Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 6 “Blood of My Blood” Video Roundup

Welcome to another week of a collection of videos recapping and reflecting on Game of Thrones! I want to give a quick shoutout to the people I met at Balticon this past weekend, from the kind folks at History of Westeros and Radio Westeros, to our friend BryndenBFish and Hannah of Game of Owns (apologies to any who I am forgetting).

Onwards and upwards, etc., etc.!

It’s no secret that I like the Cenk solo reviews so this is going to lead this week. You just can’t beat the cell phone footage and the Turkish cursing as sound effects for swordplay/pwnage.

[Ozzy] Man with a plan!

Crack team of Ben, Jon, Cenk and Matt at What the Flick?! I read your comments about Ana coming on to guest host I agree!

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Kenneth of House Axechucker, First of his Name is finally on a HappyCool this season!

Aziz was super pumped about the Damphair chapter that GRRM read at Balticon and the excitement continues with appropriate headgear. He says a Balticon-y video will be dropping soon, so check that out, as I’m guessing the surprise chapter will be discussed with relish.

Gay of Thrones


Dem Thrones


GoT Academy



Thanks again to all the wonderful people I met at Balticon, both for being great and surviving me for three days. I’m glad our fandom has such quality individuals and content creators in it! If you are like me and attending Awesomecon this weekend, I hope you have a fantastic time!


  1. I can’t even with AfterBuzz anymore…

    Ozzy was HILARIOUS this week and, as (almost) always (there was that one time he actually understood a character beat), had one of the worst analysis of the actual show (oh, I know, his fans adore him like he’s the Bernie Sanders of GOT).

    PostShowRecaps was really good but their weekly reactions, especially the Book Club, is usually even better (just podcasts, though, not video). What I really like about PSR is that almost everyone they have on has read the books, so they approach it from both show and book perspective but don’t get too bogged down in the superiority of one over the other (but the books are a thousand million trillion times better, it is known).

    And my usual favorite, History of Westeros Podcast, which did like EIGHT HOURS of analysis last week, was a fun listen/viewing again this week, even when they got into an argument about what the playwright said… alright, that was not their best moment ever but it’s easily fast forwarded through. 😉

  2. Dee,

    Great interview, wonder what Meera’s role is in the endgame….maybe her and Bran will go to Howland? I think there is a parallel between her and Bran and Howland and Ned….

  3. Didn’t get to watch anything this week, to much work.

    How was What the Flick? Worth watching it?

  4. Dee,

    Thanks for that; a few days ago someone wondered about interviews with her; glad there’s at least that one. Well done – I love that she has read the books and knows about the lore, and sees how its being shaped in the show. Also loved how she described the time travel in the show as ‘Inception level’! Ok, Im so ready to see that.

  5. Mihnea,

    Not terrific. Cenk hated on the episode, of course. John and Matt continued to fail as book readers when they once again made no effort to clear up the ceaseless failure to understand the difference between Wights and White Walkers that Cenk and Ben are afflicted with.

    There was some very odd speculation about Tommen volunteering to be the Faith’s champion against the Mountain. Some bashing of Sam’s relevance to the story. Some weird debating of whether the Faceless Men are “good guys” or not and whether Arya putting out the candle means she is planning to fight the Waif in the dark.

    Some usual complaining about no Varys, Littlefinger, Tyrion or Jon.
    Some complaining about no action in KL.
    Some complaining about Dany’s scene.

    Really not great.

  6. Dee,

    I don’t mind constructive, fair and intelligent criticism, but most reviewers have such a poor understanding of the narrative that they have trouble making any reasonable criticism.
    99,9% of their complaints are nonsensical and reflect a lack of understanding of the character arcs and plot.

    Sourcefed’s review was a catastrophe this week if you ask me, and a perfect example of not understanding the show leading to poorly thought out complaints.

  7. Dee,

    Yes that is one way of looking at it. It was still the top watched tv program that night. It even beat out Network TV programs

  8. Markus Stark,

    Agreed. I don’t mind criticism, last weeks What the flick had quite a bit but it was a good discussion. Even if I didn’t agree with them.

