Game of Thrones season 7 premiere date will be later than usual


David Benioff and D.B. Weiss appeared on the UFC Unfiltered podcast with Matt Serra and Jim Norton this week, discussing their work on Game of Thrones and offering a bit of news about season 7.

When asked about next season of GoT returning in April as usual, the showrunners said, “No,” and Weiss explained why that was the case.

We don’t have an air date yet but this year it’ll probably be a little bit later. We’re starting a bit later because you know, the end of this season, winter is here and that means that sunny weather doesn’t really serve our purposes anymore. So we kind of pushed everything down the line, so we could get some grim, gray weather even in the sunnier places that we shoot.

Benioff and Weiss confirmed again that there are two seasons remaining and that they still do not have a definite episode count set in place.

The showrunners discussed numerous topics with the podcast hosts, including season six’s ninth episode, “Battle of the Bastards,” and the work done by Miguel Sapochnik. Benioff and Weiss say that they wanted to convey a “sense of how random it was,” in the battle; that in the volley of arrows, “it’s just luck that one of them doesn’t plunk you in the head,” and that it may not be “the best and the bravest” who survive- it largely comes down to luck.

The subject of a Game of Thrones prequel comes up but Benioff and Weiss say that other matters have been “more pressing,” and that they “haven’t had time to think through the details of it.”

That’s fairly evasive, isn’t it? This late into GoT’s run, I’d guess that HBO has tried to discuss it with them a great deal, but they may not be ready to share any details, understandably.

They also confirm that Gendry is indeed “still rowin'” and dodge sharing spoilers on his fate.

The complete podcast:

Sue the Fury
Susan Miller, Editor in Chief of


  1. I bet it starts in mid May
    I mean they still need to finish around the same time to be qualified for the Emmys right?So I think May is a safe bet

  2. saw this coming the moment I saw pics of Kit filming his new movie in Toronto. They are going to start late this time

  3. So our watch will indeed be longer this year… 🙁
    Oh well, as long as season 7 is great, no complaints. I like that they don’t seem to hate the possibility of a prequel… Fingers crossed for Robert’s Rebellion!

  4. Jenny:
    I bet it starts in mid May
    I mean they still need to finish around the same time to be qualified for the Emmys right?So I think May is a safe bet

    Yes. May 7 is the last sunday for the premiere if they want to be qualified for Emmys 2017. Otherwise S7 would be nominated for Emmy 2018 and S8 for Emmy 2019.

  5. trarecar,

    Well, honestly, he was incredibly lucky, like unrealistically lucky. I guess this particular luck can be attributed to R’hllor.

  6. I hate the idea of a Robert’s Rebellion prequel, any prequel (or spinoff for that matter) that is too much connected to the main story (the complain that we know how it ends is far more minor) is destined to fail (narratively; anything GoT will make money).

    Something like Dunk&Egg (far in the past and only tangentially related would be good.

  7. Nooooooo!!!

    Just this past week and a half has been brutal, now I’m gonna have to wait longer than 10 months?? *weeps*

    So, I guess they probably won’t be eligible for the 2017 Emmys.

  8. Also, I have a feeling that Gendry might be making a return next season.

    Well, I hope so at least.

  9. Ugh. Waiting 10 months for the next season is bad enough… waiting an additional couple/few months is going to be even MORE annoying!! Grrrr. Arrrrgh. Sigh.

  10. What could Gendry’s role be, though? Could he somehow become important to the main story? I would love the actor to come back, but not just to get killed off, please.

  11. I think we will have a clearer picture by the time they start filming.If they start late August early September they can still make a May air date.I suppose 7 episodes would take less to film than ten

  12. The wait for some S7 news will continue for some time, it looks like 🙁 . They will start filming in September, according to Sophie Turner. That’s still two months away!

  13. (Feeling rage burning through my body….) ARRGH! The wait will take forever!

  14. trarecar:
    Dang, I was hoping that the arrows that fell all around Jon was from R’hllor.

    Rhaenys Stark:

    Well, honestly, he was incredibly lucky, like unrealistically lucky.I guess this particular luck can be attributed to R’hllor.

