House of the Dragon Ratings Stay Strong in Week Two for “The Rogue Prince”

Corlys Velaryon (Steve Toussaint), Lyonel Strong (Gavin Spokes), Lyman Beesbury (Bill Paterson), Small Council

Many speculated that the record-setting ratings from premiere week were a blip on the radar and that House of the Dragon would drop in week 2. However that doesn’t seem to be the case. HBOMax has just released (via Twitter) the first numbers for HOTD‘s second episode, “The Rogue Prince,” showing an increase of 2% for the show. That gives us a a total of 10.2 million viewers for HOTD‘s second outing, “domestically across @HBOMax and linear telecasts, based on a combination of Nielsen and first party data.”

We might see some variance in the numbers as fans settle in and decide whether or not they’re going to stick it out for the whole season. HOTD is a different show, with its own flavor, after all. Typically people make that decision after the first episode, and seeing a minor drop in figures would’ve been completely reasonable. But seeing an increase in the numbers is very promising! We’ll have to wait and see if the European ratings reflect the same trends.

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Sue the Fury
Susan Miller, Editor in Chief of


  1. No surprise. GOT, up until HOTD, was still HBO’s most-watched show during the years following the show “dying.” And HOTD proves yet again what executives are now seeing is reality: Internet ragefests can be ignored.

  2. The word of mouth is good, so I am not surprised more people are tuning in. They are doing a good job with the show.

  3. Most people enjoyed the premiere so I think the increased viewership is linked to that will be interesting to see how they go for the taing episodes.

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