UPDATED! Game of Thrones cast convenes in Seville as filming begins; A surprising guest actor returns (SPOILERS!)

Photo: Isabel Chaves / Instagram
Photo: Isabel Chaves / Instagram

Game of Thrones moves south and most of the main cast coalesces in Seville as filming begins in the Andalusian capital. We also get a clearer picture at Daenerys‘s dress! Finally, as the only spoiler for today, we tell you about the surprising return of a guest starring character who many of us assumed would never make another appearance. Only read until the red spoiler warning if you don’t want to know more!

First, let’s time travel to last week, as David Eagleman visited the set at Itzurun beach. Aside from a photo with the showrunners, Benioff and Weiss, Eagleman shared one with Emilia Clarke which offers our best closeup at one of Daenerys’ season seven outfits.

Now, on to Seville for the myriad of sightings of the recently arrived cast members, especially Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, who arrived a few days ago and appears to be quite eager —or at least has the eternal pacience needed— to take pictures with all his fans. Iain Glen has also been in the city for a while with his family. However, as his children appear in the picture, we will not share it out of respect for their privacy. Pictured below with Nikolaj you will find Gwendoline Christie and Pilou Asbæk, who plays Euron.

We have it in good authority that the strangest parental relationship in the show (which is saying something) will also film in Itálica’s amphitheater and Seville’s Royal Shipyards: Anton Lesser and Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson are to travel to Seville. That is, Cersei’s new Hand Qyburn and his creation the FrankenMountain. What about the Mad Queen? We have no pictures yet, but it appears Lena Headey will film in Seville too.

Also, Emilia Clarke, Kit Harington, Peter Dinklage, Nathalie Emmanuel, Liam Cunningham, Conleth Hill and Alfie Allen have been sighted en route to Seville. There are also reports of other actors, but these are unconfirmed and should be discounted as false alarms for the moment. Still, it’s unprecedented for so much of the main cast to be together, especially at a foreign location, yet there they are. Take a look!

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UPDATE: Surprisingly, Rory McCann has been spotted in Seville, amongst others, including Jerome Flynn, Daniel Portman and Hafþór. See for yourselves:

Whatever these actors may be filming in and around Seville, we now know exactly when, thanks to Los Siete Reinos. As we suspected, Itálica comes first: Production will focus on the amphitheater this week and then film at the Royal Shipyards on November 8th, which also happens to be a fateful day for the future of our world (Vote, Americans!)

Finally, let’s move on to the spoilers. Stop reading if you don’t want to know any more! Here be dragons! If not even the mysterious nature of this coming together of the cast holds your interest, we bring you a spoiler from season seven that may do the trick. Watchers on the Wall sources told us that the Iron Bank of Braavos will rear their greedy head this season, and we know exactly how: Tycho Nestoris, played by Mark Gatiss, will make a house call to King’s Landing and warn Queen Cersei that their debt to the Iron Bank is due. This is not a strange narrative detour or a cameo, either: We’ve learnt that Cersei’s way of dealing with the debt will have substantial ramifications in the story. Knowing Cersei, I doubt she will choose the more peaceful approach available.

For those keeping up with spoilers, this deluge of actors in Seville is even more telling. There are seventeen confirmed characters present at the massive Dragonpit scene: Queen Cersei Lannister, Ser Jaime Lannister, Qyburn, Ser Gregor Clegane, Ser Bronn of the Blackwater, King Euron Greyjoy, Queen Daenerys Targaryen (“titles, titles…”), Tyrion Lannister, Ser Jorah Mormont, Missandei, Varys, Theon Greyjoy, King Jon Snow, Ser Davos Seaworth, Brienne of Tarth, Podrick Payne and Sandor Clegane. There may even be more to come! Nothing like this has happened in Game of Thrones ever before. The closest the show got was when the cast was much smaller and two thirds of it came together at Winterfell in the very first episode. Not even the crowded Purple Wedding comes close. This scene promises to be eventful, to say the least.

Let’s discuss: What do you guys think unites so many starring cast members in Seville? What will Cersei do when our dear old friend Tycho informs her of the debt deadline? Remember to refrain from any mention of the unreported leaks about season seven. That belongs in the forums, where you will find a vibrant conversation on the topic.


  1. I think Tycho may meet his end at the hands of the Mountain, considering the Iron Bank chose to back Stannis not so long ago.

  2. Basically everyone except the three Starks and Tormund will be at King’s Landing? Including Euron Greyjoy. Also Yara, Dornish faction and Olenna……… I hope Pod’s there, and GW too. I would be surprised if the Hound was there – isn’t he supposed to be up North?

    The news about the Iron Bank coming back into play is not too surprising!

  3. Nikolaj is amazing, i love the way he treats the fans.
    Of course with his face it’s not hard to take pictures all day.

  4. Delighted to see Mark Gatiss back – I loved his portrayal of Tycho Nestoris in seasons four and five, and cannot wait to see him again in season seven. Davos is being proven right – without Tywin, the Lannisters have proven to be a bad bet – and I don’t imagine Cersei will be too pleased to see Tycho!

    Whatever they are filming, this is shaping up to be the biggest gathering of the main cast since 101/102 when Robert & the Lannisters visited Winterfell (the only thing I think that comes close to it is the Purple Wedding, at which point the KL-based cast was massive). The story is really coming together, and so many characters that have either never met before – or have not met for a very long time – are going to cross paths. Exciting times!