    Yeah, I still attribute all of Jon’s near misses in the battle to R’hllor. There is no way the Lord of Light brought him back just so he could die at the hands of a random Bolton soldier. That was more than plot armor or luck at work.

  15. Rhaenys Stark,

    The only theory I have seen regarding Gendry is that he will be instrumental in forging VS swords with the help of Dany’s dragons, once somebody finds out the secret to forging them.

  16. I think any prequel would struggle because you wouldn’t have a cohesive story from week to week, season to season like we do now. It would all be scattered and such and Robert’s Rebellion would be the worst of the bunch.

  17. …we could get some grim, gray weather even in the sunnier places that we shoot.

    I like the reasoning and don’t mind the wait (my super power is patience though). Sounds like they really want to get the winter atmosphere right.

    Gendry present day

  18. Brandon,

    Not to mention, we’re already seeing some of it via flashbacks (e.g. Tower of Joy and death of the Mad King in S6, possibly Rhaegar in S7). And we’ve met older versions of the key characters (well, the ones who lived). So it would be challenging to do Robert’s Rebellion without it seeming like treading old ground again. Maybe if they waited 20 years. In the shorter term, I would love to see the arrival of Aegon the Conqueror or Dance of the Dragons or something else with dragons, but dragons are expensive so we’re most likely to get Dunk & Egg.

    As for the longer wait – I feel a lot less bothered than last year, to be honest. S6 ended in a good spot, not a cliffhanger, so it’s less painful. It was the way that S5 ended which made it so excruciating, having to wait 10 months to see what happens in the next 5 minutes.

  19. Tywin of the Hill,

    Dany’s armada will run into his rowboat on the way to Westeros, and he will be enlisted as the new royal bedwarmer now that Daario has been left behind.

    GRRM confirmed at Balticon that Arya would meet Gendry again in the books, for what it’s worth, though who knows whether whatever he does in the books will be deemed worthy of inclusion? Alternatively, D&D could invent their own conclusion for him.

    Since we last saw Gendry being advised by Davos to go to KL, I will say that, if KL is indeed going to end up completely destroyed by Cersei using wildfire at some point in the future, I would appreciate them showing us whether Gendry was meant to have survived or not. Doesn’t have to be big, but since he was a reasonably significant character in Seasons 2 and 3, it would be nice to get at least that much.

  20. Shame, but I was expecting similar news to this so it isn’t particularly a surprise.

  21. Well, that’s a reason I can definitely accept. It seriously needs to look like winter in season 7, since that’s what has been promised for 6 seasons.

  22. The extra couple weeks might allow GRRM to get his book out, lol.

    Seriously though…how messed up will it be to read his version of the recent show events and then leap frog past in some stories again?

  23. Bob Warren,

    What if the show is more of a “stories of Westeros?” Kinda like Arabian Nights where each ep is a one off story or legend?

  24. My estimate for the beginning of season 7 filming is either August 29 or September 5.

    Also the Emmy deadline is May 31. It’s always been that way, and I would be surprised if they just randomly decided to change it.

  25. I would like to see it on screen, but a TV series on Roberts rebellion would not be that great. We knows most of the main characters involved, we know how it all plays out in good detail, and it would be a very short series.

    I could get behind a Roberts Rebellion mini-series maybe to quench our GOT thirsts while they produce a real prequel series.

    I think for it to be really successful, they would have to go all the way back to the days of the First Men, the Age of Heroes, th Long Night, or center it around the Andal invasion.

    Most of those histories are murky at best and mostly mythological. We know so very littlw about it and avout the people involved, they would have a relatively clean slate to give us an interesting story with compelling characters, who we honestly have no idea about their eventual fates.

    I would say you could do something around the Valyrian empires rise and eventual fall, but man, that would be expensive and a bit Pompeii-ish towards the end.

  26. Sean C.,

    In the books though all she has to do is go to the Inn at the Crossroads where he’s working as a smith. Brienne already ran into him there.
  27. clouddragon:
    My estimate for the beginning of season 7 filming is either August 29 or September 5.

