The End of Jon & Sam, Bran’s Sight in Season 6, and Julian Glover on playing Pycelle


With only 18 days until the premiere of Game of Thrones season 6, members of the cast simply can’t resist dishing on their characters’ evolution.

John Bradley (Samwell) reflects on losing Jon Snow with The Telegraph, Isaac Hempstead Wright (Bran) teases his Sight and magic at Yahoo!, and with Vulture, and Julian Glover reviews playing Pycelle.

John Bradley shares his friendship with Kit Harington is as thick as their character’s which only made saying goodbye all the more difficult.

It’s hard to let your appreciation of the show take precedence – you just have to accept the fact that the actor’s not going to be there anymore. We love the show and everybody loves Jon Snow. But we’ve always felt a more concentrated form of grief because we’re not just saying goodbye to a character we love watching, we’re saying goodbye to an actor that we’ve worked very closely with –we know them and like having them around. So we are literally saying goodbye to professional relationships.

He goes on to reminisce their Game of Thrones experience together:

Especially the professional relationship between Kit and I because this is the first thing we did. Kit had done some high profile plays and I’d been to drama school but for both of us this was our break. The friends that you make when you’re at your most nervous and uncertain and scared tend to be the friends that you keep. Because everything is heightened and you cling to them as a rock to support yourself. So, we’ve developed together. We’ve always been good friends, right from the first day we met and we’re still going to be friends and talk all the time. But a chapter of our lives and relationship is closing. In terms of our professional relationship, which we both got so much pleasure from.

And concludes with Jon and Sam’s history of goodbye:

If you look back over the series, Jon and Sam have actually said goodbye loads of times. They said goodbye when he went off with Coryn Halfhand, they said goodbye when he went off to sort out the mutiny at Craster’s Keep – he may not have come back from those. He may have died. But they always managed to meet up and there’s a lot of hugging. There tends to be a lot of Castle Black courtyard hugging. But this time felt final, it felt like even if you don’t know what’s going to happen, you felt like this is the end for them. And then the death later on removed any glimmer of hope at all. It’s hard to close that chapter but I knew it was going to be great telly!

For more, including John’s favorite moment from Season 5, head on over to The Telegraph!

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Up in The Real North, Isaac Hempstead-Wright teases a big year for Bran’s Sight and “lots of magic.”

game-thrones-season-6-spoilers-branParticularly this season, he’s almost read the script.
He knows what’s going on all around the world.
So this year, I kind of approached it as if Bran had just watched the show the whole time. When we meet Bran in season 6, he’s still got a lot of learning to do, but expect lots of magic.

He also cast a vote for his TV sister Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner) as the Queen of Westeros and rightful sitter of the Iron Throne:

She’s had to learn the way of the diplomat, she’s been exposed to the politics of Westeros in a way that other characters have not. I reckon she could be particularly cunning. She’d make a good queen, nicer than Cersei.

Isaac discusses set hijinks, future roles, his year off from Thrones, and more over at Yahoo!

Julian Glover’s impressive résumé (Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back, and Troy, to name a few) leaves him more than an accomplished actor but a brilliant mind as well. With such talents he adds depth and dimension to the nefarious Grand Maester Pycelle. He reflects on expanding his role from the books to Game of Thrones with Vulture:

I’d done about three weeks on it, and I was really getting bored sitting at that table with people talking all around me, and the remarks were sometimes pretty stupid. I’m just sitting there being an old fart. I hadn’t got it together why he’d survived to such a long age, except maybe he’s someone people couldn’t be bothered to get rid of, you know? That’s part of it, of course. So I went to the writers, and I said, “I’m sorry. This sounds very arrogant, but I’m a better actor than this. You must give me something else. I know in the books he’s not very substantial, but if he’s there, and if I’m going to play him, I’m going to play something.” And they went away for a week. And then I had a dream that Pycelle was actually two people. He was someone who was pretending to be a doddering old man, but actually, he was a very active man. And the day after I had the dream, and I promise you this is true, they came to me and said, “We’ve got this idea, and we got it from when after you do a take. The minute they say cut, you stand up to your full height, and you start talking to your friends. So we’ve got this idea that, in fact, you’re hiding somebody under there.” I said, “This is fantastic!”