    But I really don’t have the patience, willingness and hell even free time to watch 50 minutes of complaining. I can use that time doing something productive instead…

  9. Mihnea,

    Haven’t checked it out yet ! The only other I watched this week was Sourcefed, and I thought it was terrible sadly.

  10. Mihnea: How was What the Flick? Worth watching it?

    WTF is always worth watching, even when I don’t agree with them. 😉 They are not whiny, or incessantly repetitive, and have more than one voice/interpretations and sometimes outlandish predictions (Tommen in this one :D). If you have time, watch it! AfterBuzz was OK, the usual. Those are the only two I’ve watched, and I now watch those before even reading most of the stuff over here in posts. I think the general feeling was that this was more of a set-up episode, a quieter one, touching on the “suburbs” of the story, as someone in WTF put it at the end.

  11. Kay,


    WTF is by far my favourite, it is like this since that moment in S5 were Cenk realized R+L=J right in that moment, I’ll see how I have time but I think I’ll put them at the top of my list.
    I also watch Afterbuzz but only started this season, it’s good but it didn’t really ”click” with me as of yet.

    Now only to find the time……

  12. Kay,

    I think the set-up episode thing was a crock as there were great reveals with major consequences like Benjen, Arya and then Tommen going over to the HS for a start.

  13. I am not entertained or impressed with anything except Gay of Thrones and Ozzy Man this week. Which is pretty much how the reviewers felt about the episode. Good, there how does that feel reviewers? I am shaking my head at how reviewers and fans are dissing the episode. Is there never enough? For 5 episodes we have had shock and awe, huge mind exploding moments and scenes and the first episode someone doesn’t die, doesn’t show nudity or tear your face off with grief, you are all….cry me a river.

    It seems the biggest whining came because…oh hell, that’s right people every single week “where is Drogon?” “okay, Drogon is gonna come and save Dany and burn the shit down”. “Where are my dragons”. So…finally you GET a huge assed dragon, totally impressive, totally intimidating and what do we have? *yawn* *crickets* “put it in the wrong place, boring Dany speech (that was all of six lines long..yeah totally a snooze fest)* Because, oh right, you are supposed to blow your million dollar investment which would be totally ruined before Hodor, holds the door.

    I think people are spoiled and self entitled. “I deserve more, we deserve more” Where is any level of “we are just so damned lucky to have this show at all, even for the episodes that don’t send us running from the room for tissue.”

    That’s okay, I know how well this post is going to go over. I’ll show myself out.

  14. JCDavis,

    People have a right to their opinion. Just like you have a right to complain about complainers. It’s been like that since the beginning, it is something we all should have learned to tune out by now.

  15. Mister Chris’ (unsullied) video reviews are interesting for the way he gets involved. Redbeard’s are quite good too – he also had quite an interesting video on whether ‘real men’ should show emotion [following the death of Hodor].

  16. Danny,

    And who said anything about their right,just because they have a right to an opinion doesn’t mean they are above criticism for that said opinion,what is with people who are afraid that their opinion can’t be criticised,are you living in your own safe space ? As far as i know nobody said thse guys should shut up, just that their opinion is wrong,this saying that an opinion can’t be wrong was invented by the 21st century millenials who can’t handle the fact that they may not be as smart as they think they are .

  17. Markus Stark:

    I don’t mind constructive, fair and intelligent criticism, but most reviewers have such a poor understanding of the narrative that they have trouble making any reasonable criticism.
    99,9% of their complaints are nonsensical and reflect a lack of understanding of the character arcs and plot.

    Sourcefed’s review was a catastrophe this week if you ask me, and a perfect example of not understanding the show leading to poorly thought out complaints.

    Video reviews are acceptable; it’s the written reviews that are often unbelievable!

  18. Ha ha, should I worry that I found this episode REALLY good? One of my top favourite episodes? Is something wrong with me, Doc?

  19. Roman Godfrey,

    Exactly everyone has a right to complain or criticize. And if you read in my post something that I didn’t write, hence why you are jumping on me for saying something I did not say. Those same people who did not love the Dany scene at the end of the episode can surely feel that the belittlement of their opinion (you know the just ‘haters’ dismissal) is akin to ‘just shut up.’ What I meant by my post is that people complaining nonstop about critics are just perpetuating the debate with no need. And while I may have missed being a millenial by a year or two, I think your categorization of them is a categorization of every young generation not just this generation, older people tend forget that they were once also young, naive and self-involved.