    Also the Emmy deadline is May 31. It’s always been that way, and I would be surprised if they just randomly decided to change it.

    I agree with you!
    Kit filming his new movie in Montreal, and others cast members (like Emilia, Peter, etc, etc..) with new projects… September (I think)

  28. Bittersweet news. I’m always crazy busy in April but almost completely free May, June, and July, so I won’t mind if the push is just a few weeks. They start filming in the beginning of September, right? Is the usual time July?

  29. Delaying and messing with typical season schedules is just one of the reasons network television programs have suffered over the last several years. Viewers lose interest and excitement when there are larger than usual gaps between new episodes, especially those long hiatuses right in the middle of seasons. There are incidents of popular and critically praised programs suddenly losing numbers and cancelled after unexpected breaks. It sucks!

    Having written that, this is GoT and it won’t really matter since they’ll complete it regardless, but it’s still maddening. First they reduce the next season in number of episodes and then on top of it there is a longer wait. *pout face* None of it will matter the day of the S7 premiere but as of right now it’s not a happy thing.

  30. Ginevra:
    Is the usual time July?

    Filming for Season 6 began in late July and ran through December 17th. So if they are beginning in September, that’s a pushback of a bit more than a month, though you can subtract three episodes’ worth of material from the filming schedule.

    In some respects, given the probable increase in scope of some scenes, filming this year may be more difficult, though you could also speculate that having fewer overall plotlines will make some things easier as well. If they’re aiming to qualify for next year’s Emmys, I would expect them to frontload the VFX-heavy filming to do the post-production people as much time as possible to work on that.

  31. caliopesnow: I agree with you!
    Kit filming his new movie in Montreal, and others cast members (like Emilia, Peter,etc, etc..) with new projects… September (I think)

    I wonder how crazy HBO is about going with that. They’ve always attempted to schedule their main dramas so they don’t overlap. I suppose they can flip The Leftovers final season to Spring. Then they’d just have to line GoT up with Westworld in the Fall if that show does well and earns a second season.

    If they were to run S7 very late in the year that could mean they’d be filming S8 while it airs… possible conflicts with red carpet premieres and cast promotions… Maybe TWoW will actually be released before the series finale. 😛

  32. I’d be fine with a delay to even as long as September if that meant that episodes 1-7 would air in the fall and the final 6 episodes would air in the spring of 2018. The idea of 7 episodes airing from May to June of 2017 and then waiting nearly a full year for the final 6 episodes is horrible.

  33. They are going to do a ‘Dunk And Egg’ series after GOT is finished. It would be sort of like ‘Sherlock’, where each season is only 3 or 4 episodes. Perhaps GRRM would even finish the tales by writing them for TV?

    As for the later start to s7, that is to be expected. I just hope the episodes are longer next season. I guess this means we won’t get any leaked casting notices until August too.

  34. September ? Late . but ok. I remember season 6 started in july.

    But since we will have like 7 episodes. I think its ok. But i at least hope that every episode in season 7 will have at least 58 minutes for more.

  35. Benioff and Weiss say that they wanted to convey a “sense of how random it was,” in the battle; that in the volley of arrows, “it’s just luck that one of them doesn’t plunk you in the head,” and that it may not be “the best and the bravest” who survive- it largely comes down to luck.

    ..And here I was thinking that the gods are looking out for Jon Snow because the first volley missed him, the second volley hit only his horse, and then the stampeding cavalry failed to crush him: astronomical odds.

  36. The only thing that bums me out about this is that there’s such a gap between now and filming that we’re going to be living off of spoiler crumbs for a few months.

    I know it’s an unpopular opinion but just push it all out until winter 2018 and show the remaining 13 episodes then.

    I can’t imagine that they will debut by May 7th, which is only ~2 weeks later than the premiere this year and barely worth mentioning if that were the case. If they skip the Emmys consideration one year, that means they get another year on the backend so same difference.

  37. Off topic. I can’t wait for Sansa and Tyrion to meet again! ah, stuff dreams are made of.

  38. Tywin of the Hill,

    That’s a good call… There aren’t any ‘good’ or ‘neutral’ guys left in the city to witness it from that perspective and react to the invasion!

