Emilia Clarke on Conan


It was Emilia Clarke’s turn on the couch last night, becoming the most recent Game of Thrones cast member to appear on TBS’ Conan.

The actress was charming as usual, joking with the host and handling a variety of topics including Dany’s titles, speaking new languages on the show and faking her way through ADR, demanding more male nudity on occasion, not being recognized by fans and more fun subjects.

The videos from her appearance:

Sue the Fury
Susan Miller, Editor in Chief of WatchersOnTheWall.com


  1. She’s charming as hell.

    Btw, does anyone know when that Good Morning America segment will air? The one with all the GOT ladies?

  2. “No you did the right thing… which is expose this show for the piece of shit it can sometimes…”

    LMAO Conan’s best moment

  3. There was a 2 hour special on Sky this week titled Thronecast: Game Of Thrones Greatest Moments 2016

    Did anyone watch it ?

  4. Woohoo! Go, Khaleesi! It’s awesome to see a GoT actress stand up for equal nudity. If I was her mum, which I’m totally not old enough to be, I would FTP with her: FreeThePenis, the new protocol.

  5. I just want to give her a hug, just a hug. She’s so great, I would like to buy her a coffee. But im only 19 years old and live in a small, pretty crappy town in Canada. 🙁

    Life is hard.

  6. Damn she’s so charming. Whenever I see an interview of Emilia Clarke I feel bad for all the negative comments about her acting in the Internet(not here to discuss whether show is good or not, she imo) as she is such a genuine carefree humble woman, always with her feet on the ground.
    The kind of woman you end up marrying!

  7. I KNOW that there are going to be A LOT of folks who are pissed but Idc.. Emilia Clark makes my point very candidly!! More male nudity!! Lol…. and that is all Im saying about that!!!!

  8. Ginevra:
    Woohoo! Go, Khaleesi!It’s awesome to see a GoT actress stand up for equal nudity.If I was her mum, which I’m totally not old enough to be, I would FTP with her:FreeThePenis, the new protocol.

    Did you miss the whole conversation about a week ago? It was pretty intense and a lot of guys were bashing me for talking about having men expose their dicks (and the reason MOST men object to it)… I forget what thread it was on. Not sure if you was partaking in that dialog that day? If not you should go back and read some of it.. 😉 I won’t rehash here.. but it was a fun day on WoTW.

  9. Well, except it actually is “Lady Regnant” as in someone who is ‘reigning’ a.k.a. ruling…

  10. She seems quite lovely and I bet she would be cool to hang out with.

    I’m not 100% sold on her Daenarys, but I don’t hate it. I feel she lacks that otherworldly quality. It doesn’t ruin the show for me by any stretch, but Danny’s story isn’t my favourite and many of my issues with it come down to writing.

    I hope she does well after GoT ends and doesn’t wind up cursed by playing such an iconic role.

  11. Hubo,

    Same here. .you have said everything I wanted to say.

    Always smiling charming and funny. Watching That smile will make you forget any problems you have

    I just wish we can see her audition tape .

  12. FYI it is regnant. Emilia doesn’t know the difference and neither does Conan. Understandable. Cersei is a regent. Regnant means Dany rules or lays claim to rule in her own right.

  13. Ice Spider,

    I’ve tried to avoid saying too much because I got slammed crazy hard when the first full trailer came out. Like pitchfork hard. I pointed out the same inequity that Emilia did. I’m right there with you. Is it insane that I am scared to lobby for equality in this day and age?

    I have been mostly MIA in the comments for the past couple of weeks, until two days ago. I just finished an enormous project, and I was so glad that the project fell ahead of the start of the GoT season, this year.

    Do you recall which thread you were in?

  14. With more “ftp” they’d probably just end up with more prosthetic work. Vincent Riotta’s prosthetic in the first season of Da Vinci’s Demons put Hodor’s prosthetic hodor to shame.

  15. dragonbringer,

    I so wanted to watch her audition tape… Maybe in the final box of DVDs 🙁 we’ve got to know some of the scenes she had to do, but knowing that she performed the funky chicken during her audition just makes me wanna see it even more lol

  16. Kit Harington hangs out with all the ladies from this show. The man is perfect casting for the ancestry in his genes.