  20. My husband scored free tickets to Phoenix Comicon this weekend so we are going on Friday. Sadly, no GoT related people or panels, but I’m excited just to go walk around. I’ve never been to a Con.

  21. Markus Stark: Not terrific. Cenk hated on the episode, of course. John and Matt continued to fail as book readers when they once again made no effort to clear up the ceaseless failure to understand the difference between Wights and White Walkers that Cenk and Ben are afflicted with.

    Good. I hate it when people do this more than anything… I think that’s why I tend to get annoyed when book readers and unsullied review together.

  22. Sou,

    Nothing wrong mate. People simply have different tastes.

    I liked this episode, I think it’s better then EP1 and perhaps even EP2 but I liked EP3-5 better.

  23. I don’t usually watch any of these but Ozzy Man’s, and I think I should stick to that after this week. Watching the What-the-Flick boys, all I can think about is how wrong they are: one didn’t know who Daario was, they were unable to call the Waif “the Waif,” they thought the Tarlys are bannermen for the Lannisters and no one corrected that. They think that the Faceless Men is a group of hired assassins who only kill bad people even though Jaqen said last episode, “Does death only come for the wicked?” and the Faceless Men’s motto is all men (not wicked men) must die. They believe that Tommen could be convinced to fight in a trial by combat against his own mother, to kill his own mother. They think the High Sparrow is faking his dedication to the faith. They were all, oh, you mean the Mountain and the Hound are brothers?

    I suppose, in their defense, these good ole boys represent the truly casual fans. And that’s fine. The casual fans might relate. But even if I were a casual fan, I wouldn’t want to spend an hour each week watching faux-experts floundering around and getting a dozen things wrong. Wouldn’t it be a much better appropriation of time to watch some true nerds in “After the Thrones” or listen to “Game of Owns”?

  24. Roman Godfrey: invented by the 21st century millenials who can’t handle the fact that they may not be as smart as they think they are .

    Get off my lawn! Man yells at cloud! Stupid thing to say. No argument at all, just make a complete and total generalization on an entire demographic of people to attempt to make whatever “point” you think you were making. Talk about not being as smart as you think you are…

  25. JCDavis,

    I think people are spoiled and self entitled. “I deserve more, we deserve more” Where is any level of “we are just so damned lucky to have this show at all, even for the episodes that don’t send us running from the room for tissue.”

    I completely agree; we see that everywhere in our social media minded society. Ah well. Yes I am a dinosaur. Kids get off my lawn.


    Seriously? Wow – that is surprising, but then maybe not. Phx is one of those big cities people forget about until its in the news for the wrong reason (which frequently happens). I went to the San Diego one years and years ago, loved it, but they’ve gotten so big now, just never had the inkling to go back. Have a blast!

  26. The Ozzy review was thouroughly entertaining as usual. Anyone ever watch NewRockstars in depth analyses of the episodes this season? I was pleasantly surprised-particularly the thematic analysis they do for each episode.

    Didn’t know Cenk did GoT reviews…not surprised that I didn’t enjoy the video. Whether intentional or not, I think he has always come off as smug and conceited. Sorry Cenk, I know you probably have good intentions.

  27. Iam afraid cenk may become the next ottaku assemble… I know he won’t just what I felt after the last two episodes ..

    Lets Leave the video recaps and written recaps for a moment

    One thing I always like doing is how every week game of thrones YouTube channel uploads a dany video and how that is reveived eveey week..
    For instance this week video got 1 k dislikes ..

  28. GeekFurious,

    With ya, Geek – always listen to PSR and respect to the folks at History of Westeros!

    If I watch any others, it is simply for entertainment’s sake as they generally don’t have much to contribute story-wise.

