon as Jon Stark, Lord of Winterfell, and offer same terms of semi-autonomous independence that she offered Yara in 6×9.
In 5×2,King Stannis had proposed to Jon: “Kneel before me, lay your sword at my feet, pledge me your service. And you’ll rise again as Jon Stark, Lord of Winterfell.”
• At that time, Jon had told Sam: “It’s the first thing I ever remember wanting. I daydreamed that my father would ask the king. Just like that I would never be the Bastard of Winterfell again.”
• Sam assured Jon: “You deserve that. You do. I couldn’t be happier for you.”
But back then Jon told Sam: “I’m going to refuse him.”
Sam replied: “But you’d be Lord of Winterfell!”
Jon explained: “I swore a vow to the Night’s Watch. If I don’t take my own word seriously, what sort of Lord of Winterfell would I be?”
• So, the only reason Jon had declined Stannis’s offer (and suppressed his own lifelong desire) in 5×2 was that Jon had made a vow to the NW – from which he’s seen nice been released.
• Now, Sansa can remain Lady of Winterfell. Jon Stark will rule the independent North but – like Yara – will support Dany’s claim as queen of the Seven Kingdoms and respect the integrity of the Seven Kingdoms.
• Jon Snow will disembark at White Harbor as Jon Stark, Lord of Winterfell, with the North’s independence still intact albeit as one of the seven kingdoms – sort of like a sovereign state, with a centralized federal government.
• With nonzigzagging Rickon dead and Bran a weirdo bird, the Northerners – including Lyanna Mormont – wouldn’t be as upset that there’s now a legitimized male Stark, and might be more inclined to recognize the queen whose royal decree made him legitimate.
Lyanna Mormont would probably be cool with following “Jon Stark”, whatever his formal title, as it perpetuates for her the belief that “Ned Stark’s blood runs through his veins.”
• As for Jon, he voluntarily complied with the same conditions he’d previously turned down when Stannis had proposed them. Though Sam knows the truth about Jon’s real paternity, he had said he “couldn’t be happier” for Jon to achieve his dream of being Jon Stark.
• At that juncture, Bran and Sam will look at each other with a look of “Oh f*ck! We’d better clam up about the Aegon Targaryen thing”, realizing that the best possible outcome – at least for the time being – is for their beloved friend and “brother” to be Jon Stark, Lord of WF – and not an incestuous Targaryen.
• PS Fringe benefit: Dany & Jon can continue on with their horizontal playtime. The Northerners will figure it can’t hurt that their guy is the one pleasuring the Dragon Queen (and possibly knocking her up with the next Baby Eddard Stark – or Baby Jeor Stark, to impress the Baby Bear.)
A good read however I suspect Jon’s parentage is getting revealed at the end of the first episode to distabilise an already uneasy alliance.
Jon Snowed,
Naturally. “I’ll bend the knee here on this boat without telling my people. What could possibly go wrong.”
– Jon Snow aka The King Who Lost the North II
For a moment I read Robb killed someone named Will.
I have sleep deprivation too I think…
But yes there is something about a will in the books, some Mormont woman has it and she is on her way to Howland Reed I think. It’s been years since I read the books, so I don’t remember exactly.
As much as Thorne betraying Jon had been coming for a long time, Jon’s stabbing was in part a result of his inability to hold onto current allies (the NW) while making new ones (the Free Folk). It will be interesting in season eight to see how much he has learned from that as the Northerners will, no doubt, have some qualms about the new alliance Jon is returning home with.
It should be noted that the last three times the Northern army left their homeland to fight were the War of the Five Kings (against the Lannisters), the Greyjoy Rebellion (against the Greyjoys) and Robert’s Rebellion (against the Targaryens) – and Jon is bringing to Winterfell a Targaryen and a Lannister (who are essentially allied with a couple of Greyjoys).
What will save Jon in this, I think, is news that the Wall has been breached. The threat of the Night King should – temporarily – unite the living.
And then they find out whose dragon did the breaching….mmmm
The war should unite them as a matter of sheer survival.
But if there are no ramifications from the fact that The Wall only fell because Jon and Dany inadvertently conspired to hand the Night King a dragon, which now threatens the entire existence of The North (and the rest of the realm), then I will be sorely disappointed in the sophistication of this story.
