Oz… why? Why would you put such a fantastically realistic “cat on the throne” picture at the top of a post on the great Wall of the Game of Thrones fandom?
Well, because it’s our birthday. And birthdays are synonymous with half-baked, ill-advised behaviors. Besides that, I love the cat people.
But there is also a story behind the elusive kittens on the Wall, dating back to when we were constructing this monstrosity. It involved a cruel joke and a momentary loss of sanity for some of the founders. And it was all Sue’s fault…
The days leading up to the grand opening of the new furniture store were nothing short of chaotic as the situation at the old apartment went south a hell of a lot faster than winter came to Westeros.
The founders were all working furiously writing code we didn’t understand and attempting to equip the Wall with functionality you had all grown to expect. Time of day literally held no significance. 6 a.m. ย 5 p.m. ย 2 a.m. It didn’t matter. We tested at least 30 base templates from which to start the foundation, not to mention revision after revision of logos and branding ideas.
One of those fateful nights, a man took a break to use the restroom and hang out with the Ozlings before the visions of sugarplums danced in their proverbial dances.
I left the page with a faux headline and this ominous picture of Tywin Lannister:
When I returned, this was all over your Wall…

Knee-jerk reaction: WTF??? Have we been hacked? Infiltrated? Is someone onto us? How did they find out? Ohhhh shit.
Paranoia at it’s best. But you have to admit that Watermelon Kitty is quite sinister.
And then there was little ol’ Sue, just sitting at her computer presumingly laughing her ass off.
Thus, the legend of the Kittens on the Wall was born.
More shenanigans later. Thank you all again for celebrating with us, and may there always be peace in your realm.
I love Sues pussies!
Hodor! Happy Anniversary!
Now, hear me roar!!!… Meow!
dammit i was to late!!
You want a good banner, but you need a bad pussy.
^ +1000
I love you for loving cat people
Are you sure you didn’t make this up as a palate cleanser to Puppygate?
Is that your cat on the throne Oz (the one that was like Hodor in that he or she didn’t like thunderstorms)? I have much respect for Charles Dance (Tywin Lannister) but must admit the kittens are cuter.
Watermelon kitty bears a striking resemblance to Walder Frey.
…don’t cross him.
That was amazing.
And this is why we need a like button.
Kitten poker!
We really need a rotflmao button on this site!
*Bends the knee to House Pounce.*
Happy Name Day from one of those Cat People, WotW!
I feel like now there’s a opportunity to find kittens that look like our loved characters from The World Of Ice and Fire…anybody else think the watermelon kitten looks like the Nights King (or just me) Lol
I was way ahead of Game of Thrones when it came to showing off bad pussy.
I love this. Ya’ll are just the cat’s meow!
Happy Anniversary! The kitties are cute.
Sue the Fury,
Thank you so much for that!
I absolutely love this site. I came over from the old site and it’s so wonderful to see this place flourish. I’m mostly a lurker, but I visit here daily. I just want to thank all of you who put in so much effort. Please know that it is greatly appreciated.
Since the comments are kinda random and about cute animals I have to share this.
Remember the Entertainment Weekly GoT cover editions that came out for season 5? Well I was hoping to get the Arya cover in the mail and yet I received Daenerys. Little disappointed but whatever it’s still cool. So I put it on the kitchen table for later viewing, leave the room for two minutes, and come back to find my beloved dog Sandor (yep, that’s his name) had stolen the magazine and torn the cover off. The end. ๐
Has Dolores Umbridge been influencing things?
Tommen likes this
This kitty obviously heard about it being WotW’s first name day:
Sue the Fury,
” So awesome….. so funny……..”!
Just saw this post….LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!!! The fat cat on the throne is adorable!
TKU Oz for a Monday morning pick-me-up!
Maybe that’s why Arya’s gloves were missing some fingers in that picture:
“Nymeria, gloves.”