  39. BunBunStark,

    No, there is no to change to not be eligible. The deadline for all the series is they have to premiere the 1st episode of the season before May 31st.

  40. Rhaenys Stark,

    If Gendry returned, here’s how I would possibly do it:

    The Lannisters have their hands full dealing with the Tyrells and Dornish in rebellion.

    The Stormlands remain neutral and are a secondary concern for the Lannisters at this point in time.

    Jon Snow wants to rally support for the oncoming war against the White Walkers but doesn’t want to get bogged down in a war in the south against the Lannisters.

    But he also knows that as long as the Lannisters rule they will be unable to rally the rest of the Kingdoms.

    Davos suggests that he knows how to unite the Stormlands, who could join the other Kingdoms in rebellion against the Lannisters.

    Ser Davos was Stannis’s Hand of the King and is a landed knight based in the Stormlands, so the Storm Lords know him well.

    If the King in the North, Ned Stark’s son, also backed Gendry’s claim and pledged to ally with them against the Lannisters, who killed Robert and humiliated the Stormlands with the deception over Joffrey/Myrcella/Tommen’s parentage, then they might accept Gendry as Robert’s heir.

    So Davos heads south to try and find Gendry.

    He finds him, but perhaps Daenerys turns up before they have a chance to rally the Stormlands, so he heads back North with Davos.

    Or perhaps while searching for Gendry, Davos encounters Daenerys’ forces and does his Jedi mind tricks to convince her that there is a deadly threat to the Seven Kingdoms in the North.

    Alternatively, Gendry and Arya could encounter each other if she heads to King’s Landing seeking to cross Cersei and the Mountain’s names off her list.

  41. monbrielle:
    saw this coming the moment I saw pics of Kit filming his new movie in Toronto. They are going to start late this time

    Thought the same thing too! Knew he was going to start filming movie the day after Dr. Faustus ended! And he is still filming until the end of September, some in October, and a few days in New York around Thanksgiving! So when is he going to start filming GoT season 7? Will be interesting?!

  42. Ramsay’s 20th Good Man,

    Jon Snow wants to rally support for the oncoming war against the White Walkers but doesn’t want to get bogged down in a war in the south against the Lannisters.

    That might be another point of contention between Jon and Sansa/Littlefinger. They’re still thinking small potatoes while Jon wants to fry big fish.

    It’s sort of accepted that when people see the Walkers, they’ll all be united and on-board with fighting them. It occurs to me that some people might want to use the Walkers to take out their enemies, so they can be king of the ashes. Cersai comes to mind, also Littlefinger. That’s if they survive that long.

  43. monbrielle: saw this coming the moment I saw pics of Kit filming his new movie in Toronto.

    And Emilia Clarke is filming her new movie (Above Suspicion/Blood Mountain) in Kentucky at the moment. I am sure the plans to film GOT later this year factored into those two taking on their current projects.

    Off topic.I can’t wait for Sansa and Tyrion to meet again! ah, stuff dreams are made of.

    I can’t wait for Cersei and Tyrion to meet again, much, much more! 😉

  44. Just saw this post and laughed at the picture – are we sure thats not a photo of fans rioting because of this news?

  45. The wait is going to be torturous!
    They could have given us an extra episode this year since the remaining seasons are going to be shorter and we will be waiting longer for season seven to roll around.

    Season six could have started a bit later to allow the extra production time needed and also get the viewer used to a later premier date of season seven.
    This would have made some difference as they ended up packing so many storylines in to the ten episodes.
    Some these storylines deserved much greater emphasis as much as the opportunity to see certain actors whom we saw too little of.

  46. Also off topic. Just chilling here listening to, ‘light of seven’, and really…. is there really any doubt with the catholic connotations after this..?

  47. Sean C.: Filming for Season6 began in late July and ran through December 17th. So if they are beginning in September, that’s a pushback of a bit more than a month, though you can subtract three episodes’ worth of material from the filming schedule.