I mean, are they gonna have Tormund there describing the fall of The Wall, saying, “And their entire army stopped short of The Wall. Until the Night King appeared on a dragon, melted it with its blue fire and then the entire army walked through.”
And then cut to Jon and Dany looking guilty, saying, “They were gonna get through somehow. Eventually. I guess. Look, the point is we’re f***ed now, so is there any point in assigning blame? Let’s move on. It’s yesterday’s news. Errr…”
The North is likely to be obliterated. Castles, homes, families, lives… what’s that Northern saying again? The North remembers? Hopefully the producers will remember.
I just hope the conclusion to this story is a bit more sophisticated than everybody reluctantly uniting to fight the big bad guy, they lose, they retreat, they rally, cue plot device to win the day and everybody triumphantly unites as friends at the end.
I want twists, betrayals, bitterness, sacrifices, politics, etc etc. And before anyone says it’s not too late for all that; it’s not.
It would seem that they’re dedicating two episodes to major battles. That leaves 4 episodes left for everything else. And that’s not going to be filled by Jonerys and reunions alone, despite how much some people seem to hope it will be. There has to be more to the conclusion.
Ten Bears,
Yes, in the books Robb executed a will naming Jon as his heir (Catelyn wasn’t thrilled). Some possibilities of its whereabouts: Greywater Watch, if it was entrusted to Maege Mormont or Galbart Glover, both witnesses/signatories and both sent by Robb to find Howland Reed; the Citadel, if Robb paid the captain of the Myringham, who was present, to take it there on his voyage home. I’ve also read a well-thought-out argument that Robb would’ve wanted him to take it to Wyman Manderly at White Harbor, but the captain was an Oldtowner and probably just wanted to get home after having been detained at Pyke for half a year.
Ten Bears,
Also, in a perhaps related tidbit, Lady Stoneheart has Robb’s crown. There are theories that she may end up crowning Jon KitN, or that she will play some part in that once she learns about his true heritage as atonement for her treatment of him in the past.
It looks like Emilia Clarke is done filming: https://www.instagram.com/p/BkIyu5XFCUx/?taken-by=emilia_clarke
Tearing up tbh…
She looks truly sad 🙁
Emilia is such a sweetheart. Here’s part of what she wrote under that Instagram photo (link in comment on 6/17/18, 10:31 pm by HelloThere, above):
“….thank you for the life I never dreamed I’d be able to live and the family I’ll never stop missing #💔#lastseasonitis”
That is what I call heartfelt love and gratitude.
PS As I was writing this, I just happened to check my mail and noticed that Emilia – with her big smile of course – is on the cover of the most recent issue of Vanity Fair under the subtitle “Emilia Clarke’s Solo Flight.” I imagine the article or interview inside will focus on her Star Wars movie, but like all interviews, I’m sure the subject will turn to her role as Mother of Dragons on GoT.
Ten Bears,
I think her Vanity Fair interview is the one with the quote about filming Daenerys’s final scene..
Yeah, it seems like this is the last week for those who have remained filming 🙁
Addendum to 6/18/18, 8:06 am comment above
Sure enough, Emilia Clarke’s Vanity Fair interview (conducted by the wonderful GoT fangirl Joanna Robinson) promptly references EC’s role on GoT, “the HBO juggernaut which stars Clarke as its most unstoppable heroine, Daenerys Targaryen.”
Out of fairness to those who want to read the article unspoiled, I’ll spoiler code my additional observations, though there’s nothing about GoT S8.
I’d better stop for now. I’ve only read part of one page of the five-page interview. Just skimming through it, there’s lots of other good GoT-related stuff in the interview, including glowing praise of Emilia by “her close friend Rose Leslie.” There are also a few full-page photos of EC rocking her short blonde hairdo.
Ten Bears,
Ooh I gotta catch that interview. I’m not into Star Wars and haven’t seen one since the Natalie and Hayden extravaganza lol. Whatever that one was called. But I will catch Solo when it becomes available on Redbox/cable just to see Emilia in a different role. Looking forward to seeing the newest JP this weekend. I’m a sucker for those flicks! Nothing will beat the original tho.