  29. I always watch after buzz only for kyle ..
    he is part of the longest running podcast for ASoIAf called podcast of ice and fire ..I rember his review videos for season 1 and ADWd which were so funny ..
    if you guys have time check his channel you may find it there

  30. Ginevra,


    Watching the What-the-Flick boys, all I can think about is how wrong they are: one didn’t know who Daario was, they were unable to call the Waif “the Waif,”

    I was thinking the other day – is Waif ever actually named in the show? She is in the book (along with Kindly Man who I still miss tho I like how Jaquen is playing him), but I don’t remember her actually being named.

    I enjoy reading reviews more than watching – gives me time to consider what they are saying and go back to something easily. I like the reviews that are done here, along with EW, AV club and another Im forgetting. Any more tho I find what I get reading comments here more than covers what I need to know about an episode, along with some interesting commentary


    Get off my lawn! Man yells at cloud! Stupid thing to say. No argument at all, just make a complete and total generalization on an entire demographic of people to attempt to make whatever “point” you think you were making. Talk about not being as smart as you think you are…

    Geesh calm down. If you ignore the last sentence (yeah, a generalization, we all make them) he has a point.

  31. Markus Stark,

    Cenk, as entertaining as he is, gets on my nerve something fierce when he gets into one of his “what I would’ve done if *I* were Arya/Jon/insert character whose decision he didn’t agree with”. Maybe it’s just me, but most people don’t care how he would’ve acted as that character or wrote the scene, I want to hear what he thought of what was on the screen. As well as the fact that he will refer to quieter but still packed with good stuff scenes like Horn Hill as “boring” — go bingewatch Michael Bay flicks if you need something insane or explody happening every 3 minutes. I do love his enthusiasm for the show, just think his criticisms are mostly about stuff that’s irrelevent in the bigger picture (which always comes to light when he sits down with WTF, and they talk him out of his opinions, haha).

    I’m totally a Blindwave convert now. Detective Calvin is the best.

  32. JCDavis,

    I hear you. I’m weary of the Entitled Fan trope as well.

    I don’t 100% automatically LOVE every choice they make in GoT. But, it usually takes me at least 2 viewings and quite a bit of discussion and feedback from fellow fans for me to process the episode and figure out how the plot pieces of the puzzle given during an episode fit into the bigger scheme. Thrones is unique because we already have a very tangible ending timeline. The entire series is a work of art, much like the novel series, that is still in progress, and how can I shit all over a piece of art that isn’t completely finished? Call me Pollyanna if you must, I choose the half full horn of ale.

  33. I admittedly haven’t watched all of these videos (only What the Flick?!, AfterBuzz, and HappyCool (in addition to some others, like Blind Wave, Schmoes Know, RedBeard, Collider, and EmmightySophia), but from the videos i have seen on this episode, I think people are seriously overblowing the amount of complaining in them. From what I’ve seen, people really liked the episode, even if it was a bit slower.

    I had my disagreements with the What the Flick guys (particularly Cenk), but I thought the discussion was quite good. I like hearing from people who may not be as knowledgeable about the show. Same goes for AfterBuzz.

    I like reviews where people can criticize the show, while also showing that they love it, and that was the case with all the videos I watched (imo). The two kinds of people I hate are: irrational haters, who write off anyone who likes the show as a fanboy; and irrational lovers, who write off anyone who makes a criticism as a hater.
    Thankfully, this site has very little of either.

  34. What about EmergencyAwesone? It’s one of the most popular YouTube channels that coomments on GoT. Any reason why it’s being ignored here?
    I’m not even that big of a fan. Just wondering.
    Otherwise ALT SHIFT X videos are really well made. Wish he made them earlier so they could make the cut.

  35. Decepticus: What about EmergencyAwesone? It’s one of the most popular YouTube channels that coomments on GoT. Any reason why it’s being ignored here?
    I’m not even that big of a fan. Just wondering.

    Well, my question for you is, if you yourself are not that much of a fan of them, would you want them to be recommended to others? It doesn’t sound like it. We don’t have to include all the popular channels. We include the ones we want to.

  36. Lion of Night: Lion

    I love the NewRockstars videos, my new favorite reviewer/analysis – not only because they stay positive and do more than a I like this, I hate this, but they also step away from the storylines and just appreciate the show production, camera work, etc all the little details that are in a scene that we in general might miss because we are focused (naturally) on the actors. Really great stuff.