  5. Yes but Cersei better watch out considering the Iron Bank can so very easily hire faceless men to take care of her lol!

  6. I am so excited to have the Iron Bank back in the story! I wasn’t too sure they were coming back to begin with (and the show missed an opportunity to have Cersei use the debt with the sept as a bargaining tool with the High Sparrow), but this is a nice indicator of them bringing much more to a resounding close than I previously imagined.

  7. Yes!! Good to hear the Iron Bank will come calling. It’s about damn time Cersei’s flippant treatment of them came back to bite her.

    I love that Nikolaj is so friendly and accommodating to his fans. And he always looks like he’s in a good mood. It’s good to see Gwendoline Christie too. There’s been a severe lack of Gwen/Brienne sightings during filming.

    *Fingers crossed someone gets a picture of Rory McCann*

  8. People are excited that so many actors are together in one place but logically, I would think they’re going to film completely different scenes, happy to see Nikolaj and Gwen back on set and I’m not too surprised Lena isn’t there yet given the custody issue in her family.
    Really curious to see how she handles the Iron Bank situation and what effects it will have on the Realm, I want to see her properly take on her new role as Queen and give people a tough time, I absolutely adore her !

    I hope she and Dany don’t parlay, that would completely ruin the amazing character build up. Peace is for cowards !

    She deserves to go out with a bang and really make her mark on the Seven Kingdoms !

  9. Alba Stark:

    Whatever they are filming, this is shaping up to be the biggest gathering of the main cast since 101/102 when Robert & the Lannisters visited Winterfell (the only thing I think that comes close to it is the Purple Wedding, at which point the KL-based cast was massive).The story is really coming together, and so many characters that have either never met before – or have not met for a very long time – are going to cross paths. Exciting times!

    Yup, this is on the scale of the Winterfell scenes in S1. I can not wait to see so many characters on screen together. The first meetings, especially, should be mind blowing.

  10. Since we are talking about mark gattis…any news on when will Sherlock come back..
    It will make this wait for GOt bearable

  11. Still no Yara, I fear for the woman.
    Rory I am not buying until I see a picture. Maybe he does go south. I don’t recall him agreeing to join the BwB. HMmm, maybe he has unfinished business in the south. A big brother who’s guts he hates?? JUST KIDDING!
    It will be interesting to see how Cersei deals with the IB. Or no more food from the last Tyrell standing.

  12. I know Tycho’s storyline was somewhat different in the books to the show. I’m a bit rusty now because it’s some time since I read it but I seem to recall him being at

    the wall

    in ADWD. Well, it will be interesting to see how it pans out but I don’t want to be spoiled anymore than to know he’s coming back into the show story.

  13. I have had this suspicion the Iron Bank is interested in more than debts it is owed , but the big picture , it does not want Westeros to fall to Ice-Sauron and will also be backing Dany.

  14. Tho I have seen Nikolaj and Iain Glen on the town with the cast , seems both of them like solo smoozing .

  15. Sue the Fury,

    Yeah thank you I now found out..
    But since iam not part of any other fandom like GoT I thought I can ask about it here to fellow fans..
    Its just seeing his name reminded me of sherlock.

  16. Great and unexpected to see Gatiss back. You’ve got to admire D&D: they’re tying up literally every loose end (story/character) before this all ends. Very impressive.

  17. Kind of out there…book spoilers ahead:

    Tyrion signed over Casterly Rock and all its wealth to the Second Sons. Could Cersei do the same for the Iron Bank?

    ….or maybe Cersei has Tycho executed and the Iron Bank asks the Faceless Men to have her killed.

    With that many characters from scattered storylines in one place, I half-expect them to perform a rousing rendition of “One Day More,” LOL.

  18. Morgoth,

    I’m thinking that Cersei refuses Tycho Nestoris (maybe even has him killed) and this leads the Iron Back to back Dany for the Throne. If Dany allies with Jon then they’ll have a nice source of funds in the war against the Others.

  19. M,

    Casterly Rock is bankrupt in the show (though that hasn’t been mentioned since Season 4).

    We’ve learnt that Cersei’s way of dealing with the debt will have substantial ramifications in the story. Knowing Cersei, I doubt she will choose the more peaceful approach available.

    The most obvious reading of this is that she just kills Tycho, but in the alternative, maybe she decides to sell Westerosi civilians captured in her wars as slaves to pay the debt? That came to mind because of that extras casting report we got a while ago where the women were told they would be playing slaves, when there aren’t any slaves in Westeros. Though I don’t know that this would have “substantial ramifications”; it would certainly piss off Dany.

  20. I was thinking Quaithe would be the surprising return character.

    I wonder if we’ll ever see her again.

  21. I’m delighted to hear that Tycho Nestoris will be back. I’ve really enjoyed the way that the show has brought the Iron Bank into the story and made it such a significant player across several seasons.

    With only 13-15 episodes left, I had thought it was plausible that they might not return before the events of the main story concluded. Their relative silence throughout Season 6 played into my amused headcanon that Mace Tyrell turned out to be a far better negotiator than anyone expected him to be. Leaving the Crown’s debt unresolved would have been a loose thread, but we needn’t have worried: as we’ve seen over the course of the past few seasons, the writers are quite adept at tying all those threads up. The answer to all of the Internet’s strident and frantic questions in the “Where’s Gendry/Rickon/Balon/Blackfish?!” vein remains the same: patience.

