Episode 379 – The Spoils of War Part Two
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Back into the fire with History of Westeros’ Sean Pink and a flock of owns. Season 7 is gaining on its end and a podcast has questions.
We asked, you answered!
Thank you for the excellent feedback and conversation! And thank you to Sean of House Beard for his power on the battlefield!
Great episode guys, I loved your guest Sean’s theorising about everything – reminded me of Eric
A bit off topic, but what the heck are the dragons eating now? There’s gotta be like, no sheep left in the entire Seven Kingdoms. Are they eating fish ?
toasted loot train
I am worried what will happens to that dragon who got hit by an arrow, does he die?
He took a similar stick at Meereen and shook it off.
My concern is that Qybern’s weapon was called the Scorpion – does this mean that the arrow that stuck Drogon had a sting in the tail? Poison does seem a popular option in Westeros…
I think it would be cheap storytelling if Littlefinger’s downfall (which I think will happen this season) is a result of Bran revealing info that no one else has access to. Too deus ex machina in my opinion.
The best way for him to go would be for him to put Sansa in a position to choose between him and her family and have her out-play him and have him executed as a result. I fully expect the “The pack survives” speech to take place as LF is dying.
As for revealing that Littlefinger killed Lysa Arryn, what better time to do that than when LF’s death is revealed to the Knights of the Vale who want to abandon the Starks as a result? “He killed your mother, Robin, and I killed him. Will you help us?”
I’ve watched The Spoils of War a few times now, and its left me with a question regarding Cersei…and a prediction regarding Little Finger.
1) Cersei says she is reaching out to the Gold Co. for help and hints at their assistance if retrieving something that belongs to her. What would that be?
Possible Answers: Tyrion? Sansa?
2) As the Stark’s (Arya, Sansa, and Bran) are taking a stroll threw their home we first see Brienne and Pod commenting on the family reunion they’re witnessing. Then we cut to Little Finger looking on. Sound Effects happening almost ridiculously high vol. while getting this tight shot of Little Finger is the sound of crows. This indicates to me that Little Finger intends to share information of the Stark reunion (particularly the Stark sisters) to an enemy i.e. Cersei. Though we might feel at times like Little Finger is a redundant player in the game at this stage…he does have a long term plan in the works. I predict we will find he is updating Cersei on all the goings on in the North, particularly this most recent family reunion.
Oh no, please don’t have a plot line where Cersei sends someone to kidnap Sansa and Arya has to come and save her. Once again making Sansa a damsel in distress and giving Arya a perfectly justifiable ‘heroic’ reason to kill Cersei assassin style… sigh probably has to go through the Mountain too… I really don’t want to see this… please let them stay in the North!!
Interesting! I also wondered what she was referring to when she said that. Between the two, I think Tyrion. Or could she mean Casterly Rock? I’m not sure. In the pod cast they mentioned the Gold Company would have experience fighting the Unsullied and Dothraki so maybe Cersei will use them to recapture Casterly Rock.
Regarding the sound of the crows, I noticed that too and throught, given how loud they were, that we were going to see a bunch fly right into LF face! (Hitchcock style!) Seriously, it was loud enough to mean something. If it was by accident, i.e. a bunch of crows were cawing nearby when they did the shot, the director could have taken the sound out is post-production. So, those crows caws are there for a reason. Your idea that they represent the fact LF is sending messages to someone is a good one and Cersei is a good bet. She knew Sansa was back at WF and she’ll know soon Arya is there there too. But I hope Cersei will stay focused on the events in the south.
The pod cast was good. I thought the guest’s (Sean) idea that Bran is too far into worrying about the NK to be bothered with telling his siblings that LF was behind Ned’s death interesting. (Assuming Bran has had those visions already.) Especially since LF controls the needed army of the Vale, don’t want to scare (kill?) him off too soon. It may be that the Hound brings it up and Bran confirms. But honestly, I think there is enough of Bran still there that if he felt Sansa and Arya needed to know it, he would tell them.
Enjoying this season so much, it is going by too fast!
I love that Zack drew the connection between “Hardhome” and “The Spoils of War”. In terms of structure and significance, the two episodes really are mirror images of one another. Major character meet-ups. Sincere efforts to convince disparate forces to band together and fight a common enemy. And, at the end, a surprising, deadly conflict that changes the game forever. Great observation.
And Sean was an excellent guest! I’m really enjoying that Zack and Hannah are using their episodes this season to bring on new voices from across the GOT fandom. I’ve started listening to History of Westeros this year because of that connection.
Shouldn’t the joining of Sansa and Arya be at least a little emotional???? It was as if they had only been a part for two weeks or something.
And i say, how can Jamie ride in 2 inches of water, then suddenly drown in the same water, which by some miracle just turned extremely deep???