Game of Owns: Sex Appeal

Episode 237 – Sex Appeal
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There’s a buzz in King’s Landing. On today of days, the lady Sansa received an invitation. Another queen is in town, and it’s time we’ve met them.

Discussion Topics
The hens
Stone cold Margaery
Innocence and ignorance
The grand entrance
Growing Strong
Hobbies in Highgarden
Owns of the Chapter


  1. Every “Hodor!” someone gets in the season 5 comments section is going to hurt, without Kristian around.

  2. OH! Something hit me just now with this Butterbumps singing to drown out their discussion stuff, book spoilers!:

    This chapter is a nice parallel to Sansa’s last one, since there Marillion sings to cover up Lysa trying to murder her so that no one hears it. You discover things each time. 🙂
  3. Too late to edit now, but actually Sansa acted sensibly by not going with the Hound, as you remember in the books he actually threatened her life and was drunk as shit; he was not half as nice about it as he was in the show. Certainly not a good idea to be travelling with a drunk, violent man for a young girl.

  4. I usually listen on my commute home from work, but I love this chapter so much I couldn’t wait until tomorrow! Great HP comparison talking about Highgarden – it’s one of the moments I always think about as a “what if”. There are a lot of those in this book, now that I think about it!

  5. Another awesome episode guys (and Kate), but I noticed somthing that nobody picked up on in the chapter. It would be awesome to see some of your opinions if you read this…

    When Sansa was recalling how the Hound could have saved her during Blackwater, she thinks he kissed her. I’ve checked back through Clash and done some googling, but that never happened.

    Do you think that’s significant? Why would she imagine him kissing her and think it actually happened?

  6. LaughingStorm:
    Another awesome episode guys (and Kate), but I noticed somthing that nobody picked up on in the chapter. It would be awesome to see some of your opinions if you read this…

    That doesn’t happen in this chapter. It’s from the next Sansa chapter.

  7. Will definitely have to listen to this ep, it’s on my favorite chapter of the entire book series. The TV show scene was vastly underwhelming compared to the book chapter.

  8. So this is where Game of Owns went! I was starting to wonder if everyone from Winter Is Coming was on vacation or something. Now I need to go back and see what I missed . . .

  9. Grynthaline:
    Too late to edit now, but actually Sansa acted sensibly by not going with the Hound, as you remember in the books he actually threatened her life and was drunk as shit; he was not half as nice about it as he was in the show. Certainly not a good idea to be travelling with a drunk, violent man for a young girl.

    Not only that, but if you look at how that scene went in the book, she didn’t actually refuse to go with him, and I don’t see any moment when she could have said yes. He was in her room, very drunk and emotionally unstable; he talked about the battle and the fire; then he suggested he could go somewhere north (it didn’t really seem like he had a plan, or had thought it through) and promised he would protect her; Sansa barely had a chance to process what he was saying, before things went crazy – he yanked her close, she thought he was going to kiss her and closed her eyes; he took it as a sign of disgust at his burnt face and went berserk, putting a knife at her throat and forcing her to sing; she sang Mother’s Hymn about mercy and peace, he cried, she cupped his cheek, he muttered “Little bird…” and left.

    The fact that Sansa now thinks she could have, let alone should have gone with him in that situation, suggests that her mind is rewriting her memories of that night.

    And will continue to do so, as we see in the next Sansa chapter.

    It’s interesting that, at the time, she wrapped herself in the blood-stained cloak he left behind (particularly when you think how dirty and smelly that thing must have been!) and that, as we find out in this chapter, she is still keeping that bloody cloak as a keepsake.

  10. No comments about the song The Bear and the Maiden Fair? This is the first time we learn the entire actual lyrics of the song, in all their naughty glory, which I think never happened on the show. (It’s bizarre that this, of all things, is what HBO and the showrunners chose to censor. ) Granted, it took me a while to notice what it’s really about. “Licked the honey from her hair”, heh.

  11. Annara Snow:
    No comments about the song The Bear and the Maiden Fair? This is the first time we learn the entire actual lyrics of the song,in all their naughty glory, which I think never happened on the show.(It’s bizarre that this, of all things,is what HBO and the showrunners chose to censor. ) Granted, it took me a while to notice what it’s really about. “Licked the honey from her hair”, heh.

    Yeah that specific scene, Butterbumps screaming The Bear and the Maiden Fair while the three ladies confer, is my favorite thing GRRM has ever written in this series.

    “I thought that dreadful song would never end. But look, here comes my cheese.”

  12. OMG did Zach just say “throw down GOO and the D at the same time” and no body had the state of mind to throw in a that’s what she said or anything like that. Cracked me up hysterical

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