Yes. You’re right. And it does not elaborate at all about what she meant. There’s a trail of ellipses (“……”), and then starts with a new paragraph about actors in general being associated with their career-defining roles.
Well, Ten Bears? ::taps foot impatiently:: Aren’t you going to challenge that characterization re: who constitutes GoT’s “most unstoppable heroine”? Something about a ninja warrior princess something something?
Yeah, I gave up on Star Wars after seeing that abomination, “The Force Awakens.”
Incidentally, I am confused why Benioff and Weiss would come aboard a played-out, long past its shelf life franchise like Stars Wars… instead of helming the GoT spinoff. I thought the showrunners were (understandably) exhausted after spending ten years virtually non-stop on GoT.
Why get involved with a mega-franchise like Star Wars?
[🚂👸🏻 Derailment Warning to Che and talvikorppi]❗️
The only possible justification I can think of is that they will introduce a mysterious new Jedi Order resurrecting character – maybe the granddaughter Obi Wan Kenobi never knew he had – played by Maisie Williams.
“Some of the best light sabers have names you know.”
Droid R2F*ckU: “Of course you named your light saber.”
Heroine: “Lots of people name their light sabers.”
Droid R2F*ckU: “Lots of c*nts.”
I was going to get to that. First I was going to consider whether “most unstoppable” is even appropriate. If you’re “unstoppable”, no one can stop you. There’d be no reason to include the word “most.”
Unless…. No One can stop Dany. 👸🏻
In other words, No One can protect Dany…or the only way Dany can be stopped is if No One gets in her way.
Ten Bears,
I think they will want a massive break from the world of Westeros. Their hair has turned gray Obama-style.
But I am very surprised they are taking on another monstrous franchise.
I hadn’t even thought of that angle, and I am one of those grammar nazis whose teeth ache anytime I hear people use “very/more/most unique.” But you’re quite right. You’re either stoppable or you’re not, just as something is either one-of-a-kind or it isn’t.
Alright, how about this? Aerial dogfights (dragonfights) in S8.
• [First: Note/Question – wasn’t there some legendary battle in the backstories about the Targaryen internecine “Dance of Dragons” civil wars in which a dragon rider leaped midair onto another dragon rider and buried VS sword Dark Sister through his eye and into his skull? I thought I read something like that in the comments section here a while back…]
• Anyway, history sort of repeats itself in S8:
• During aerial battle in S8 between Dany and NK, Jon tries to mount Rhaegal to help, but when he gives the Valyrian “fly!” command, Rhaegal just whimpers, confused, and doesn’t know what to do. (Voice off-screen: “Impressive!”) Jon tries again, but Rhaegal just sits on the ground with his head cocked to one side, and doesn’t budge.
• Meanwhile, Dany and Drogon are in the air battling NK and Undead Viserion, but despite barrel rolls and other fancy maneuvers they’re fighting to a stalemate, with neither dragon able to torch the other with dragon fire or ice dragon fire. NK and Viserion are heading for populated KG, aiming to melt the city walls and allow the AotD to waltz in and start killing its inhabitants to begin their transformation into the Million Man Undead Army Regiment.
• Just when NK and Viserion are almost within dragonfire reach of the city, Dany and Drogon soar to high altitude and then from directly overhead execute a high velocity 90-degree drop straight down into NK’s blind spot. When Dany’s within a few hundred yards above NK, her concealed diminutive Ninja passenger leaps from Drogon, plummets through the air, and lands on Viserion’s back. Before NK can react, Arya’s VS dagger has done a Full MFT* on NK’s face, and he disintegrates into pixie dust. Wight Viserion transforms back into live Viserion and immediately bonds with his lovely girl rider.
Arya and Dany land their dragons in tandem, to the wild applause of the grateful citizens. (Grumpy Jon is still sitting on Rhaegal, sarcastically thanking the confused dragon for rendering him a useless spectator while the two heroines did all the work.)
The End.
* Full MFT = multiple dagger thrusts into eyes and face.