    To qualify for Emmy contention next year, if I’m reading these Emmy rules right, they’d need to have six episodes on or before May 31, 2017. Assuming they keep the Sunday night slot, that would mean a premiere date of April 23, 2017, at the latest. This year’s eligibility period is June 1, 2015 – May 31, 2016, and they say:

    A minimum of six episodes must air within the current eligibility year in order to qualify as a series.

    Since that wouldn’t be a later air date at all but actually one day earlier than this year, does that mean we skip a year in Emmy contention? If so, my bet is that the wait will be until after Memorial Day.

  48. Interesting that it is still unknown how many season 7 episodes.
    You know HBO has variable time slots , no need for 7 episodes to be 1 hour long, longer would work, definitely not shorter.

  49. Ron Snow:
    I think for it to be really successful, they would have to go all the way back to the days of the First Men, the Age of Heroes, th Long Night, or center it around the Andal invasion.

    Most of those histories are murky at best and mostly mythological. We know so very littlw about it and avout the people involved, they would have a relatively clean slate to give us an interesting story with compelling characters, who we honestly have no idea about their eventual fates.

    Well said. Couldn’t agree more. I never liked the RR idea.

  50. Aguero:
    September ? Late . but ok. I remember season 6 started in july.

    But since we will have like 7 episodes. I think its ok. But i at least hope that every episode in season 7 will have at least 58 minutes for more.

    the episodes can’t be too long because the whole point of doing less episodes is to cut down on the production time needed to incorporate all of the visual effects that are going to be necessary for the battles and dragons and white walkers Etc.

    I would be happy with six 55 minute episodes and the finale being and hour and a half. That is still 3 full length feature films that they are going to be producing in the span of seven or eight months. With Hollywood level effects in production. That is a lot to do.

  51. Tycho Nestoris:
    Bob Warren,

    What if the show is more of a “stories of Westeros?” Kinda like Arabian Nights where each ep is a one off story or legend?

    It occurred to me that the crater of the Sept of Baelor could become the site of a shrine and a future destination for pilgrimages, if the faithful regard St. High Sparrow as a martyr. Then we could have a series that’s like the Westerosi version of the Canterbury Tales, with each member of a troupe of pilgrims relating a different story for each episode. Some could be heroic, some comic, some morality tales.

  52. We should watch Joe Dempsie from September on. What’s he doing right now?
    (besides rowing)
    Seriously though the actor would be smart to really build up his arms and shoulders while he’s waiting. A private joke we’d all enjoy. 🙂

    Anon: ..And here I was thinking that the gods are looking out for Jon Snow because the first volley missed him, the second volley hit only his horse, and then the stampeding cavalry failed to crush him: astronomical odds.

    In my reality it was a lot more than luck and Jon just always gets the short end of the stick in all the promotion “Naive” “Not listening to Sansa” “Sexist” “Lucky”
    Sometimes I think they don’t even watch the show 😉
    White Wolf! King in the North!

  53. Rhaenys Stark,

    Well, honestly, he was incredibly lucky, like unrealistically lucky.

    Not really. That happened all the time in real life large scale war battles. There were US Marines who made several beach landings under heavy fire in the Pacific in WWII but never got a scratch on them.

  54. I figured that would be the case ever since Iain let it slip that filming was later. Not really a big deal, it’s always over too soon!

  55. Has there been any word on whether the scripts are written? Maybe if book 6 is close enough there could be time to incorporate some material?

  56. LordDavos,

    At this point in the production, the scripts would need to be substantially completed. The production needs to know what to prepare for.

    It doesn’t sound, from their interviews, like D&D have been looking at much or anything in the way of unpublished material. Though given the pace of advancement of many plots in Season 6 and other changes made, I suspect most of what GRRM has written would not be of much use anyway.

  57. I don’t think Kit’s filming schedule will give any real hints about the production’s restart. I have a feeling he isn’t going to have a lot of screen time next season. Next season will probably be mostly King’s Landing/Cersei and Dany/Euron with some Citadel and Arya/Hound/BWOB thrown in.

    Season 8 will be All North, All the Time.

    It’s only a few extra weeks we’re talking about here. If they manage to come up with a level of quality even close to the last 2 episodes, it’ll be well worth the wait.

