Going inside the Game of Thrones fandom with the Wall Street Journal


The Game of Thrones fandom itself, and the show’s viral effect on social media is the focus this week in the Wall Street Journal. The pieces dive deep into the history of Game of Thrones‘ interaction with the internet, profiles a few of Twitter’s #FakeWesteros stars, and talks to the fan communities that have sprung up around the series, including our own.

How ‘Game of Thrones’ Became the Most Viral Show on Television” by Michael Calia and Mike Ayers examines HBO’s cleverly constructed method of connecting fans to the series through social media, and by working with the fan sites since the beginning. The show had an immediate impact, with our WinterPhil founding WinterIsComing.net back in 2008, long before season 1, and Phil pops up in this piece. The creative promotional efforts each year keep Game of Thrones on viewers’ lips, and most importantly in their minds when they start talking online and spreading the word.

WSJ checked in yesterday with three of Twitter’s most high-profile Game of Thrones character accounts. It’s always great to learn more about members of the fandom behind the mask, so to speak. Be sure to swing by WSJ to learn more about the real people who bring @GoT_Tyrion, @Daenerys, and @LordSnow to life!

Today’s feature goes “Inside the Vast Online Kingdom of ‘Game of Thrones’ Fans,” focusing on fan communities such as WinterisComing.net, Reddit, Westeros.org and yes, Watchers on the Wall. I spoke with WSJ reporter Michael Calia, the author of the piece, and if you visit the article, you’ll find some quotes from me. It was a lovely discussion to have and I’m quite pleased with how the WSJ series on Game of Thrones has turned out, lacking the condescension that some pieces on fan communities sometimes have.

The “vast online kingdom” (or queendom) of fandom is nicely conveyed in the article, and the reminder of how deep and rewarding our fan communities can be is a great one to have, going into the new season of Game of Thrones.

Sue the Fury
Susan Miller, Editor in Chief of WatchersOnTheWall.com


  1. These are some of the best articles that I have read about the fandom of GoT. They are well-written, insightful, and positive. I agree that the fan-site one is good because it shows that there are strengths of all the different GoT sites, and highlights how you can enjoy them all as they are all different. I know a lot of people (including me) won’t visit WiC for various reasons, but I still think the article does a good job of introducing the different sites. I also like how it doesn’t play the sites against each other, which would have been easy to do. People who don’t visit any of the sites shouldn’t be afraid to do so, which might have happened if this was a negative article trying to put each site against one another. They can then find out which site(s) suit them themselves.

    The article also shows how much work goes on behind this place. With the season approaching (and consequently the amount of work increasing for the writers) I think it’s worth thanking again all the writers of this site for the amount of work they do. We love this place, and it is because of all of them that we do. The articles are great (with very few filler articles) and the moderation is both fair and excellent (there are very few trolls who stay here, for example). Good Luck to all the writers for the season ahead” It’s going to be crazily busy for all of you I’m sure, but this site definitely adds to my enjoyment of the series, and it wouldn’t quite be the same without it.

  2. “Last month, Mr. McShane appeared to hint that he might somehow be involved with the Jon Snow character—a possible spoiler. ”

    Lol uh, suuuure! Must be Jon Snow he’s bringing back. 😉

    Long live THE HOUND!!
  3. Knight of the Walkers:

    Hear Hear! Much love and thanks to the writers on this site, especially Sue the Fury, for all the work you put into enriching all of our GoT experience!


  4. The interview makes me wonder if they had to recast Jon Snow. What if Kit just didnt like to play his role anymore?

  5. DanTheMan:
    The interview makes me wonder if they had to recast Jon Snow. What if Kit just didnt like to play his role anymore?

    They would keep him dead before recasting him. Some characters are beyond recasting.

  6. Lyanna_Targaryen,

    There’s also an article in this week’s New Yorker about binge watching GOT. Not sure its as good as these, but yeah, its cool that the show is getting notice from them.

  7. Congratulations Sue – it’s good to see you and the other admins get the recognition you deserves.

    Some of us lead such busy lives (family, professional, etc.) and see this site as an oasis in the middle of a desert storm. You can “sneak” in here, read a few comments, write a few comments, chuckle a bit – then exit.

    Thank you so very much.

  8. That article taught me that Sue also runs tumblrofthrones – my favourite! Congrats and thanks to you, Sue…you do good work for us fans. Like someone else said, these sites are part of my r&r, and it’s thanks to you (and other editors of course) that they are so good.

  9. Roberta Baratheon:
    Knight of the Walkers:

    Hear Hear!Much love and thanks to the writers on this site, especially Sue the Fury, for all the work you put into enriching all of our GoT experience!


    Yep I agree. WotW is the best GoT fan site around and one doesn’t have to root about on the web looking for snippets of info… Its ALL here! My thanks to Sue also and her team. 🙂

    The only issue I have with WotW (and its not really a problem) is simply due to the sheer amount of stuff posted every day! At times I just can’t keep up with it and read all the comments 😉

    BTW, the season and episode recaps and breakdowns are superb! Far better than any others I’ve come across. I must have watched Seasons 1 to 5 at least ten times and still find things I missed (or didn’t understand) after reading these recaps!

  10. Awesome articles, Gang! You know you’re hot stuff when you’re in the WSJ. I’ve said many times how much I love this place, and that it is a paragon of discussion websites. A wonderful, welcoming, informative, tolerant, open-minded, intelligent, and evolved place to hang out. Again all my thanks and love to all of you who work so hard to keep us up and talking! <3

  11. Knight of the Walkers,

    ) I think it’s worth thanking again all the writers of this site for the amount of work they do. We love this place, and it is because of all of them that we do.

    Yes indeed. I get so much from this site both during the long wait, and the 10 weeks of episodes. Thank you so much for all you do.

  12. I was a little surprised that the WSJ coverage did not go anywhere near opening the can of worms about westeros.org being, shall we say, controversial – especially among people who are primarily show fans.

  13. Caught some of the guys, including the all grown up Bran Stark, on ABC’s Good Morning America this morning. Nice feature, but cagily, no spoilers. Wonder what’s up with that, but seriously nice PR>

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