That doesn’t sound very Toruk Makto of him. 😛
That sounds very much Taruk Makto. The second to the ‘last shadow’ and THE ‘last shadow’ (ASNAWP leaping on). 😀
Reminds me of Hermione Granger’s first flying lesson, when her broom does nothing but roll over.
And this reminds me of the folktale found in many parts of the world about how the diminutive wren (in Celtic lands; I think it’s a bee-eater or hummingbird in the African version) got chosen King of All Birds: He conceals himself amidst the feathers on the eagle’s back as all the birds leap into the air to compete for which can fly the highest. The eagle is the strongest, but even he eventually tires; and when he begins to descend, the wren leaps out and flies upwards just a few more feet. “A small bird can cast a large shadow.”
Jon and Gendry are the only other Targaryen descendents (king Robert had a Targaryen grandmother) and are the only two of the fellowship north of the wall who didn’t sit on Drogon. I wonder if there is a reason for that.
Ramsay’s 20th Good Man,
That’s a good read of the situation and my hopes are your hopes! I just wonder if Jon knew what was going to happen to Viserion. He had JUST seen that animals can be turned because he fought off a wight polar bear. That had to be a clue that he’s woke to the fact that a dragon can fly over the Wall now and attack them at any point. I really think that’s why he knelt to her like he did in such an inexplicable way – because urgency!!!!
Well, it looks like they’re going to get through the filming with very few leaks of any kind and nothing very solid or major. That’s really impressive considering how much longer the window was to keep things buttoned up. The best we can really do at this point is theorize from a lot of confusing, distant pictures and try to piece together an order of (things) that could happen. I do prefer to be mostly in the dark, but I also have to admit that I like knowing some pieces. I certainly didn’t/don’t want what was essentially an outline like was available for S7.
Who is “Taruk Makto”?
That was me misspelling the second time and not noticing until that dang timer ran out. 🙁
Ten Bears,
I assumed you were pointing out the misspelling since I thought everyone saw Avatar at least once…
I have to say, I don’t think there was any particular reason that Gendry didn’t get to ride Drogon, and I don’t think there will ever be mention of Gendry’s Targ lineage on the show (did they mention it already in earlier seasons?). Jon, on the other hand… I think we all can agree they didn’t let him ride Drogon because of the inevitable “first dragon-ride” he will share with Rhaegal. That moment should be a spectacle.
They never mentioned anything about Robert’s Targaryen grandmother on the show – I think they wanted to emphasize his hatred of all things Targaryen. Or perhaps they never found an organic way to mention it.
And yes, I definitely agree about Jon and Rhaegal! I think his Targaryen heritage will be a difficult thing for him to deal with – Jon has always wanted to be a Stark – but ultimately I think Rhaegal will be safer with a rider (Daenerys’s guidance helped Drogon avoid the second spear). And maybe it will help Jon come to terms with his heritage and see that he can be both a dragon and a wolf – just like he told Theon he could be a Greyjoy and a Stark.
Clob, I share your feeling, mate. I first read the books so long ago that I don’t want to know the finality that X lived and Y died and Z is king sans the context. And yet…it’s good to have some vague idea. This year sufficient filming news allowed us to extrapolate a notion of some major plot points. Winterfell and Kings Landing damage are huge. I’m somewhat relieved HBO won, but it’s possible they were more proactive than we realise. Apparently they trolled and may have engaged in clever disinformation. With so many leaks it’s possible that the truth has been camouflaged.
I am with you guys totally, I have avoided any reports on this site which had spoilers in the header, whilst I have picked on one spoiler and picked up on a few potential minor pointers from the comments on here I have very little idea what is going to happen.
The only real challenge now is for the next few months (until the first trailer with footage drops) we really won’t have a clue about any spoilers which seemingly leak. I mean we could be fed the real thing or garbage and will have no way of knowing – I will be avoiding them and trust watchers to only report stuff they can verify but people can write in comments.
Either way it’s going to be a few weeks before we see a teaser and a few months until a proper trailer, this is the real long night now sadly.
Yeah, I saw Avatar. A long time ago. I didn’t remember that name though. Taruk Makto – or whatever my Auto Correct changes it to before I post this.