  17. matty,
    Me. It was first shown a couple of weeks ago and they’ve been repeating it. Do you want to know about it or are you just asking if anyone else saw it? 🙂

  18. Ice Spider: Did you miss the whole conversation about a week ago? It was pretty intense and a lot of guys were bashing me for talking about having men expose their dicks (and the reason MOST men object to it)…I forget what thread it was on. Not sure if you was partaking in that dialog that day? If not you should go back and read some of it.. I won’t rehash here.. but it was a fun day on WoTW.

    Check out Vynil, ep. 9.

  19. That wedding crashing story is funny. That would freak me out too.


    This isn’t an audition tape, but here’s video clip compilation of some GoT actors before they were on the show. Emilia had a guest spot on the show “Doctors” in 2009 (it’s at the 1:27 mark).

    Before They Were On Game Of Thrones

  20. Alan:

    I feel ya I’m 18 and live in a crappy island in Mexico. It’s a miracle I can watch the show.

    I would take crappy Mexican island over Canada anytime. Ontario is over $270 TRILLION in debt, electricity rates going up again, medical care sucks, winters are terrible in the East and North, I need to move.

  21. Tootie: I would take crappy Mexican island over Canada anytime. Ontario is over $270 TRILLION in debt, electricity rates going up again, medical care sucks, winters are terrible in the East and North, I need to move.

    Wow. Just wow.

  22. Night’s King is my bae:
    That’s rich coming from Emilia,who although has done nudity,she hasn’t shown full frontal,hypocrisy much ?

    …or maybe she’s just tired of double standards in the industry and decided to comment on it? At the beginning of the show she was almost expected to “do some nudity” as you pointed out and only with the increased popularity of the show and her character she could renegotiate her “nudity clause”. I doubt her male costars had to go trough the same…

  23. The grass is always greener, innit? Especially in Mexico. Even the gringos want to move to green grass in Mexico.

  24. To my eyes, Emilia looks far more attractive here, with less make-up, or perhaps lighter shades suit her better. Stay closer to natural, always!

  25. kat_sk,

    Go watch Seasons 1 and 2 again. That’s before almost every important female star of GoT added a nudity clause to their contracts.

  26. Ginevra:

    Go watch Seasons 1 and 2 again.That’s before almost every important female star of GoT added a nudity clause to their contracts.

    um sorry, but what’s your point here?

  27. Tootie: I would take crappy Mexican island over Canada anytime. Ontario is over $270 TRILLION in debt, electricity rates going up again, medical care sucks, winters are terrible in the East and North, I need to move.

    Now, now we’re only $270 BILLION in debt. The U.S. national debt is only $16.3 trillion. Even our stupid provincial gov’t couldn’t that deep in. Although one could say that they’re trying.

  28. kat_sk,

    Alfie Allen showed nude frontal in like what, the 3rd episode? 4th episode? There have been plenty of male butts on the show. In fact if it weren’t for the dopey brothel scenes would the level of nudity be much closer to being equal than everyone is led to believe? If it’s the penis Emilia wants to see…then let’s see the fish lips too. Hey we’re all about being “equal” right?

  29. The whole male vs female nudity stems from one issue:

    Female topless = nudity, while male topless doesn’t seem to correlate the same way. There isn’t a lot of showing the nether regions of either males or females. And I don’t exactly keep a tally, but I’ve never noticed a large difference between shirtless men and women on the show.

  30. Lulus Mum:
    Me. It was first shown a couple of weeks ago and they’ve been repeating it. Do you want to know about it or are you just asking if anyone else saw it?

    I wanted to know if it contained any new interviews with the cast ? Anything interesting ?

  31. matty,

    Yeah I got sucked in!!!!! It was a mashup of last years best of with a few season 5 bits thrown in. Disappointing

  32. orange,

    Yea, where is #freethelabia. You see far more penis than visible female genitalia in mainstream entertainment. Of course that would be considered degrading or sexist to demand actress start showing their genitals to the world.

  33. Though many have decried the slow pace of Daenerys’ arc, I’ve always liked her story and her character. Sure it could have moved faster but I liked the way she has developed, making her share of mistakes and taking her lumps as a leader.

