Game of Owns: Last Breath Before Season 5

Episode 266 – Last Breath Before Season 5
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Marking the glorious occasion and celebratory atmosphere of the fifth Game of Thrones season’s imminent arrival — friend, reporter, and community royal Terri Schwartz enters the GOO fray. Join us for one last breath before it all begins.

Discussion Topics
Dogs, and tattoos
Not the show you think it is
Here before the end
A new kind of season
Queen’s Landing
The Bolton North
Ice ice babies
Books, please
Deaths, and sort-of deaths
Moar subplot, and moar Mannis
A long look forward
Listener Owns

Join us in thanking this episode’s wonderful guest, Terri Schwartz — her continued passion and dedication for the Game of Thrones community is an inspiration. Say hello, and follow her work as associate editor for Zap2it.

As always, thank you for listening and participating in this adventure. It’s almost here, everyone!


  1. I was refreshing my podcast app thinking I hope there is a new Game of Owns episode and there it appeared! 😀
    I’m so excited for the premiere so it was great listening to this episode of excitement.

  2. Can Terri Swartz be the new Kate (sadly absent Kate’s maniacal laugh though)?
    Make Terri a regular!!

  3. Pete.,

    Biter was back on the show? I remember the Hound getting attacked at that point: I guess that I didn’t recognize who was attacking him. I remember that Clegane has a neck wound that was troubling him later in the season, but I forgot that it was from a bite. (I rewatched Season 4 only once, so I don’t recall a lot of small details.)

  4. Wimsey,

    It wasn’t really a small detail. There was a whole scene about it, since Arya asks Rorge his name so that he can be added to her list, and she kills him immediately. Or you remember Rorge but not Bitter? It’s the same scene.

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