Pycelle_(S04E06)We changed the moment when Tyrion came in [in Season 2]. It was going to be, Pycelle is cringeing in the corner and he wets himself. Very funny, but I said, “I don’t want that for Pycelle.” Because how does Pycelle survive in court if he’s going to be so rattled that he pisses himself in the corner? No, no, no. Don’t do that. It’s undignified enough as is. But it goes to the point, Pycelle was playing two lives. He was actually a very bright fellow, playing politics, but he’s got it pretty bloody awful now, and people insulting him quite a lot, as you’ll see in season six. There’s some good stuff coming.

Glover further examines Pycelle’s placement in Westeros and conspiracy theories, his past roles, and much more with Vulture.

What do you hope for these characters next season? Let us know below!


  1. I’m just glad to see interviews with people that aren’t Liam or Alfie tbh. As much as I love them, they can only say so much before it started getting repetitive.

    Julian Glover’s interpretation of his character is deffo interesting, and good on him for wanting something more substantial to work with. I can’t stand Pycelle in the books or show, but it’s always good when an actor has their own feeling and reasoning behind the character.


    [Sansa’s] had to learn the way of the diplomat, she’s been exposed to the politics of Westeros in a way that other characters have not. I reckon she could be particularly cunning. She’d make a good queen, nicer than Cersei.

    I like this lmao

  2. Bradley can speak from the heart in this circumstance because he truly has had to say goodbye to Kit.. in the sense that their shoots are no longer on the same set.

    I feel his pain though, it’s tough to lose a good thing.

    Thanks for putting this article together.

  3. I swear that mr. Glover’s story about how he developed Pycelle is getting more and more elaborate every time I hear it. 😀

  4. “She’s had to learn the way of the diplomat, she’s been exposed to the politics of Westeros in a way that other characters have not. I reckon she could be particularly cunning. She’d make a good queen, nicer than Cersei.”

    Nice stab at Daenerys from the Greenseer.

  5. I hope that Bran’s powers come across well this year. That’s one area where I think the show kind of underwhelmed, partly because of money (there’s no way that warging could have been presented in a manner nearly as compelling in the books on a TV budget) and partly just due to lackluster visual choices (I think they should have gone way trippier and more fantastical with his visions; I’m thinking of something like Bryan Fuller’s Hannibal).

  6. Good interview with John Bradley. He’s a thoughtful guy. Honestly, I find the way that he talks about Kit Harington leaving the show to be more convincing that Kit himself. Which is to say I find it slightly more convincing than zero. 😉

    It’s the sadness, I think. Everyone else just says “Jon Snow is dead! Deal with it!”

    Although to be fair, Bradley has a genuine sadness to draw upon, even if he knows that Kit is still on the show. They’re obviously close friends who have shared scenes in every season so far. They’ve been through a lot together, from long grueling night shoots to freezing their asses off in Iceland. Even when Jon comes back to life, however, Bradley won’t be working with him anymore – at least not this season.
  7. I am excited for all of these story lines.

    Especially the demise of Pycelle. I still expect Varys to be behind it, even if he isn’t there. I think we saw that in the preview, with the downward stabbing knives. If they are sent by Varys, I hope the writers gave them a really good line, like Bolton’s in The Reigns (Rains?) of Castemere in Season 3. The only problem is that they weren’t children. So that opens the possibility of maybe Sparrows / the poor of King’s Landing.

    I am interested to see where Bran goes this year, and of course I am interested to see what he sees, both past and (hopefully!) future. I am really stoked about Sam’s journey though. I hope he makes it to Oldtown this season, but I am most looking forward to seeing him interact with his family. Also, Bradley’s earlier comments on how Sam no longer cares about loyalty to the NW is interesting. Is it because the NW is no more, or is it something else? If he has orders, even from an ousted Lord Commander, to be in Oldtown, then no one will question his loyalty. However, I wonder if people that far south are going to be killing deserters of the NW. Especially if the NW is no more. It is all very exciting.

  8. Interesting comments from Glover re Pycelle

    My understanding is it ic copying the books, so didn’t figure they came up with the “idea” he is putting on an act

    Eg the clues in the book are how Tyrion makes a note that the way all of his medicines are organised are “reflective of an organised mind” just before he nicks a Laxative to give to Cersei

    And of course the bedroom scene, Pycelle wets himself yes but he struggles with surprising strength when being dragged off the Black cells. He does seem a little worse for wear afterwards and with his beard cut off etc

    I enjoyed the deleted scene where Tywin was gutting the fish and he makes mention of not wanting to get notice as the flower that strides in front of the others always “gets plucked”

    Glover portrays Pycelle very well, both in his dithering facade but he can also do the Lucid performance quite well too

  9. There’s a pretty good deleted scene on the Season 3 (?) blu-ray with Pycelle and Tywin. It actually reveals pretty clearly that Pycelle is not the feeble old man he appears to be. Don’t know why it was cut, other than maybe they planned to delay the reveal. Or maybe it just seemed out of place.