I think I glommed my aerial scenario from a History Channel documentary I saw once about a celebrated U.S. fighter pilot. His name and the exact details escape me. I remember a reconstruction of a dogfight he was in with a couple of Russian MIGs. He shot down two or three, but while he was doing that a fourth MIG with an ace pilot had maneuvered himself behind the U.S. fighter jet. The U.S. pilot couldn’t shake him. Right before the MIG was about to fire his guns, the US pilot pushed his engines full throttle and headed straight up vertically, almost blacking out from the G-force but disappearing from the MIG’s view. Then, when the U.S. pilot has soared miles above, he looped his plane over upside down and headed straight down like a lightning bolt – and wound up right on the MIG’s tail and promptly blew him out of the sky.
You had to be there. It looked cool as f*ck on TV.
I’m sure you spotted this: I ripped off the part about Rhaegal being confused and not obeying Jon’s “fly!” command, from Nymeria failing to obey Arya’s “gloves!” command in her S1e2 scene with Jon.
I don’t remember Hermione and her broomstick. To me, Emma Watson is no longer that nerdy little girl. She grew into a brilliant, beautiful young woman. (I was never a big Harry Potter fan anyway.)
Jon Snowed,
Savor the anticipation! Once S8 starts, it will be over in 5 short weeks!
I almost wish they had filmed three or four “filler” episodes – like an hour of Jorah and Beric doing nothing but sailing in circles, reciting poetry in those hypnotic voices of theirs. Or Kinvara talking in High Valyrian gibberish for a whole hour.
Ten Bears,
I’d completely forgotten the ‘gloves’ bit of business, actually – which probably indicates that it’s show-only. The movie projected inside my head by the books is much more vivid and memorable to me than anything D & D were able to put onscreen.
What!? You’d forgotten that!? Don’t worry TB, I was right on it. 🙂
“Impressive” (wry smile)
“Shut up. NyMERIA… gloves!”
It does say in the book chapter that Nymeria is helping Arya pack.
This place is pretty dead today, but I’ll throw in a comment anyway…
So, apparently Sophie Turner recently got a tatoo of the House Stark sigil that has the often-used quote “The pack survives” along with it.
For whatever reason, a lot of people are assuming this means that Sophie spoiled the ending and that all of the remaining Starks will survive.
Are people seriously that gullible? I mean, couldn’t it simply mean that the relationships between the actors will continue on even though filming for the show is over? Does everything have to be some damn conspiracy theory or potential spoiler?
Rant over, carry on 🙂
Rabble rabble!
Mr. Derp
Lonely Cat,
Well, you know that’s my theory too!!! 😂😂😂
Mr Derp,
Agreed. Some people just look for something related to the story in everything. Like with her casting date tattoo with Maisie as a reminder, it’s simply a tat that reflects a major chunk of her life. The sigil and quote is perfect. That isn’t to say that the remaining Starks won’t live, but I’m sure that’s not what it represents to her.
I like the interpretation of the quote meaning that the cast (especially the Stark kids) will always have a connection that will last long after the end of the show. And even if it does have a “double” meaning for Sophie, there’s no way we will know until credits roll on 8×06, so I don’t consider it a spoiler, or think that was its intent.
I must say though, that’s a super cool tattoo!
Baby Bear and Papa Tormund?
In Hardhome (5×8), Tormund did say Jon S was “prettier than (both) my daughters” or something. But at WF, eg 6×10, he didn’t acknowledge her, did he?
I like the idea though.
Ten Bears,
Yeah, it really comes from Tormund’s crazy stories of banging a bear 😉
Some speculate that Tormund bedded Maege Mormont, Lyanna’s mother, and this is the bear he is referring to. He also mentions this bear story to Jon in the books. It could be possible because I’m pretty sure Tormund was a scout that would regularly go over the Wall, so I guess he could’ve found Maege at one point and “took her” like Wildlings always say is the custom. All crazy speculation of course.
From what we know about Maege Mormont, it seems just as likely that she “took him”!
Hahaha well put Firannion, well put. From what we know, Maege was even feistier than her daughter 😉
Tormund: “A real warrior woman, that one. She took me and wouldn’t give me back.”
Maege: “Oh shut up you pansy, before I chop off your c*ck and feed it to the goats.”