    With House Tyrell, a major financial backer for the Crown, now all but extinct and what remnants remain now in open rebellion against the Iron Throne, it makes complete sense that the Iron Bank would return to have its due. It all comes back to Mark Gatiss’s joking, yet prescient remark that he’d like to see Tycho be the last one standing when the series concludes because “the bankers always win in the end”.

    Then again … the bankers winning in the end may not save Gatiss’s specific banker in the present. I have a gnawing suspicion that “Cersei’s way of dealing with the debt will have substantial ramifications in the story” may ultimately translate to “Cersei orders the Mountain to cut Tycho Nestoris in half”.

    That isn’t likely to solve her problem, of course. Far from it. As Tywin warned her back in Season 4, “One stone crumbles and another takes its place and the temple holds its form for a thousand years or more. And that’s what the Iron Bank is, a temple. We all live in its shadow and almost none of us know it. You can’t run from them, you can’t cheat them, you can’t sway them with excuses. If you owe them money and you don’t want to crumble yourself, you pay it back.”

  22. The Iron Bank seems to have a lot of bad loans on their books. Who would they go after for Stannis’ debt, Davos? They’re probably not going to want to deal with anyone in Westeros anymore.

    Dorky theory about the ramifications… The IB forecloses on the Red Keep, evicting Cersei out into the streets of Flea Bottom. Nestoris proclaims himself king and is sitting the iron throne when the story finishes. Nobody would guess that dude would end up ‘winning’ 😛

  23. Great to hear that some of the more subtle subplots are still in play, amidst all the battles and dragon- and ice zombie-drama that are undoubtedly in store as the story draws to its conclusion.

    It will be fitting if a Lannister failing to pay her debts brings down ruin on her house.

  24. I am most interested in how Tycho Nestoris fits into the story, and these ramifications of Cersei’s actions. Maybe it pushes the Iron Bank to support Dany as well? But Dany already has more than enough resources to defeat Cersei.

  25. I’m actually a tad bit impressed that they are going back to this dangling storyline. I honestly thought they would never address it again.

  26. Jared:
    With only 13-15 episodes left, I had thought it was plausible that they might not return before the events of the main story concluded. Their relative silence throughout Season 6 played into my amused headcanon that Mace Tyrell turned out to be a far better negotiator than anyone expected him to be. Leaving the Crown’s debt unresolved would have been a loose thread, but we needn’t have worried: as we’ve seen over the course of the past few seasons, the writers are quite adept at tying all those threads up. The answer to all of the Internet’s strident and frantic questions in the “Where’s Gendry/Rickon/Balon/Blackfish?!” vein remains the same: patience.

    With House Tyrell, a major financial backer for the Crown, now all but extinct and what remnants remain now in open rebellion against the Iron Throne, it makes complete sense that the Iron Bank would return to have its due. It all comes back to Mark Gatiss’s joking, yet prescient remark that he’d like to see Tycho be the last one standing when the series concludes because “the bankers always win in the end”.

    Your head-canon regarding Mace’s negotiation skills fits in with what Roger Ashton Griffiths has always said about playing the character as if Mace’s bumbling nature was mostly an act, and that there was always more going on under the surface than there appeared to be.

    I also hadn’t considered the role that the fall of House Tyrell could play in this. I think in the Small Council meeting in which Cersei sent Mace to Braavos, Mace did offer to foot the bill and said that the Crown could pay House Tyrell back in time. Cersei rejected this offer as she wanted to get Mace out of KL while she plotted to bring down his children, but I wonder now if Mace gave Tycho private assurances that House Tyrell could and would cover any financial difficulties in the future as Margaery was then queen. And now that the Tyrells have fallen out with the Crown and Mace is dead, that assurance is no longer there.

  27. Arya Serious:
    Yes but Cersei better watch out considering the Iron Bank can so very easily hire faceless men to take care of her lol!

    I guess you’re right. It’s going to be interesting. I almost feel sorry for Cersei.

  28. So excited to see the Iron Bank back!!!
    I was scared they had dropped the sub plot.
    Its one of the most fascinating aspects in the world of i&f

    I loved the expanded plotline there w/ Stannis and Davos in season 4.

  29. Uh yeah I’m going to go ahead and delete posts where people are openly posting stuff from leaks.

  30. The Iron Bank calls its loans. Desperate for gold, Cercie starts a fraking operation at Casterly Rock to mine the last bits of gold. That produces a sinkhole so big it triggers an earthquake bringing down the Wall. Walkers wind up on the Iron Throne.

    Hey! It could happen. LOL!

  31. Clob: The Iron Bank seems to have a lot of bad loans on their books. Who would they go after for Stannis’ debt, Davos? They’re probably not going to want to deal with anyone in Westeros anymore.

    Ah Tycho!! In all his sour-faced glory. That question sort of came up a week or two ago on another thread, when someone asked who owned Dragonstone now that Stannis was dead. My reply was that the Iron Bank owned it and the leftover fleet of ships in Eastwatch. Davos convinced the IB to loan Stannis the money to build his army and claim the Iron Throne. At the time I lamented that we’d probably never see Tycho/Gatiss again, because that storyline would take too long to play out in the number of episodes left. So glad to be wrong! Wow, with all the fantasy flying around, a little reality is now hitting the fan! OMG I can’t wait to see this stuff play out.