  37. I’d also like to, once again, promote BlindWave. I love their discussions, and their enthusiasm is very endearing.

  38. I forgot that I loved Sandrine and Axey. I’m not certain that I would categorize Coldhands as a free-willed wight since I think the dragonglass gave him other differences in addition to free will, like the lack of ice-blue eyes, which is interesting since the dragonglass gave the Others ice-blue eyes and the Others’ swords and raising give the wights’ ice-blue eyes. You’d think Benjen’s eyes would be doubly iced. I digress.

    I love the discussion about how to kill the Night’s King because I do think last week proved that he wouldn’t be killable via dragonglass. I think he also won’t be killable via dragonsteel or perhaps even dragons. My theory is that they’ll have to take the dragonglass back out of the Night’s King’s chest in order for him to be made human again and then die, seeing as he’s ten thousand years old.

    By the way, I also think that the Otherlore we’ve seen this season will be very different from the books. I imagine dragonglass to the heart by a Child of the Forest made the first Other, but that Other wouldn’t have been the book’s Night’s King nor is the book’s Night’s King still living, according to GRRM. And I doubt the Child of the Forest who made the first Other would still be alive.

  39. Decepticus,

    Maybe I’m the “bad guy” here for saying this but I can’t stand Emergency Awesome. I can’t fathom why he is so popular when he gets so much stuff wrong and is just simply not an interesting person to watch at all. It may sound harsh, but I just don’t think any of his “commentary” adds anything in any way. I find him incredibly boring.
    And he grossly over simplifies things when he “analyzes” the episode.

    Anyway rant over, just my personal opinion.

  40. Lyanna_Targaryen:
    Markus Stark,

    Cenk, as entertaining as he is, gets on my nerve something fierce when he gets into one of his “what I would’ve done if *I* were Arya/Jon/insert character whose decisionhe didn’t agree with”. Maybe it’s just me, but most people don’t care how he would’ve acted as that character or wrote the scene, I want to hear what he thought of what was on the screen. As well as the fact that he will refer to quieter but still packed with good stuff scenes like Horn Hill as “boring” — go bingewatch Michael Bay flicks if you need something insane or explody happening every 3 minutes. I do love his enthusiasm for the show, just think his criticisms are mostly about stuff that’s irrelevent in the bigger picture (which always comes to light when he sits down with WTF, and they talk him out of his opinions, haha).

    I’m totally a Blindwave convert now. Detective Calvin is the best.

    This. The “what I would’ve done if *I* were Arya/Jon/insert character” is exactly the problem most people have. I remember having this epitome in MIDDLE school. So many of my friends starting changing and doing/saying what to me were ‘stupid’ or ‘surprising’ things… it really puzzled me and I had a hard time not judging people all the time until I finally realized that they are not me! wow. people can act and think and believe differently than me. Doesn’t make them or me necessarily better, or right if we choose differently. It was a lesson I try to remember and implement even to this day. Wish more people would.

  41. BigMac:
    I admittedly haven’t watched all of these videos (only What the Flick?!, AfterBuzz, and HappyCool (in addition to some others, like Blind Wave, Schmoes Know, RedBeard, Collider, and EmmightySophia), but from the videos i have seen on this episode, I think people are seriously overblowing the amount of complaining in them. From what I’ve seen, people really liked the episode, even if it was a bit slower.

    I had my disagreements with the What the Flick guys (particularly Cenk), but I thought the discussion was quite good. I like hearing from people who may not be as knowledgeable about the show. Same goes for AfterBuzz.

    I like reviews where people can criticize the show, while also showing that they love it, and that was the case with all the videos I watched (imo). The two kinds of people I hate are: irrational haters, who write off anyone who likes the show as a fanboy; and irrational lovers, who write off anyone who makes a criticism as a hater.
    Thankfully, this site has very little of either.

    This. Both extremes are bad. Reviews are personal opinions. Nothing more. Either you agree or not. Silencing negative voices in favor of positive ones is a disservice to the fandom in general.

    That said, my new favorite recap show apart from Alt Shift X are the Blind Wave crew. They’re so much fun to watch.