  58. pdamico,

    I still think that Jon will have a good amount of screentime in Season 7. With the potential exception of Dany’s armada, the North is now home to the highest concentration of major characters left in the story, and as the newly crowned King in the North, Jon is right at the heart of it. Furthermore, Littlefinger isn’t going to be idle – whatever conflict he tries to stir up between Jon and Sansa probably needs to come to a head before the White Walkers invade.

    (That being said, while I think his downfall will ultimately come at Sansa’s hands, I’ve always liked the idea of Baelish – perhaps the most purely political creature in the entire story – being forced to confront the prospect of an entirely supernatural entity that all of his schemes have yet to account for).

    Otherwise, I agree with your assessment about how the screentime will likely be distributed. I think the big climax of Season 7 will be the fall of Cersei (and likely Euron), and the effective destruction of the Iron Throne as a seat of political power. Dany wins her crown, but at a greater cost than she might have anticipated. By Season 8, I’d be surprised if we were spending time on anything but the North and the War for the Dawn – unless the White Walkers’ initial assault pushes them so far back that the final battle takes place in the south.

  59. Sean C.,

    I’d hope there could be one or two developments from the nearly completed book that could be worked in. Though maybe it isn’t practical. Even to get some good GRRM lines in would be great.

  60. Wow, this is amazing news. That last paragraph hits hard about any plans for a new GoT series prequel…

    Notice how D&D didn’t just say “no”, to the prequel question?

    Everyone knows it be basically the biggest criminal act in TV entertainment history if HBO doesn’t do some kind of prequel or spinoff. I would love for D&D to play some kind of oversite role in this but I totally understand if they are burnt out after this currant GoT ends.

    However, I watch them state all the time over and over again about how this is their dream job and how HBO and the producting crew they have in place is the most amazing thing ever assembled in the history of television.

    It be a shame if D&D disassemble it.

    They are doing what they love and employing thousands of cast and crew all the while carving a place for themselves in TV history that may never be repeated.

    So what’s the problem D&D?

    Bring us Robert’s Rebellion!

    The only thing that sucks about that is the lack of fantasy elements…. No dragons or doer wolfs or beyond the wall.

    They would need to incorporate some kind of wildling character so we can get fantasy elements like Wargs, maybe some Others and things like that.

    So Robert’s Rebellion plus some wildling character to sprinkle in the fantasy stuff. Plus it be cool to see things from a wildlings PoV.

    Anywho now I’m just babbling but cool article and it’s find they wait for winter weather =]

  61. pdamico,

    Kit will have filmed at least 2 months for his new movie, before GOT even starts shooting. We do not even know if the filming will start in the beginning, middle one end of September. Besides, I read a quote by the director of his movie who said his actors will be flying in and out of the sets during the filming weeks in September and October. So he should be able to juggle the two shoots for a couple of months. Other actors have managed this before.
    So I doubt this means lesser scree time. Besides, if Sophie is filming in September, it will most likely be with Kit.
    Apparently even Emilia is filming right now, even though I don’t know her filming schedule.

  62. If we ever see Gendry again, the likely place we’ll see him is near Riverrun with Hot Pie.

    The only way that they will get relevant again is if they meet Arya, Melisandre or BwB.

  63. RG:

    In my reality it was a lot more than luck and Jon just always gets the short end of the stick in all the promotion “Naive” “Not listening to Sansa” “Sexist” “Lucky”
    Sometimes I think they don’t even watch the show ?
    White Wolf! King in the North!

    It’s one thing I am anxious about, how they handle Jon in S7. I am so done with the “Jon is so naive” narrative.

  64. We know the outcome of Robert’s Rebellion but in a way that frees them up to do it in a different way. It wouldn’t need to be about the constant battle for the throne as a theme. You could, for instance, focus on people caught up in the war rather than just be about the key characters.
    It would really be a way to dig into this world, more like the early seasons of GoT.
    Dunk and Egg would be good but getting the right tone would be difficult. It would come off a bit lightweight after GoT.