    Strangely, though I’ve never really forgiven Sansa for throwing Arya under the bus early in S1 and for the deaths of Lady and the butcher’s boy, I have no such qualms about Daney. Sure she was complicit in her brother getting molten gold poured on his head but he was an asshole anyway. And she probably shouldn’t have killed that one slave guy who had been a help to her cause. But I can let that slide. 🙂

  34. Demonmonkey: You beat me to it.

    You’re quite right, for example the UK Queen Elizabeth II is the queen regnant in that she reigns in her own right whereas her mother was a queen consort because she was married to the then king.
    Night’s King is my bae,

    Didn’t she – albeit for a very short timespan – have a revealing shot at the end of the season 1 finale when the dragons were born?

  35. Fancy word for a sellsword:

    I hope she does well after GoT ends and doesn’t wind up cursed by playing such an iconic role.

    Well, she could do well; I mean apparently people don’t even recognize her without the wig and stuff.

  36. Dame of Mercia,

    I’ve just realised my previous comment was rather ambiguous – it was of course Emilia who had a revealing scene at the end of season one and not Her Maj!!!!

  37. orange:

    Alfie Allen showed nude frontal in like what, the 3rd episode? 4th episode? There have been plenty of male butts on the show. In fact if it weren’t for the dopey brothel scenes would the level of nudity be much closer to being equal than everyone is led to believe? If it’s the penis Emilia wants to see…then let’s see the fish lips too. Hey we’re all about being “equal” right?

    I’m sorry but “fish lips”? It is difficult to discuss mature topics if you keep using derogatory terms.

  38. …or maybe she’s just tired of double standards in the industry and decided to comment on it? At the beginning of the show she was almost expected to “do some nudity”

    She has shown her nipples and ass just as many of her male costars have. There has now been two seasons in a row that had scenes with Daario naked and Dany remaining covered.

    I don’t understand why media keeps pushing this. It is the media always baiting the cast with these questions about nudity, It made more sense in the early seasons but now there are only a few flashes of nudity in about half the episodes, some male some female, and yes a bit more female which is only natural when most prostitutes are female and women have seductive power over men with their bodies that doesn’t exist vice versa. And at the end of the day naked women just have appeal and market demand in society.

    It is just puritanism. Even the demand for male nudity ironically is a form of puritanism. It is demanded not because there is real interest in seeing a bunch of cocks flopping around on GoT but to cancel out the supposed degradation of the female nudity.

  39. The GoT themed wedding in the hotel they were staying at was funny! 😀 Poor Emilia, Nathalie and Peter, hiding out in the corridors!

    Also, pretty sure, Daenerys will pick up a couple more titles this season!

  40. Did they air a new GoT clip on Conan or was it the same Dany clip that has already been released?

  41. matty,
    As Molestown bastard said, it’s a big chunk of last year’s updated with action from S5, I think are about 7 or so entries from S5. New interviewees were Tommen, Septa Unella, Ramsay, Myranda, the Night’s King, Meryn Trant, Janos Slynt and some new ‘celebrity’ fans: the singer from Texas, Michael Ball, Adam Garcia and my mind’s gone blank so probably missing a few. I think Jonathan Ross but I might be confusing it with seeing him on Thronecast.

  42. I love her
    She is so cute and she’s so funny, and she’s gorgeous!

    That was a great interview

  43. Well, as it turns out, Fallon, Meyers and Conan are off all of next week and airing reruns so we won’t have any more appearances on those shows before the premiere. Maybe they’ll get some more cast interviews in during the season.

  44. I always enjoy watching interviews with Emilia. She’s funny, joyful and really down to earth and not afraid to poke fun at herself. Beautiful and adorable.

  45. Is there a one-to-one ratio of nekkid man chesticles to exposed lady funbags? Or is it more like three to one? How about the buttses, precious? And don’t get me started on penises. Personally, I think each twig and berries shot merits at least three cooters. Unless they open the curtains, so to speak. Then I’d flip the numbers.

    All well and good if Clarke is just having some fun with the question. But if she’s serious, she should get down to brass tacks about what nudity in film actually would look like and maybe she would see how stupid the debate is.

  46. In Breaking Bad, we see Bryan Cranston’s bare butt. I am not afraid to say he has a good butt. How many lady butts in Breaking Bad? NONE! Sure we see one set of boobies early on, but how many times does Mr. Man Candy Aaron Paul show up topless? Puh-lenty.

