New Telltale’s Game of Thrones screenshots, trailer coming on Monday

Telltale Games have published five screenshots from the coming 3rd episode of their Game of Thrones game, and promised a trailer to come on Monday!

They teased the next episode release three days ago (we learned it will be called “The Sword in the Darkness”), and then confirmed it is indeed coming already this month. With the trailer on March 23rd, we can expect the episode release around the 31st, at the very end of the month.

Screenshots after the break.

What we can gather from these teases is that Mira is going to witness Tyrion’s arrest – if we are lucky, we will get to experience the big royal wedding from her fresh perspective! Gared is going to give his vows and spend more time with Jon Snow. The last picture is perhaps the most exciting one – according to the metadata, that is Drogon roaring in a cave. Looks like the dragon’s and Asher’s paths will cross somewhere in the wilderness that Drogon is roaming at the moment.

Not long now. I’m looking forward to see how the story they are telling is going to continue.


  1. A trailer for the game or a trailer for the upcoming got season? Coz if it’s the first I don’t give a shit.

  2. I love what Telltale did with this, I’m almost as excited for new episodes as I am for season 5, and that tells a lot!
    I’m especially curious to see how they’ll handle the Purple Wedding. It would be pretty if that theory that the girl that Pycelle talks to at the wedding is Mira would turn out to be true 😀

    Buttplugged Bear,
    The article is all about the game, so I don’t see the need of your comment. If it was to tell us that you don’t give a shit about the game, well nobody cares.

  3. Buttplugged Bear:
    A trailer for the game or a trailer for the upcoming got season? Coz if it’s the first I don’t give a shit.

    Wow , thanks for that insightful and obviously well thought out post.

  4. Its not really a game! Rather an animated movie with different endings! You dont have much control over anything. Still the story and created characters and how it ties to the main story is very interesting.

  5. Voice of Reason,

    Well…welcome to TellTale. Meanwhile, I’m pretty impressed that we’ll have another installment before s5, especially considering Hubs and I just finished chapter 2 of Tales from the B-lands and were remarking on how short it was compared to how long it took to crank it out, when these two games were released almost simultaneously.

  6. Dolorous Ned,

    I think that all of those titles sound very plausible.

    “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken” was a very popular guess for several episodes, and “The Gift” was also suggested numerous times (although I think most of them were earlier in the season). And I love “Kill the Boy” as the proposed title for Episode 5 … which would confirm the inclusion of a beloved speech from the novels (and as Wimsey would say, the most important theme of every character’s storyline in AFFC and ADWD). 😉
  7. Please cover up those posts, guys. People certainly aren’t expecting spoilers in a gaming post.

    As I said in the other post, I’ll see if I can get someone to confirm the new titles. They seem real enough though.

  8. Well this is good news, seeing as I just played (and finished) Episode 2 of the Telltale game today! I thought I’d be waiting a lot longer.

    Although I agree it’s not much of a game (not much player input), it’s been quite entertaining and enjoyable so far.

    I was particularly impressed by one scene in Episode 2:

    The scene where Jon talks about his feelings/reaction to Robb’s death at the Red Wedding. I always hated how it was handled in Season 4 (we only see Jon rambling about how Robb was so much better at “girls”, and Jon sometimes wanted to hate him. WTF is that?). This scene gave a proper reaction, giving Jon’s thoughts on Robb’s death, and properly voice acted by Kit.
  9. Not sure why my (minor) game spoilers weren’t covered up, in the above post. Or why I can’t edit it.

  10. Renly’s Peach,

    I don’t have a problem. I did read the article, but at first glance saw no mention of what the trailer was about, and because of that I was not certain wether the trailer concerned the game or the series (the title could very well indicate 2 separate news facts, announced together). I later saw

    With the trailer on March 23rd, we can expect the episode release around the 31st

    indicating the 2 are indeed connected. I had already made my comment by then, and could not be bothered to change it.

    But I certainly don’t appreciate your patronizing tone, so please stop that or I might get upset.

  11. Lex,

    No worries, fixed it for you. It looks like you clicked the “code” button, at least those html tags were inserted, instead of the [ spoiler ] tags.

  12. Lex:

    The scene where Jon talks about his feelings/reaction to Robb’s death at the Red Wedding. I always hated how it was handled in Season 4 (we only see Jon rambling about how Robb was so much better at “girls”, and Jon sometimes wanted to hate him. WTF is that?). This scene gave a proper reaction, giving Jon’s thoughts on Robb’s death, and properly voice acted by Kit.

    Yeah that segment in the game really should have been in the show.

  13. Buttplugged Bear,

    Good, get upset. Focus on that emotion. Let the hate flow through you. Harness it!

    Maybe as a Sith lord you’ll be more productive to this place than you are now.

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