    The fact that they have Tycho personally going to Kings Landing is an event in itself. I don’t think they ever showed him making personal visits in the show. He’s not a dummy; after hearing about what Cersei did to everyone, he’s not going to go into KL unguarded. I’d be pretty sure he’s bringing a contingent of guards with him, both the visible, military kind, and the faceless variety to spy and do whatever else needs doing. What possibilities this could lead to … a Jaqen Cersei perhaps? What if Cersei actually heard the warning Tywin gave her about the bank and decides to try the right thing? That would be a surprise.

    Yeah, I always thought old Mace struck a favorable deal with them, based on his joyous singing in the square after the meeting. Tycho personally escorted him to the square, and stood there with a pained look on his face as Mace sang. You don’t go around singing opera in the open if that banker has just told you to take a hike.

  32. BunBunStark: Yup, this is on the scale of the Winterfell scenes in S1. I can not wait to see so many characters on screen together. The first meetings, especially, should be mind blowing.

    I wonder how many of these people Daenerys could be meeting for the first time?

    I am also looking forward to seeing Jon encounter the Lannisters again.

  33. Dee,

    From your lips to the ears of the old and the new gods, Benioff & Weiss. (I’d hate for Tycho to be killed, but if it brought about an appearance by Jaqen…)

  34. For a moment, on the small screen of my smartphone, I thought that was Natalie Dormer (being the surprising guest actor) in the picture with Nikolaj. And I was wondering what character was the other girl. But apparently the surprising guest actor is someone else. lol

    I liked Quaithe, but I don’t think she will return. Very expressive eyes she has!

    That must be strange all those actors who never played together on GOT, to finally be on the same set. I hope Lena Headey will soon return too.

  35. This spoiler gives me hope that the fanfic leaks are mostly BS as this was not mentioned at all!

    So whatever she does has ramifications for everyone so it can’t be as simple as just killing him can it? Of course the debts belong to Kings Landing so Dany would inherit that debt as well if she took out Cersei and I doubt she has that kind of money. This could be interesting.

  36. Chilli:
    For a moment, on the small screen of my smartphone, I thought that was Natalie Dormer (being the surprising guest actor) in the picture with Nikolaj. And I was wondering what character was the other girl. But apparently the surprising guest actor is someone else. lol

    Wow – I can definitely see how you would think that! Beautiful girl.

    I’ll be in the minority here and say I am really pumped to see Euron this season, even if his lovely locks appear to have been buzzed.

  37. Alvaricomg,

    We’re hoping they’re part conjecture on the leaker’s side. In that he does have some insider info but does a lot of guesswork and over-interpretation of said knowledge to the point of taking things out of context (probably) and even making things up altogether (hopefully).

  38. ok Luka, usually I avoid spoilers (meaning that I only read the headlines) but this time I had to click and yes, read the spoiler, just because I wanted to congratulate you on this verb “coalesce”. Never heard it before but yes, an important word, so thanks for teaching me something today!
    PS it goes without saying that english is not my mother tongue.

  39. Pigeon:

    I’ll be in the minority here and say I am really pumped to see Euron this season, even if his lovely locks appear to have been buzzed.

    I am going to join you in the minority!! I think season six Euron suffered from much of the book Kingsmoot lines being moved to his meeting with Balon on the bridge at Pyke. I am hopeful that we will see more of Euron going forward, and that he will be a far more rounded character than he was in the little we saw of him in season six. I think season six was a hint at Euron, and season seven will show him in full flow.

  40. Jenny,

    It’s painful for Kit to smile it seems Haha! I don’t blame him. He must get hounded all the time.

    Oh Cersei is totally killing a bank clerk or two. Would be kind of cool to see Jaqen come after her for that though.

  41. Aryamad:

    It’s painful for Kit to smile it seems Haha! I don’t blame him. He must get hounded all the time.

    Oh Cersei is totally killing a bank clerk or two. Would be kind of cool to see Jaqen come after her for that though.

    I think that’s what’s going to happen. It would be awesome. I would like to see Jaqen with someone else not just Arya all the time.

  42. Jack Bauer 24:
    Where’s Kristover Hivju?

    Yeah, I would love to see Tormund meet up with this lot!!

    ETA: Though if Randyll Tarly’s opinion of the free folk is anything to go by, perhaps it is best he stays in the North?

  43. Arkash:
    I was thinking Quaithe would be the surprising return character.

    I wonder if we’ll ever see her again.

    I would love to see her! I thought she would be the one to cure Jorah.

  44. I hope Jerome Flynn is also in Seville…Hope he’ll finally meet up with Iain Glen…and with Rory McCann and Peter Dinklage again.

    I also hope the leaked spoilers are fake. ???

  45. keltia:

    From your lips to the ears of the old and the new gods, Benioff & Weiss.(I’d hate for Tycho to be killed, but if it brought about an appearance by Jaqen…)

    Why would Tycho be killed ? Jaqen might actually work for IB. It would be funny though if Westeros houses would borrow money from IB to hire Faceless Men to kill Tycho 🙂

  46. Alba Stark:

    I am also looking forward to seeing Jon encounter the Lannisters again.

    This I’m really forward to. Back in Winterfell, he wasn’t even allowed to eat in the main hall with the royal family and Jaime mocked him for joining the Night’s Watch. It’s amazing how far he’s come since then. If he meets the Lannister twins again it will be as the King in the North.