  42. viki,

    Especially if you think there is not a chance in a billion that any one of us would get to be in Arya’s, Sam’s, Jon’s or whoever else’s place, and thank God for that.
    It is even more ridiculous than saying “if I were in Obama’s shoes…”, “if I were Pope Francis…”, “if I were in Churchill’s place”, and the like.

    Thus having been said, I have already thought to which character I would most resemble if by some magical force I was thrown into the books/show, and that doesn’t really makes sense either. Well, maybe a little more.

  43. What BigMac said. Blindwave is definitely one of the best GoT youtube channels. And Redbeard is great too.

  44. Decepticus,

    I find his to be fine for introductory show watchers. I watched his a lot around season 3 when I was just getting ramped up into the story and hadn’t read any of the book source material. Now that I have largely caught up in the books and become deeper into the story I don’t watch as much.

    You’re not going to get really deep analysis as he is always adverse to spoilers which is fine when you’re new to the story and a comprehensive description of the Dornish Master Plan goes way beyond what you would understand.

    What does the group feel about HBO’s After the Thrones? Personal opinion… after a shaky first couple episodes they seem to have found their stride.

  45. Dee,

    I also think Ginevra has a point. Killed by dragonglass would be too easy a solution for the NK problem.
    Then again, I am not 100% how the rest of them WW were made; were they turned by the NK as babies? and if so, are there WW toddlers and kids out there?? Out where???
    Oh boy.

  46. Sou,

    That’s true, very true
    But you can’t remove the dragon glass either
    I mean how would that be done haha

    I would picture the night king dying at the same time as something else that is tied to magic
    Like dany. 🙁

  47. Gendry's broken compass,

    Starting to enjoy AT. I think the biggest plus, for me, is the duration. Not to long to require me to abandon other stuff. I can watch while eating a snack and browsing the internet on my laptop.

  48. Ginevra,

    Yeah, I feel like it’s pretty clear that the Children only live for a few hundred years in the novels, not ten thousand.

    And we know that the book Night’s King, if he existed, was the 13th LC of the Night’s Watch. So obviously this is long after the Wall was built, and by extension even longer after the first White Walkers were made, possibly/probably even like 2000 years later.
    And we have no evidence that the Night’s King of the novels ever became a Walker himself.

    And honestly, I kind of had the impression he was killed when he was defeated by the Starks and the Wildlings.

    So yeah, definitely not the same individual as the Night King of the show.

  49. Re-watching the episode, two things popped my mind

    1) What is Benjen now? A human, semi-wight or semi-other? Does he now possess the strength of an Other? Anyone saw the way he effortlessly pulled Bran off the ground on to his mount- one handed I think.

    2) It was ridiculous Daenarys evoking her dead husband’s memory with that ”keeping the words he spoke before the mother of mountains” dialogue. Especially considering she literally spat on the Dothraki faith when she burnt down the dosh-Khaleen temple. Little wonder people many didn’t like that entire scene.

  50. Markus Stark,

    Sure, but the show does not need to follow the novels. I mean, if they want, the NK may have nothing to do with the 13th Lord Commander and he may quite well be the original guy that was tied on that tree. As a matter of fact, I thought that the extra who was playing that guy is actually the one that does the NK. Same facial bone structure, I think.
    Does anyone know anything about that?

    Also, I thought that child that made him was Leaf, but then again I need to rewatch that and after Hodor I have a psychological blocage!

  51. JCDavis,

    I agree. The episode wasn’t great but it was very good. They needed to set the stage for the rest of the season, do exposition for those casual fans who for example didn’t recall the details of the Red Wedding, and move the players into space. Next week they’ll complain that too much is happening and not enough time spent on build up. I guess that’s why they are critics. They cannot create do they complain

    Oh now I sound like a D&D apologist. What has happened to me? Been drinking too much koolaid I guess 🙂

  52. Markus Stark,
    I don’t mind constructive, fair and intelligent criticism, but most reviewers have such a poor understanding of the narrative that they have trouble making any reasonable criticism.
    99,9% of their complaints are nonsensical and reflect a lack of understanding of the character arcs and plot.

