Patrick Sponaugle

Patrick Sponaugle

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Pat is that guy who owned an unread copy of A Game of Thrones for at least a decade, worried to read it because all of his friends were torn up in knots about the long wait for the next book (which was probably A Feast for Crows) at the time.

One Friday (in line for a Black Friday sale to buy a computer) Pat brought along A Game of Thrones to pass the time. Was hooked. Read the book. Convinced his wife to read the book. Borrowed A Clash of Kings from a friend to keep reading. Had the book confiscated by his wife so she could read it. Borrowed A Clash of Kings from another friend. (This went on for the remaining books.)

Pat likes to write about the show (with a little bit of book detail) during the off-season, as therapy while waiting for the new season to begin. You can find something like 175+ essays on HBO’s Game of Thrones on his blog at

Out of that vast corpus of work, some of them must be entertaining. That’s just science.

When not writing about the show (or watching it) Pat’s busy being a dad, a husband, and a dog walker. (Two dogs with seven legs between them.)