  10. “Speaking to Yahoo Singapore, English actor Isaac Hempstead Wright, 17, who plays Stark, hinted that his character may play the role of kingmaker in the never-ending quest for the Iron Throne. With his “extraordinary enabling capabilities”, he may even cause an “earthquake” in Westeros, said Hempstead Wright.”

  11. Or Julian Glover could play the character the way it is written–like a proper actor.

  12. Demon Monkey,

    I actually read a theory that Cersei could potentially herself take out Kevin and Pycelle. Though, if the spoilers are correct, Varys will be leaving Meereen at some point, so he will probably be behind it.
  13. Jonathan Pryce (High Sparrow) gave an interview to a greek film site.
    On Cersei’s revenge he said
    “I wait for her revenge. But, you should know, we are not finished here. She must pass even tougher tests. She does not know what awaits. We have not finished. We just have started. Chapter One, first page … (laughs)”

    He was then asked about the fact that the fans are divided and quite scared because they are now off the books.

    “I think they will be thrilled. The creators of GoT are also excellent writers. Their text is staggering. And they are the first who will not disappoint the fans because they are fans themselves. I can not tell you anything generally for the 6th season, but I can assure you that as far as my character is concerned there will be many twists and nobody waits what will happen.”

    He praises GoT for it’s production and quality and he said he has been offered a role before but he didn’t find Game of Thrones universe appealing as he isn’t a fan of films like Hobbit or Star Wars, but when they offered him High Sparrow he accepted because it’s a well written role and the series now is number 1 in the world.

  14. Finally we can understand why they decided to include such a weird scene in season 1 (the one with Pycelle and Ros). I suppose this means that Pycelle in the books is as simple and defenseless as he looks.

  15. Stop it already.

    Man are they ever laying it on thick with this Jon Snow death thing. You’d think after seeing him in Stark armor on set they’d have at least just been silent on it by now. Oh well, kudos to them for keeping up the deception.

    This 18 day wait feels longer than the previous 277. I think this is going to be a great season.

  16. I wonder if Sam will learn that there’s a new LC at the Wall or something when he gets to Horn Hill or Oldtown. He would naturally assume Jon has died and blame himself for it.

    I think they will eventually meet again though. The reunion would be such an awesome thing, especially with all the events that will happen prior to it (resurrection, R+L=J, and so on). I hope it happens

    I loved this quote from Bran’s actor:

    “English actor Isaac Hempstead Wright, 17, who plays Stark, hinted that his character may play the role of kingmaker in the never-ending quest for the Iron Throne. With his “extraordinary enabling capabilities”, he may even cause an “earthquake” in Westeros, said Hempstead Wright.”

    My guesses:

    -Bran uncovers R+L=J and finds a way to make this public
    -Bran somehow causes the Wall to fall down WHICH WOULD BE SO CRAZY

  17. Sean C.,

    Hannibal-style visions would be amazing, but I’d be surprised if Game of Thrones broke from its established visual style too much. Bran’s abilities give the show’s creative team the license to do some weird stuff, but if they get too weird and magical, it risks feeling like a different show and ruining people’s suspension of disbelief. Which, given that we’re even talking about such a thing with a fantasy show, demonstrates just how fine a line they’re trying to walk.

    I believe that the show is going to knock the Tower of Joy sequence out of the park. However, no matter how brilliantly it’s executed, I’m prepared for there to be a number of fans who are disappointed with the scene because it doesn’t possess the “fever dream” quality that Ned’s recollection of the event carries in the book. Even though GRRM has gone on record to say that Ned’s recollection is not a literal interpretation – there was no blood-streaked sky with rose petals blowing in the wind – some people are going to be mad when we just see seven soldiers fighting against three, not blades of milkglass or wraiths with shadow swords in hand. That’s the danger with tackling an event that people have been mythologizing in their minds – some to an impossible extent – for 20 years.
  18. Adam,

    I believe that the reason they cut the scene was that it felt repetitive in two ways. 1. Tywin had a similar scene (the deer scene) with Jamie in S1 and 2. we already knew that Pycelle was not the feeble man he pretended to be. Personally I didn’t like the scene and I think it was a good decision to cut it. I am happy with the way they played with his character as mainly a boxing sack between Tyrion and Cersei and I am looking forward to seeing him reacting amidst the chaos of KL in S6.