    Really, though, it’s mind boggling how things have change since those first few episodes. Back then, Ned was the Warden of the North, Robert was King, and Dany was basically a sex slave. Now, we’ve got Jon as KitN, Cersei as Queen (with no King), and Dany sailing to Westeros as a conquering Queen. Summer 2017 never seemed so far away.


    Hi, Myname! *waves* It’s good to see you posting again. I’m glad you didn’t stay away too long. I missed you and the cast pictures you share with us.

  47. Returning characters are not a major spoiler for me, so I’ve read the part of Tycho returning and I can say that I like that he is back. Hopefully, he will have a more significant role this time and not be just the “mouth of the Bank”.

  48. Alba Stark: Yeah, I would love to see Tormund meet up with this lot!!

    ETA: Though if Randyll Tarly’s opinion of the free folk is anything to go by, perhaps it is best he stays in the North?

    Has James Faulkner filmed yet?

  49. Sean C.,

    IMO, it’s pretty obvious that

    the big caravan will be the decoy and that the Lannisters will use it to ambush Dany, not visa versa, because otherwise Cersei wouldn’t be in KL by the end of the season (or at least Ep 6). BTW, this speculation is based exclusively on the official In Production Trailer showing the Lannister banner unfolding over the box labelled as “Oleena’s carriage”, not on the reddit leaks.

    But that’s not the point I wanted to make.

    I like your idea about Cersei trying to pay her debts by selling people of Westeros into slavery, but IMO there may be more to that, cause if we accept this theory, we also have to ask what the Iron Bank would do with those alleged slaves and what is the Iron Bank and it’s ultimate goal.

    We were told that the Iron Bank is a “temple”, and that this “temple” stands in the free city of Braavos which was found by the Faceless Men who escaped from Valyria and maybe even caused it’s doom to prevent the masters coming fro their property scenario. Hence, it’s legit to assume that the Iron Bank is a subsidiary of the Faceless Men, and that Braavos is a symbolic representation of the two inevitable evils according to J. M. Keynes: death and taxes/dues. But what comes out of that, if we assume that the Iron Bank serves the Many-Faced God? What is the goal of the Many-Faced God in the end game? On the one hand, the God of Death may be simply interested in death and destruction: the Doom of Valyria hints that such scenario is possible. On the other hand, the White Walkers who would act as agents of this new doom should be an abomination to the God of Death, because they are undying and their existence shatter the fundamental balance between life and death. Hence, the God of Death may be interested in restoration of that balance at the end, especially if the LOL and/or his champions will agree to stop playing with resurrections, etc.

    So, one way or another, the Iron Bank indeed looks like the end game player (and probably even the ultimate winner, because the survivors will have to pay the dues), and whatever path Cersei takes in dealing with them – be it killing the messenger (banker) or paying the loan in some gruesome way, it will have a major effect on the story. An I expect Arya playing some role in this context too.

  50. Inga,

    It wouldn’t need to be the Iron Bank taking the slaves as payment. They could just take the cash Cersei receives in exchange from people in other Free Cities.

  51. Can’t wait to see what Cersei does, hopefully she isn’t stupid enough to kill a member of the iron bank, if she does they are gonna come back at her with a vengeance maybe even Jaquen will make a reappearence.

  52. WRG to the Iron Bank and the North- wouldn’t Jon and or Sansa have to have a talk with them?
    In Book

    Jon negotiates for food and aid from IB

    will they have some version of this in show?
    Also in book excerpts

    Sansa learns LF is buying up all the food rations

    I asked more questions then the show may want to answer.

  53. BunBunStark: This I’m really forward to. Back in Winterfell, he wasn’t even allowed to eat in the main hall with the royal family and Jaime mocked him for joining theNight’s Watch. It’s amazing how far he’s come since then. If he meets the Lannister twins again it will be as the King in the North.

    Really, though, it’s mind boggling how things have change since those first few episodes. Back then, Ned was the Warden of the North, Robert was King, and Dany was basically a sex slave. Now, we’ve got Jon as KitN, Cersei as Queen (with no King), and Dany sailing to Westeros as a conquering Queen. Summer 2017 never seemed to far away.

    The scene between Jon and Jaime I always interpreted as being in part about Jaime seeing in Jon the same naivety he had when he joined the Kingsguard (it was a little bit about him mocking Jon, but also a little bit about him mocking his younger self). And now Jon has risen far higher in the world than Jaime. It would be interesting to see Jon’s reaction if they speak, as I think that ultimately Jon has come to realize that a lot of what Jaime said was the truth.

    A Jaime/Jon conversation would also be interesting given that 1) Jaime was Robb’s prisoner for around a season, and 2) Jaime actually used Jon as bait against Catelyn in the scene where she visits him in his pen with Brienne and ultimately sets him free.

  54. Alba Stark: I am going to join you in the minority!! I think season six Euron suffered from much of the book Kingsmoot lines being moved to his meeting with Balon on the bridge at Pyke.I am hopeful that we will see more of Euron going forward, and that he will be a far more rounded character than he was in the little we saw of him in season six. I think season six was a hint at Euron, and season seven will show him in full flow.

    Aww we can make our own club. Hee! I really loved that bridge scene, and the drowning scene. There’s so much potential for his character, I really hope to see it this season. ?