    Sourcefed’s review was a catastrophe this week if you ask me, and a perfect example of not understanding the show leading to poorly thought out complaints.

    This 1000 %

    I also just can’t stand whiny baseless criticism without any thoughts or suggestion about how it would have been better. If you can at least lay out how something might be done better then fine. Present it and see if it is judged any better. If instead you just want to bitch about the way something was done but don’t have any better ideas yourself then STFU. Good example is all the stupid complaints about Little Finger “teleporting” around Westeros. First of all just because the show airs weekly doesn’t say anything about the story time between shows or even when each cut scene actually takes place during the story timeline. And anyway, the alternative would be endless scenes of pointless travel which those same complainers would be up in arms about if it happened.

  53. Sou,

    The child that made him was indeed Leaf, and yes it’s the same actor who plays the Night King.

    I don’t believe I ever said the show “needed” to follow the novels. I don’t know where you got that from. I was simply agreeing with Ginevra that I don’t think the character of the novels is the same as the one on the show. Because this is debated among some book readers.

  54. Lion of Night,

    Yeah I feel the same way about Cenk, I dont really like his reviews :/ There are a lot of other good group discussions out there, and people who do great in depth review etc…

  55. Ginevra: I don’t usually watch any of these but Ozzy Man’s, and I think I should stick to that after this week. Watching the What-the-Flick boys, all I can think about is how wrong they are: one didn’t know who Daario was, they were unable to call the Waif “the Waif,” they thought the Tarlys are bannermen for the Lannisters and no one corrected that. They think that the Faceless Men is a group of hired assassins who only kill bad people even though Jaqen said last episode, “Does death only come for the wicked?” and the Faceless Men’s motto is all men (not wicked men) must die. They believe that Tommen could be convinced to fight in a trial by combat against his own mother, to kill his own mother. They think the High Sparrow is faking his dedication to the faith. They were all, oh, you mean the Mountain and the Hound are brothers?

    I suppose, in their defense, these good ole boys represent the truly casual fans. And that’s fine. The casual fans might relate. But even if I were a casual fan, I wouldn’t want to spend an hour each week watching faux-experts floundering around and getting a dozen things wrong. Wouldn’t it be a much better appropriation of time to watch some true nerds in “After the Thrones” or listen to “Game of Owns”?

    Wow, interesting -I had the exact opposite reaction to everything you said. What the FLICK was great, especially this week. I do like After the Thrones as well, but GOO Has unfortunately gone down in quality since Nate & Eric became sullied (now they are merely pretentious book fans like everyone else… and it gives me a sad). 🙁

    I also love it when people use nicknames or alias for characters because when you get right down to it IT DOESNT MATTER what their actual name is as long as everyone knows what they are talking about. And it’s entertaining to see what names they come up with for people. Also why should they call that girl the Waif? Has she ever introduced herself as the Waif? Really she should be referred to as A Girl or no one if anything.

    Also I like to hear people’s unfiltered thoughts and ramblings, it’s usually much more informative/entertaining than a more rehearsed conversation.

    I actually enjoy it when people get irrelevant details wrong, primarily becuase I know it will annoy people with sticks up their butts. Seriously, who cares whether Tarly is a bannerman to the Tyrells or the Lannisters? The two have been a united military force for three seasons and this dude just got introduced. And there is no information actually in the show to tell us who he is a bannerman for, AFAIK. Maybe they said they are going to the Reach?

    Anyway… What hte Flick = FTW (usually). Any podcast/vid/article where book readers are “correcting” anyone = FTL.

    P.S. And you actually think the High Sparrow is faithful and go as far as to say that they are “wrong” for suggesting otherwise? The WTF boys got it 100% right (Cenk particularly). The Sparrow is a giant, disgusting hypocrite. All he cares about is power, and dominating people, especially women. His faith is just the mechanism he uses to control the masses.

  56. ash:
    I was thinking the other day – is Waif ever actually named in the show? She is in the book (along with Kindly Man who I still miss tho I like how Jaquen is playing him), but I don’t remember her actually being named.

    Ah, I see that she is not. One or two of the good ole boys are Sullied, though, right? And even for the others, I would think they would read Unsullied reviews or IMDb and see her as the Waif often. Oz names the Waif often.