  19. I really like Sam ……..and I hope he makes it alive till the end …and if he does die,.I want it to be really meaningful …..

  20. Shy Lady Dragon,

    Good morning Hodor’ing friend 🙂 So after what John Bradley said, which seemed heartfelt and not trolling, do peeps still believe Kit will be back in any sort of grand fashion? *Or maybe Sam gets killed off* ? Maybe their paths just never cross again? That’d be a little odd no? I read first paragraph. Want to examine it all but sooo sleepy (meds.) Anyhow so excited, only 18 more days. Which is piece of cake after waiting a year eh?


  21. Jared:
    Hannibal-style visions would be amazing, but I’d be surprised if Game of Thrones broke from its established visual style too much. Bran’s abilities give the show’s creative team the license to do some weird stuff, but if they get too weird and magical, it risks feeling like a different show and ruining people’s suspension of disbelief. Which, given that we’re even talking about such a thing with a fantasy show, demonstrates just how fine a line they’re trying to walk.

    The writers already made the decision to reserve dreams for Bran (they’ve subsequently modified that slightly), as an attempt to make his storyline different. On the whole I’d say that was a good decision, but they didn’t follow that logic far enough. Making Bran the only character with dreams isn’t all that beneficial if the dreams aren’t interesting, and they haven’t been, on the whole. The bit in 504 where Jojen sees his hand on fire was much cooler and spookier than anything done with Bran. Bran’s scenes should make viewers feel like they’re going down the rabbit hole into a whole different world from everything else. That would have given the character a calling card, something he really needs since the overall plot advancement there could charitably be called slow.

    It seems like his visions this year will have more substance, which is an improvement, obviously. I’m speaking more to the earlier seasons. The vision he had in the first book of his sisters in the south and the mysterious figures around them, for instance, isn’t overly spoilery and could have gotten people talking. That’s just one example.
  22. dothrakian raven,

    That scene wasn’t repetitive, it was symbolic (I don’t mean to imply that this was lost on you). First the deer (Baratheon) then the fish (Tully). I think it is also a great complement to the scene in two swords. It works well stylistically and creates a theme. I was sorry that they cut it.

  23. Jared,

    And in the one recent case of visisons where Bran touches the weirwood tree, it’s quick vignettes as they do in the trailers, not stylized And the one’s we’ve seen glimpses of from S6 are more realistic, so I’d agree – we’ve been given no indication yet that they will change. My favorite vision from the books was the one with the three-eyed raven before he woke up from the fall – where he saw what lay beyond the curtain of light at the end of the world and saw why he must wake up. That unfortunately would likely to have never translated well into a visual and probably would have revealed way too much way too soon.

  24. Sean C.,

    Yes, that was my favorite one from the books … but he also sees dragons and likely the whitewalkers and the dragons would have been too much of a reveal. Although I’ve always wondered … the other visions of his father, sisters, mother appeared to be real time … but Dany’s dragons had yet to be born. So was part of the vision of the future and not the present … or were there other dragons stirring beneath the sunrise near Asshai?

  25. TFT:
    Julian prevented us from seeing Pycelle naked Thanks Julian, much obliged!

    On the other hand, that might have helped to have more gender equality as regards full frontals (no no, not again….)

  26. Why do they keep talking about jon leaving the show….I was one of the people seriously hoping that he comes back but now I don’t really care..let him be dead and gone for good. Talk about something else we are tired of the narrative jon is gone all the time.

  27. BlueRoseOfWinterfell,

    Thanks for the link love.

    Let’s guess: which was the role they had proposed? Pycelle would be a good guess, I think, but given Pryce is a rather established actor ( not that Glover isn’t, of course), maybe Tywin?

  28. Laura,

    Looking forward to the “new players” as they mention it such as Randyll Tarly and Euron Greyjoy! And we still don’t know who is playing Aeron…

  29. Good interviews and write up. Looking forward to April 10th to get some leaked insider info.

    Anyone who believed Jon Snow wasn’t going to be dead for good shouldn’t be falling for all these comments from the actors and producers that “he is truly dead and gone”. They have kept to this for 9 months (almost to an absurd level of defiance) they will not all of a sudden retract and say “he might be coming back but we will have to see…” right before the show premieres the 6th season. They have to keep up the charade. And afterward all the actors will be glad it’s finally over.

    Kind of like the who did Negan kill rumors and speculating right now.