  55. Rory McCann!
    Man are all these cast members gonna meet in one place in an episode sequence?
    The rumored ‘dragonpit’ at KL? A place that has not even been hinted at on the show, just a book wise thing. A mysterious meeting.

  56. Pigeon: 2 out my 3 favourites. What I wouldn’t give to be there!

    Hmm, so it looks like the Hound will be going south…Clegane bowl after all?

  57. Jack Bauer 24: Has James Faulkner filmed yet?

    I haven’t seen any mention of him filming here (and this is the only GoT related site I visit). I just mentioned his name because of his reaction to the revelation that Gilly is a wildling; if that is indicative of public opinion throughout Westeros, perhaps Jon didn’t want to risk antagonizing people by taking Tormund with him. A shame, in my opinion, as I would love to see a scene with Brienne, Jaime and Tormund!

  58. aagnee: Why would Tycho be killed ? Jaqen might actually work for IB. It would be funny though if Westeros houses would borrow money from IB to hire Faceless Men to kill Tycho

    Okay, putting my tinfoil on. I believe the FM are the Iron Bank.

  59. Sean C.: It wouldn’t need to be the Iron Bank taking the slaves as payment. They could just take the cash Cersei receives in exchange from people in other Free Cities

    I can think of few things that would motivate Dany more than she is already motivated to “break the wheel” than for Cersei to start dealing in slaves. If that happens and is allowed to continue, while Dany is actually in the area, what’s to stop Essos from starting to deal in slavery again? So she HAS to undo Cersei, there won’t be any deals made between the two queens.

  60. Pigeon: Aww we can make our own club. Hee! I really loved that bridge scene, and the drowning scene. There’s so much potential for his character, I really hope to see it this season.

    Absolutely! I think and hope that there is quite a bit more to come from Euron.

  61. Newbietothegame: Okay, putting my tinfoil on. I believe the FM are the Iron Bank.

    I don’t mean they are the same but surely IB can afford to hire FM. I think Tycho would make sure he can be safe at KL, he wouldn’t go there unguarded.

  62. Grail King,

    What you wrote about LF doing in the books would be an interesting thing to have happen in the show, and also quite in line with LF’s personality. And didn’t Bronn mention

    in an earlier season something about thieves stealing all the food in a siege situation and reselling it at high prices? maybe that was foreshadowing of a horrible famine in KL. We’ve been hearing about of coming famine for a couple of years now. There was much discussion in the off-season last year about a famine in Mereen and Tyrion having to find food to feed the people. but nothing much came of that. Maybe the great famine is this coming year.
  63. Newbietothegame: Okay, putting my tinfoil on. I believe the FM are the Iron Bank.

    Not tinfoil at all – there have been theories for years regarding the closeness of the FM and the Iron Bank.

  64. Wow, so we’ve got the unprecedented amount of 13 starring cast members in (or on their way to) Seville this week: Dinklage, Coster-Waldau, Headey, Harington, Clarke, Cunningham, McCann, Emmanuel, Hill, Flynn, Glen, Christie and Allen!

    Must be one heck of a week for the cast!

  65. Boojam,

    Cleganebowl + Bearpit reverse with Brienne jumping in to save Jaime + Team Dragonstone + Gendry + Iron Bank/Faceless Men = public revolt in KL (epic Ep 6).

  66. Newbietothegame: Hmm, so it looks like the Hound will be going south…Clegane bowl after all?

    I kind of feel as though a Hound-Brienne tag team would be a good match vs Ser FrankenGregor. ?

  67. Dutch Maester,

    Add to that Pilou Asbaek, Anton Lesser (Qyburn) and Thor Bjorsson.

    The gathering is huge, there has to be more to it than what’s been leaked. That’d be so anticlimatic and silly.

    I can’t help but picture ‘games’ at that dragonpit.
    ‘Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained? Is that not why you are here?!’

  68. Luka Nieto,

    Hi, can we do something with reply feature in the forum? It’s really problematic and once it works and it doesn’t. Couple of other people had the same problem from time to time. I tried different browsers and other things. Thanks.

  69. Hyped for the Iron Bank! You just know Cersei is going to do something messed up and whoever reigns after her will have to pick up the pieces.

  70. Alba Stark: Not tinfoil at all – there have been theories for years regarding the closeness of the FM and the Iron Bank.

    Exactly. They might work together. It’s not coincidence no one ever robbed that bank 😉 Braavos seems to be important.

  71. Pigeon: I kind of feel as though a Hound-Brienne tag team would be a good match vs Ser FrankenGregor.

    LOL, it may take both of them. Not sure how they would kill the undead, probably need to sever his head.

  72. Thronetender,

    Absolutely. If Dany learns about Cersei’s attempts to trade slaves she will feel obliged to undo her at any cost, as well as Jon. Moreover, I can’t imagine any of the Free Cities risking to buy slaves from Westeros with Dany and her dragons around. It would be hard to imagine the Iron Bank being happy with such a deal as well: it is supposed to be found by the former Valyrian slaves just like entire Braavos. Hardly it will be OK with reintroduction of slavery, which is now on the brink of abolition in Essos due to Dany’s efforts. I can only imagine the Iron Bank luring Cersei into a trap, but we’ll see how it plays out.
    IMO, the most probable scenario would be Cersei killing Tycho Nestoris following her principle of “power is power” and this way provoking ramifications in the from of the Iron Bank/Faceless Men taking the side of Dany and Jon in return to their promise to pay back all the loans.