  65. I think Jon Snow will find out who his real father is on Father’s Day Sunday June 18th 2017…

    I’d be surprised if season 7 starts sooner than Sunday May 28th 2017

  66. No way is HBO going to air it’s most popular show in the history of the network during the summer. D&D’s comments are code for season 7 won’t air until sometime in September/October 2017.

    I think once the filming schedule was determined to require more “winter” looking shots, HBO knew they would never be able to air before late May which means a June/July airing if they were to follow the same production schedule.

    HBO does not air any original 1st run dramas in the summer. I realize True Blood did air during the summer but that was during the time HBO had several quality dramas in it’s lineup and had the fall, winter and spring fully stocked. Not anymore.

    No way they burn off a single episode of GOT during the empty wasteland of the summer TV viewing season. See you next September folks!

  67. pdamico,

    Nah the north will have plenty of screentime.It’s one of the big three storylines next season.Plenty of shit needs to happen before the Wall falls.Kit’s movie has nothing to do with it.When filming starts he will be mostly done with it.It’s isn’t the first time he has done a movie right before filming for GoT starts.Plus Emilia is in the same boat as him.

  68. Firannion: It occurred to me that the crater of the Sept of Baelor could become the site of a shrine and a future destination for pilgrimages, if the faithful regard St. High Sparrow as a martyr. Then we could have a series that’s like the Westerosi version of the Canterbury Tales, with each member of a troupe of pilgrims relating a different story for each episode. Some could be heroic, some comic, some morality tales.

    Include some mythical monsters and other fantasy stuff, and we have ourselves a new Hyperion! Now I want to see this.

  69. I bet they start filming September in Ireland and get to sunnier locations in the winter. They only have 7 episodes this year, so they can start a but later without delaying the show dramatically. I think the show will start early-to-mid May.

    Interesting answer to the prequel question. Maybe it’s possible?

  70. They need atleast 6 episodes to air before show becomes eligible for Emmys 2017 so the last day for it to premiere will be 23rd April which I dont see happening now but if they decide to completely skip those emmys, it will premiere after June. I am guessing that they will be premiere in July next year

  71. Talk of spin off is interesting since one can remember when mention of spin off was verboten around D&D.

  72. Chump Force 1,

    D&D’s comments are code for season 7 won’t air until sometime in September/October 2017.

    They said the season would start a ‘little bit’ later so not sure where you’re coming up with that being code for five or six months. If they start filming a month or so later than usual and only do seven episodes then they should still be right on track to premier on May 14 and have the season end the last weekend of June.

  73. I’m not surprised that it will be later, but wondering about the Emmy’s. I like the idea that they want it to be filmed with winter, alot more realistic, but I feel bad for the actor’s…cold…brrrhhhh. Well, how many times will I have to watch all the seasons over to appease myself?…lol.
    I hope they don’t do a prequel. I’m not a fan of prequel’s. I’d rather we get longer seasons with more “flashbacks” from Bran and the Weirwood trees. Oh well, it will be what it will be. Season 8 should be worth the wait.
    Off to weep uncontrollably now:(

  74. Rhaenys Stark:

    Well, honestly, he was incredibly lucky, like unrealistically lucky.I guess this particular luck can be attributed to R’hllor.

    He was no luckier than thousands of poor guys on the Normany beaches or the fields of the Somme who saw their friends being blown to pieces and yet they made it through intact. Survival itself can be one of the horrors of war.

  75. It was expected given what we know..
    They can start 3 weeks later than the date of this season premiere and end when the finale ended

    . we could get some grim, gray weather even in the sunnier places that we shoot.

    This means vfx scenes of dany on top of dragons and dragons will be top notch like the last two episodes..
    Because its lot order to do that in sunny weather than gaht of grey murkier weather..

  76. Yeah the idea of waiting for longer is naturally annoying but this makes a fair bit of sense

  77. Of all the outlets D & D could choose to do an interview, Jim Norton and Matt Serra seem like an odd choice. Is this the same Jim Norton from the Opie and Anthony show?

  78. Lord of Coffee,

    Read the rest of my comments. HBO is not going to air GOT in June/July they will wait until fall.

    For those handwringing about missing the Emmys next year, big deal. Mad Men and Breaking Bad did it and they were just fine.