  30. Yaga,

    Aiden Gillen is the perfect LF. I found this interesting … the question is which feeling shades the other? And for LF to show remorse (for Ramsey) … true remorse for Sansa or for him almost missing a step on the ladder?

    HBO: How do you see his feelings about her—genuine or simply a means to an end?

    AG: Both. Or at least one shading the other.

  31. Sean C.,

    I would agree that Bran’s visions so far haven’t been all that enthralling, either in their visual presentation or their content. When we reached “And Now His Watch Is Ended” on the Memory Lane series – which I think is a phenomenal episode overall – the one so-so note in the hour was Bran’s vision of climbing the tree after the Three-Eyed Raven, seeing his mother, and then falling. It didn’t tell us anything new, and mostly seemed to be there to keep Bran somewhat present because his plot material after Season 2/ACOK is so sparse. That problem starts with Martin’s source material, but – as I believe you’ve said before – Bran’s progression suffered more from the otherwise smart decision to split ASOS over two seasons than any other character.

    Perhaps the visions you suggested would have been better because they would have tied into other characters’ storylines (and would have allowed the show to use its regular actors, rather than eating into the VFX budget). The show can’t delve too deeply into prophecies that may or may not pay off for several years, if ever. That’s part of why the House of the Undying sequence was so significantly scaled back. But connecting Bran more to other characters – at least his siblings – may have helped to sustain general audience investment in the character’s journey. I have very high hopes for his storyline in Season 6, but the concern that he’s starting at a deficit with a segment of the audience is a very real one. He’ll need to come off the bench strong.

    Jojen’s burning hand was excellent, however, especially in light of what befell him in the end. Hopefully we’ll see more stylistic flourishes in that vein.

  32. Demon Monkey,

    When I say repetitive I mean that it contained a similar kind of symbolism to the first scene with the stag. The only thing changed in the second scene with the fish was the symbol itself. And it did not add so much to both characters or the plot. I think they realised it and cut it to the benefit of the episode.

  33. Jared:
    I have very high hopes for his storyline in Season 6, but the concern that he’s starting at a deficit with a segment of the audience is a very real one. He’ll need to come off the bench strong.

    I’ve said the same. You could see audience interest in Bran’s story with progressively with each season, to the point where in the lead-up to Season 5 I saw at least one article (I think it was in The Guardian?) where his absence was celebrated as an example of a show cutting dead weight, and over the course of the season, from what I could see, there was pretty much no average viewer objection to his being absent. This season is kind of make-or-break for him, in some ways. We’ve gotten him to the cave, he’s getting a wider array of powers and abilities; he really needs to pull the audience in now.

  34. aldeatcu,

    Photo 26 september 2015 ,dailymail
    Trailer 1, Jon on the horse on clothes of Ned Stark with Velvet sleves blue
    Is Jon doubtles,titles episodes 6 season NOT revealed,Jon for 2 months in ireland,as corpse?AHHHHHHHHH
    Jon Stark Targaryen Lives

  35. Ygritte,

    I hate the thought of Sam dying and the two never meeting again. Of course, remember he is an actor. Sam and Jon’s stories are not done yet; I find it interesting how between Dany and Jon they have a well-established Small Council for whichever one of them sits on the Iron Throne at the end (because I will bet you a dollar to a dime it will be one of them, or maybe Tyrion). Neither of them, however, have someone who can become Grand Maester at the moment–until Sam becomes a Maester and then Jon Snow/Stark/Targaryen will have a pretty decent group of advisors around him. 😉

    Also, on another note: Has anyone ever thought about Jon actually having a “Targaryen” name?? Is this a theory? I’m curious…

  36. Ben10,

    Picture this. Actors who starred in movies like Transformers, Battleship, Gods of Egypt, John Carter and so on would praise the projects on camera or in written interviews, commenting how awesome the movies were blah blah. Now the movies were nothing of the sort and the actors themselves most likely thought they were crap. But they were paid to sell a story, to act for the interviews in a way that benefits the projects.
    The same is applied to plot twists and spoilers. Actors are paid to keep things unspoiled, only to reveal the right amount (among selected things) in order to to get people hyped or anxious. It’s all about playing the public. Playing on the audience’s emotions. And GOT has relied heavily on shocking the viewers.

    This tells you how it’s best not to pay attention to promo interviews or not to treat them seriously at least.
    I don’t allow the cast and crew to colour my opinion of something before seeing it for myself.