  73. Inga:

    Absolutely. If Dany learns about Cersei’s attempts to trade slaves she will feel obliged to undo her at any cost, as well as Jon. Moreover, I can’t imagine any of the Free Cities risking to buy slaves from Westeros with Dany and her dragons around. It would be hard to imagine the Iron Bank being happy with such a deal as well: it is supposed to be found by the former Valyrian slaves just like entire Braavos. Hardly it will be OK with reintroduction of slavery, which is now on the brink of abolition in Essos due to Dany’s efforts. I can only imagine the Iron Bank luring Cersei into a trap, but we’ll see how it plays out.
    IMO, the most probable scenario would be Cersei killing Tycho Nestoris following her principle of “power is power” and this way provoking ramifications in the from of the Iron Bank/Faceless Men taking the side of Dany and Jon in return to their promise to pay back all the loans.

    It could happen but it means Tycho will return only to be killed 🙁

  74. Alba Stark: I am also looking forward to seeing Jon encounter the Lannisters again.

    My initial thought when I read this was “M’eh.” While I’m more excited about seeing Jon and Tyrion reuniting than Jon and Daenerys meeting, I have only mild interest in a Jon Jaime meeting as long as he is still backing Cersei (if he changes sides, that’s a conversation I’d like to see). Cersei and Jon would be the least interesting. She’d sneeringly call him a bastard; he’d think she’s an evil idiot. Done. Then, however, I decided that perhaps tne best scene all season could be Cersei’s reaction to Jon if everyone knows he’s Rhaegar’s son: the son of the man she’d hoped to marry and the woman said man and her husband both loved and prefered to her. That might get a rise out of her. I can’t decide if she’d rather bed him out of spite or kill him. Probably both.

  75. Thronetender,

    I don’t expect a famine: it’s a crawling disaster which takes months to unfold and whatever will be happening in S7 will be happening fast. However, an abrupt disappearance of bread and/or an abrupt rise of its prices has been a precondition of almost every revolution, so yes: that can be expected.

  76. Newbietothegame: LOL, it may take both of them. Not sure how they would kill the undead, probably need to sever his head.

    I would try fire: the FrankenMountain is a wight basically.

  77. Chreechree:….. That might get a rise out of her. I can’t decide if she’d rather bed him out of spite or kill him. Probably both.

    Melisandre would be like “hell no Bitch.. if I didnt get to hit that you dont either” lol

    for real though.. IF they are brought together Cersie will TOTALLY try to seduce him.. most likely just to kill him afterwards..

  78. “For those keeping up with spoilers, the actor sightings are even more telling. As of now, there are seventeen confirmed cast members involved in this massive Itálica shoot. Except for Lena Headey, all of them are already in Seville. This means the following characters will be involved in this eventful scene at the Dragonpit: Queen Cersei Lannister, Ser Jaime Lannister, Qyburn, Ser Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane, Ser Bronn of the Blackwater, King Euron Greyjoy, Queen Daenerys Targaryen (“titles, titles…”), Tyrion Lannister, Jorah Mormont, Missandei, Varys, Theon Greyjoy, King Jon Snow, Ser Davos Seaworth, Brienne of Tarth, Podrick Payne and Sandor “The Hound” Clegane.”

    What a list! What a scene! You should add Grey Worm as well, though 🙂

  79. I added a new paragraph in the spoiler section making clear how momentous this scene will be:

    For those keeping up with spoilers, this deluge of actors in Seville is even more telling. There are seventeen confirmed characters present at the massive Dragonpit scene: Queen Cersei Lannister, Ser Jaime Lannister, Qyburn, Ser Gregor Clegane, Ser Bronn of the Blackwater, King Euron Greyjoy, Queen Daenerys Targaryen (“titles, titles…”), Tyrion Lannister, Ser Jorah Mormont, Missandei, Varys, Theon Greyjoy, King Jon Snow, Ser Davos Seaworth, Brienne of Tarth, Podrick Payne and Sandor Clegane. And there may even be more to come! Nothing like this has happened in the show since the cast was much smaller and joined together in the very first episode. Not even the Purple Wedding comes close. This scene promises to be eventful, to say the least.

    Dutch Maester: You should add Grey Worm as well, though

    Has he been sighted?

  80. Thronetender,

    Yeah, I always thought old Mace struck a favorable deal with them, based on his joyous singing in the square after the meeting. Tycho personally escorted him to the square, and stood there with a pained look on his face as Mace sang. You don’t go around singing opera in the open if that banker has just told you to take a hike.

    I remember that, and Mace was going on about ‘usury’, how it was nonsense to try to outlaw it as one past king did. Then he called the bank ‘gamblers’. Tycho balked at that and said the bank wasn’t a gambler.

    The only other connection with gambling is Arya and the “Thin Man”. Arya asks Jacquen why the ships captain would make bets with the “Thin Man” if he only wins when he loses his life. Then there was talk about the “Thin Man” refusing to pay up when he loses, because the captain’s destitute wife can’t compel him to.

    Anyway, Arya was supposed to kill the “Think Man”. I wonder if her failure to do so will have far-reaching consequences. Arya thought it was more important to kill Ser Meryn…. what if it wasn’t?

  81. selena:IF they are brought together Cersie will TOTALLY try to seduce him.. most likely just to kill him afterwards..