    Sticking to the written reviews is good advice for me. At the very least, I will know the reviewer is literate. Thanks, ash.

  57. Dee:

    I didn’t come to that conclusion at all, actually!!
    Why can’t the night king be killed with dragon glass?

    That’s only my theory, mind! It might not be true. But every other Other has been created without having a piece of dragonglass in his heart. So it would make sense that they are different and have different vulnerabilities than the NK. Watching the glass go in just seems to hang the gun that it might someday need to come out. And lastly, it would be a good plot twist for the NK to be the last Other and be sliced by dragonglass or even Lightbringer and not go down. That would freak us out, right? But then we have the setup of the dragonglass making him, so it would be natural that removing the very dragonglass that made him would be his unmaking. Again, this is just my theory.

  58. Dee:

    That’s true, very true
    But you can’t remove the dragon glass either
    I mean how would that be done haha

    I would picture the night king dying at the same time as something else that is tied to magic
    Like dany. ?

    It may be cut out, with Lightbringer, preferably.

  59. QueenofThrones: And you actually think the High Sparrow is faithful and go as far as to say that they are “wrong” for suggesting otherwise?The WTF boys got it 100% right (Cenk particularly).The Sparrow is a giant, disgusting hypocrite.All he cares about is power, and dominating people, especially women.His faith is just the mechanism he uses to control the masses.

    The HS comment was the only one that I thought was debatable on them getting wrong, and I wouldn’t have thought twice about that statement alone, were it not for the other stuff. That said, I am 95% certain that the HS believes that everything he is doing is for the betterment of the faith of the Seven. Does he enjoy the power? Yes, but he seeks the power because he knows that the power he wields can be used to promote his faith, which is his end goal.

    Jonathan Pryce, who presumably knows how his character ends, has said on multiple occasions that he doesn’t see his character as a villain. I’m not sure that GRRM and D&D would go quite that far, but I think it’s safe to say they don’t intend him to be disingenuous.

    Pryce also said something in a different interview once that made me think he played the HS as a devout and true believer, the implication being that was the direction he’d been given, but I cannot find that interview, alas.

  60. Comment section reads like this:
    [x] Doesn’t like the way certain reviewers comment on the episode and the way they express their opinions, but continue to watch their video recaps anyways. Absolutely Hilarious.

    And only one person in the WTF review was pushing the idea that Tommen would fight the Mountain. Stop the exaggeration and holier than thou attitude please.

  61. dgb:
    Comment section reads like this:
    [x] Doesn’t like the way certain reviewers comment on the episode and the way they express their opinions, but continue to watch their video recaps anyways. Absolutely Hilarious.

    And only one person in the WTF review was pushing the idea that Tommen would fight the Mountain. Stop the exaggeration and holier than thou attitude please.

    Exactly, that was only one person and the others were actually dismissing it. That’s why i love What the Flick. The panel works great and they actually discuss the episode instead of “this was good, this was bad, this wasnt in the books etc”.

    Also want to give a shoutout to After the Thrones because they’re not appreciated as much. After a shaky start, i feel like they’ve hit their stride. It might feel a bit scripted especially compared to What the Flick but its really good nonetheless.

    And another shoutout to Emergency Awesome because he gets wayyyy too much unnecessary hate in this site for reasons only God knows why.

  62. Syed Kabir,

    Managed to watch WTF and I agree, they were no where near as bad as someone said. I liked them as usual.

    Watched AT, by accident actually, I was watching a rerun of the episode on HBO and after it AT started, they were much better then last couple of weeks, they are definetly starting to find their way.

    Same with Emergency, way to much hate for him. Mostly though from the ”hardcore” part of the fandom.

  63. Hiccup Targaryen,

    Omg you read my mind! That is one of my biggest frustrations watching these reviews. People whine and complain endlessly about “Little finger teleportation”, but yet those are the same people that call any scene with someone just traveling “filler” good god people do you not see how ridiculous you sound. Do you want a whole season of people traveling or do you want the story to move along? Definitely one of those useless and pointless complaints that never ends.
    -end rant ?

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