    Waiting patiently for Clarke to weigh in on this injustice.

  47. orange,

    I am quite certain the only male full-frontal nudity is Hodor (with the actor wearing a prosthetic), the wine-merchant that tried to kill Dany and the extra from Cersei’s walk that exposed himself. So no Alfie or other big male stars doing this and none of the moments were sexual.

  48. Cumsprite,
    Emilia wasn’t calling anything injustice, she simply answered to question “would you like more male nudity in GoT” with “yes”. Wouldn’t it be weird if she said no? You guys need to chill..

  49. Chinoiserie:

    I am quite certain the only male full-frontal nudity is Hodor (with the actor wearing a prosthetic), the wine-merchant that tried to kill Dany and the extra from Cersei’s walk that exposed himself. So no Alfie or other big male stars doing this and none of the moments were sexual.

    There have been more quick shots in Littlefinger’s brothel. Theon was also after he ‘finished’ with Ros in season 1.

  50. reek:
    Emilia wasn’t calling anything injustice, she simply answered to question “would you like more male nudity in GoT” with “yes”. Wouldn’t it be weird if she said no? You guys need to chill..

    She called it unequal. Whether true or not, she would address this inequality by having more male nudity. Specifically more penises. Well then. I guess it would be a strain for her to suggest less female nudity and she would enlist her colleagues’ tallywhackers to even the scales.

    Meanwhile, she apparently negotiates a nudity clause into her contract that asks less of her than she is asking of her costars. It’s an unprincipled stand.

  51. Cumsprite,

    How many times does it have to be repeated that she does NOT have a no-nudity clause. That was a rumor wrongly attributed to her when it was actually another actress.

    Go straight to the source. On her own Instagram page she clarifies that she has absolutely no problem going nude again IF it feels essential to the story. Going naked just because she’s in bed with Daario is not essential.

  52. El-Bobbie:

    How many times does it have to be repeated that she does NOT have a no-nudity clause. That was a rumor wrongly attributed to her when it was actually another actress.

    Go straight to the source. On her own Instagram page she clarifies that she has absolutely no problem going nude again IF it feels essential to the story. Going naked just because she’s in bed with Daario is not essential.

    In my defense, I did say “apparently”. My main point stands: she would have male actors go full frontal in the name of equality. What if they don’t want to? Luckily for the men, they can generally say no. Female actors don’t have that luxury. Clarke would be better off bringing attention to that inequity rather than “I want to see more weenies.”

  53. Night’s King is my bae:

    Dude don’t bother with these people,the PC culture is so engraved in their heads that even if you state facts in front of them they are still going to call you a sexist pig,even if not outright,you can tell by the tone of their comments that this is what they mean . Women this,women that,men are privileged and so on and so forth .

    But in this instance, men are privileged. Not only do they have enough autonomy to decline showing the goods, they aren’t often asked to anyway. That’s male privilege. The solution to the inequity isn’t, as Clarke espouses, to have more hotdogs but to have fewer tacos.

  54. Ginevra:
    Ice Spider,

    I’ve tried to avoid saying too much because I got slammed crazy hard when the first full trailer came out.Like pitchfork hard.I pointed out the same inequity that Emilia did.I’m right there with you.Is it insane that I am scared to lobby for equality in this day and age?

    I have been mostly MIA in the comments for the past couple of weeks, until two days ago.I just finished an enormous project, and I was so glad that the project fell ahead of the start of the GoT season, this year.

    Do you recall which thread you were in?

    Here: https://watchersonthewall.com/emilia-clarke-and-maisie-williams-on-game-of-thrones-women-and-feminism-liam-cunningham-teases-carnage-in-season-6/

  55. Cumsprite,

    Luckily for the men, they can generally say no. Female actors don’t have that luxury.

    Bunch of nonsense. Lots of actress don’t do any nudity especially full frontal. In fact I swear you see more male actors doing full frontal than female nowadays. Female actresses show tits and ass, anything else is rare to see.