  79. Just watched the ’18 Hours at the Paint Hall’ mini doc and I recommend it if you haven’t seen it yet. Interesting that they added a third filming unit toward the end of season six to keep on schedule. Maybe they will keep three going forward which will cut down on the amount of time needed for each episode.

    Side note – Kind of ironic that the ‘wolf’ unit was filming a Meereen scene while the ‘dragon’ unit was filming a Kings Landing scene.

    Second side note – Man, Emilia Clarke really is one of those super-perky people isn’t she? I suppose if you’re on a film crew a perky actress is better to have around than a moody, sullen one but, still, that kind of over the top perkiness would wear me out if I had to spend long days around them.

  80. Lord of Coffee,

    I don’t want to sound like I’m bashing anyone, but, yeah, I agree. I came away from that doc with the thought that I’d much rather spend time hanging around Lena and Peter than Emilia. She’s just…too much. Not quite Anne Hathaway-level, but close enough.

  81. RBloodworth,

    I wasn’t bashing her either and hope it didn’t come across that way. I think she does a very good job playing Daenerys and seeing how different her real life personality is from how she portrays Dany just adds credence to that.

  82. Rhaenys Stark,

    Yea that would be nice but I have a feeling that when people meet Arya again they wont recognize her and it will be heartbreaking. Gendry wont see her the same way and it will be sad for her.. or she just wont care at all which would be heartbreaking as well

  83. How do they not know how many episodes are left?

    Even if all the season 7 scripts aren’t done yet, I would think just for initial storyboarding and plotting purposes they would need to know how much time they’ve got.

  84. I don’t think I buy the reasoning. They’ve succeeded in making their locations look dark and dreary already. I don’t think such a large production would be completely rescheduled just for that.

    Also, I hope they bring Gendry back asap so that we can stop hearing the same joke about how he’s still rowing.

  85. Fez,
    D&D know. They’ve known since at least over a year. They’ve been talking about it for at least that long. Privately I’m sure it’s been much (i.e. Years) longer. Right now they’re just working out the logistics with HBO.

    Maybe someone will ask these questions at SDCC but more likely we’ok get the same questions we get every year, you know the ones…”if you could play any other character who would it be” or “who would like to work with most that you haven’t yet”, blah, blah.

  86. Considering the last two seasons are expected to be mammoth in scope and budget, and will take as long to film as ten episode seasons, filming won’t finish till February or March 2017; therefore I predict season 7 will premiere in Oct or Nov of next year, perfect for the Winter has Come.

  87. Chump Force 1,

    Breaking Bad yes, Mad Men no. BB did not air during Emmy eligibility in 2011. MM always made eligibility.

    If we’re to compare other HBO shows, The Sopranos missed the Emmy deadline twice due to taking a few years off, while Boardwalk Empire always qualified.

    And yes, to the people up thread: GoT would have to air six episodes before May 31 2017 to qualify for the 2017 Emmys.

    HBO is going to push Westworld regardless, but if GoT skips next year, Westworld will be their only Emmy drama shot, unless The Deuce takes the GoT spring slot. But that would mean pushing GoT to fall which would mean pushing Westworld s2 to winter and… that’s a lot of shuffling, especially when they’re trying to establish new shows.

  88. Chump Force 1,

    Read the rest of my comments. HBO is not going to air GOT in June/July they will wait until fall

    You should try re-reading my comment. I said nothing about airing in July. I clearly said that if they really are doing just seven episodes next season the season could start on May 14 and end the last weekend of June just like this season did.

  89. I must say I’m growing more disappointed with GoT, and, thereby, less interested in it. It’s becoming boringly predictable and more reliant on wonderfully done, but meaningless, CGI to keep people interested. Even the reveal that Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Jon Snow’s parents was boring as just about everyone already thought R+L=J. The plot holes, ridiculous time travel, underwhelming character development, and badly adapted storylines has taken a huge toll on this story and Season 7 will be the first season I won’t be tuning into.

  90. They should’ve thought outside the box (and the hemisphere) – we’ve got lots of winter in our part of the world right now, no need to wait 🙂

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