  37. QueenofKnowingNothing:

    Also, on another note: Has anyone ever thought about Jon actually having a “Targaryen” name?? Is this a theory? I’m curious…

    Depends who actually named him.

    If it was Ned then he named him after Jon Arryn. If however

    R had left instructions on what to name him then he could well have been named after Jon Connington, one of R’s best mates.
  38. QueenofKnowingNothing,

    I saw two theories regarding his name.

    One says that his name would have been Aemon, partly because of Maester Aemon (in one of the RLJ videos I listened to it was said Aemon corresponded with Rhaegar a lot, but I might be wrong on this) and partly because in the books Jon is always pretending to be Aemon the Dragonknight when he is playing with Robb & he looks up to that character. Ironically enough, Robb compares himself Daeron I aka The Young Dragon, who had a similar short and tragic life. There are also certain word choices and textual hints in the book that can be used to support Aemon as Jon’s name.

    The second theory I saw was that Rhaegar would have used the male version of Visenya (not Viserys), since his other two children were named after Aegon and one of his wives (three heads of the dragon and all that). This theory also usually goes with another one that says Rhaegar was expecting a girl and would have used Visenya, but I am not so convinced.

  39. Flayed Potatoes,

    The second theory is a weak one. Nowhere does it say The Three Heads of the Dragon prophecy which Rhaegar was trying to fulfill has to emulate the original conquerors or what genres they ought to be. If Rhaegar had been looking for Aegon, Visenya and Rhaenys 2.0, he’d have named his daughter by Elia, Visenya and not Rhaenys, since Visenya was the elder one. No to mention how his children wouldn’t have emulated those 3 anyway given how they’re not even pure Targs.

  40. Flayed Potatoes,

    Wow; the Aemon name actually would work really well. Reading about Aemon the Dragonknight, there is some definite parallelism to his story and Jon’s that’s almost kind of scary. That would be really interesting and cool! If he really is Rhaegar’s son I imagine we could get a new name for him in the books–I doubt GRRM would have much of a problem with that–but I doubt D&D would do it, sadly. But still, a girl can dream…

  41. QueenofKnowingNothing,

    Yes, I don’t know how that would be included in the show if it was the case. My main concern would be proving the legitimacy of his birth (how would it be accomplished and who would do it, for example). And how would Jon find out, of course.

    The Stark children also grew up with stories about Aemon the Dragonknight and other Targs, courtesy of Old Nan, so if Jon would ever forced to go by a Targ name, this might be the only one he’d accept imo (also as a sign of respect for Maester Aemon). He’d still be Jon to me though lol.

  42. Flayed Potatoes,

    Maybe Howland Reed could introduce the legitimacy of Jon and smooth out all the details? Perhaps with the TOJ sequence the details could all be smoothed out; I think that will be the beauty of Bran’s visions in S6 in the fact that a lot of ASOIAF plot points can be introduced into GOT.

    And that is true; he will always, ALWAYS be Jon. Being forced to take a Targ name would probably lead to him choosing Aemon, that’s true. Either way, I’m looking forward to seeing what they’re going to do with Jon’s loose ends and why the TOJ is needed in the first place if Jon is so gosh darn dead. 😉

  43. QueenofKnowingNothing,

    I hope so. There could potentially be more characters who are aware of what happened at the ToJ or suspect what Rhaegar and Lyanna were up to (Howland, Wylla, Arthur Dayne’s family, maybe even Benjen…). I’m curious to see what will happen. I imagine they’ll have to streamline this on the show, so hopefully it won’t take too long for the evidence to emerge.

  44. Laura,

    So he just confirmed that Sansa and Littlefinger will meet again next season. I wonder what are the circumstances, though.

  45. this last bit from Rheon’s interview kind of tells that Ramsay will be playing the good guy, maybe in order to get the northern lords to side him.

  46. Team Hodor,

    If he leaves Meereen in Ep7-8 and does it in Ep10, it would be quite fine.

    But don’t mind me. I’m one of those who always found this ”jetpack” criticism ridiculous.

  47. Ygritte,

    I’m sorry to hear you are not well, my friend! I hope the meds are very well suited and you’ll be well soon.
    About Jon, remember what Sam said: “He always comes back!” I trust Sam, he’s a clever one 🙂 Now seriously, read the previous comments. There are people who had a very interesting idea: for John Bradley and Kit it will be sad not to work together any longer because Sam will be in other places in season 6 (to study to become a maester and to visit his family). So he’s genuinely sad when he misses his (also in real life) friend… but this means only that they have to work in different places, possibly different countries.

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