  56. Shut up and get your tits out you would be nothing without got.. stick too grrm’s narrative, don’t ban me it’s my birthday 16/04/86 and I’m drunk. But seriously play the character like grrm envisioned not the way you want to play her. nobody knew your name before seasons 1 and 2 which were your best. You Should be greatful. I will be much more p.c tomorrow soo please feminists let this comment slide.

  57. Aso I have seen you naked and so has Google. So shut up.. there’s loads of cock and balls in got. I wouldn’t mind if They recast her. Also back to the dothraki this season. Who cares. Get to westeros an do so of that free and blood you never shut up about. Once again I am drunk please forgive me.. I almost want the white walkers to win because she is soo boring

  58. Night’s King is my bae,

    To you maybe

    I think with the nudity she has done she has the right to make this comment – that’s my opinion – and also it’s not really hypocritical for her to make that comment. It’s like some of the people here who say there should be more male nudity but they haven’t shown their body parts to the public . It’s more an observation opinion she is making.

  59. Demonmonkey:
    FYI it is regnant. Emilia doesn’t know the difference and neither does Conan. Understandable. Cersei is a regent. Regnant means Dany rules or lays claim to rule in her own right.

    Oh god….funny story: I’m the one that put “Lady Regnant” in her titles on Game of Thrones Wiki, basically on my own initiative….and it’s weird seeing when interviews directly copy it.

    I mean, we debate titles *a lot* on the wiki, and it ended up sticking years ago. As others in the thread have said: it might not be a title they’ve used “aloud” in the TV show, but we wanted to distinguish between “Queen Consort” (married to the king) and “Ruling Queen” (ruling in her own right).

    So a big thing is that there is no such title as “King of Westeros” or “King of the Seven Kingdoms” (well, colloquially, but not officially). The official titles are “Lord of the Seven Kingdoms” and “King of the Andals and the First Men” (the TV show officially omitted “of the Rhoynar”)

    Given no prior precedent, we said “well, “Lady of the Seven Kingdoms” means the Lord’s wife, so how do we distinguish that? And thus we said “Lady Regnant”.

    No one has complained about this conjecture so far.


  60. lol

    Will be interesting to see Emilia’s acting this year, S1 was great, people have slagged her off since but IMO her “wooden” performances and groanworthy lines were in keeping with the theme that she is trying to live up to Viserys dream and not her own truth, eg the “Red Door” etc from the books and all that

    Looking forward to her hopefully going back to S1 a bit more, but also full Fire & Blood Targaryen (in books and show) and seeing how Emilia pulls it off.

    It’s a tricky juggling act, but a sign of a great actor or actress is when they can play the same character very diversely, eg I have great respect for Alfie Allen convincingly pulling off the petulant and cocky Theon in S1 etc and the deeply traumatised wreck that is Reek as well.

  61. My comment from late last night was apparently deleted. I made one statement with no personal attacks or vulgarity, so maybe it was a mistake.

    I said that, with all this talk of penis, i have never seen a vagina on this show. You see male genitalia every now and then on GoT and in other movies and series like Rome, also on HBO.

    This is not something that comes to mind for me, but every time i hear someone complain about men not showing their penis, i remember. Before anyone thinks about more penis, one has to wonder why there has never been a single vulva shown.

  62. Can’t wait for this season!,

    We’re going through a server change, warnings were posted. Comments made during that time last night had a high risk of getting lost.

    That said, they have definitely shown women’s crotches on Game of Thrones.

  63. JamesL,
    We’re all nude sometimes. Men and women.

    So let’s either just speak the truth, that the GoT nudity is thrown in as titillation for people who are attracted to women, or let’s show that both men and women sometimes spend time in the buff.

  64. El-Bobbie:

    How many times does it have to be repeated that she does NOT have a no-nudity clause. That was a rumor wrongly attributed to her when it was actually another actress.

    Go straight to the source. On her own Instagram page she clarifies that she has absolutely no problem going nude again IF it feels essential to the story. Going naked just because she’s in bed with Daario is not essential.

    This! I get so bored of people insisting that she uses a double for nude scenes just because they read an unreliable article based on a rumour. Even though Emilia cleared it up on her own Instagram, some still don’t believe her for some weird reason… although there are plenty of camera operators, directors and other crew and cast that could easily back her up!

    Loved her Conan interview. She is always a joy to watch on these shows.

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