    If anyone were to go all praying mantis on Jon Snow, it would be Cersei.

  82. Cersei will likely decline the Iron Bank’s request for repayment of its loans to the Capital, which were primarily obtained by Littlefinger, very likely for the benefit of Littlefinger. I suspect the Iron Bank will then fund Cersei’s enemies, of which she has many. The bank could also employ Faceless Men to take care of the Cersei problem.

    I wonder if the Iron Bank will be looking for repayment of the money it lent to Stannis as well?

  83. So finally the last piece of the prophecy has become clear.

    All of our thoughts and all of our theories were vain and wrong.

    It’s not Tyrion. It’s not Jaime.

    The Iron Bank is the Valonqar and will fulfill the prophecy!

  84. Green Chili:
    So finally the last piece of the prophecy has become clear.

    All of our thoughts and all of our theories were vain and wrong.

    It’s not Tyrion. It’s not Jaime.

    The Iron Bank is the Valonqar and will fulfill the prophecy!

    There are theories FM are pulling the strings and Jaqen will take the Iron Throne. It would be great to have Jaqen/Cersei scene. However I think it could be Jaime to kill her. She will go fully mad and commit some more atrocities and he will stop it like he did with the mad king.

  85. M,

    Ha! One Day More!
    Well, They will filmed the scenes on a theater (sorts of), after all. So GoT the Musical is not too far-fetched. LOL

  86. lucy:
    Seeing the Mountain “living” as a grotesque zombie would be justice and closure for the Hound.

    I can see why you would say that but I couldn’t disagree more. Being as grotesque as he is hasn’t stopped him from what he has always done and now he has what seems to be extra super human strength so Qyburn actually made it much worse. He still gets to go on torturing his victims and his appearance makes it that much more of a horrible experience for the victim = more fear and a more enjoyable experience for a sick f***er like him lol!! That isn’t justice for Sandor at all and probably will make him want to take him out even more. I can’t wait to see his reaction to him it is going to be great! He saw someone brought back already so that won’t be the shock but Gregor’s appearance should be I seriously can’t wait!!!

  87. So what can the iron bank do when Cersei tells them to pound sand? Hire some sell swords? That’s not going to do much against the might of the Lannister Army (and Greyjoy fleet). They can’t align themselves with the north or Targ forces, they are otherwise occupied fighting WW.

    Face it the iron bank is screwed. Of course if Cersei wants another loan she’ll be SOL but when did she ever think ahead about anything?

  88. Luka Nieto,

    Nice ..

    So are we to believe all of them will make it out of there alive…is that what we came to know as GoT will do .

    I really think there is something that’s going to happen there and hope the leaks in this part is wrong and missing lots of details

  89. Jared,
    If, as others have mentioned, Cersei’s solution to the budget issue is instituting slavery in Westeros, then it’s a pretty brilliant way of bringing in both Dany’s previous plot AND the fact that Braavos was created by escaped slaves into the fold. In Dany’s case, it will be a sort of a ‘scouring of the Shire’ moment.

  90. Verses sells the swords of the iron throne to pay back iron bank…after all Valerian swords will be fetching top dollar

  91. Ah, good news, the Iron Bank was sorely missed this last season. Brought a lot of realism to the political scene. Plus….the crown debt crisis is sort of a big subplot, but feels like it’s been “on pause” since Season 5.

  92. I can’t believe Jamie and Daenerys are going to be in the same room. Then you add Cersei and Tyrion. So much history and animosity.

  93. Dee,

    I agree Hot Jesus hasn’t had his last on-screen moment, but all the drama

    lies in the valonqar. Most poignantly it would be Jamie. Former lover, history repeating for the kingslayer.

    But should a man take out someone like, say, Qyburn, I’d be cool with that.

  94. I wonder if anything even remotely like this Dragonpit scene happens in the novels. And by “remotely”, I truly mean I’d settle for something only vaguely similar or involving fewer characters, or like, done using written correspondence. Something in the spirit of this. But I’ll judge how well it fits when we see it.

  95. Tyrion can manipulate the Iron Bank into supporting him as Lord of CR after Cersei refuse to pay . Do you think we are going to see “a man” this season, now that bravoosi characters have a plot?

    I think it’s too early to assume that all these characters are filming together .They are all at the same filming location but that doesn’t mean they share scenes.

  96. aagnee,

    Some of the previous comments involved Cersei’s having Tycho killed as a warning to the Iron Bank. I then wondered, because of the relationship between the IB and the Faceless Men, whether Jaqen might arrange some payback.

    I have now donned my tinfoil hat. My prediction? Because Jaqen knows that Cersei is still on Arya’s kill list, he will tell Arya that he will forgive the balance on her HoBaW student loan debt if she will deliver the gift of “mercy” to the new Queen.

  97. I swear to god I’ll pistol whip the next person that says “learnt!”
    Kidding, by the way, I realize it is a common variant outside of North America. That said, I have nothing to the conversation, except that I got all excited when the spoilers were prefaced with “there be dragons.” Man, I thought I was about to read some super cool dragon news.

  98. Newbietothegame: Okay, putting my tinfoil on. I believe the FM are the Iron Bank.

    Agreed… I’ve thought this for a while. I’m guessing the huge funds from the FMs “contracts” are what keeps the IB running, and in the opening credits you see a coin travelling along the aqueducts of Braavos and depositing into a large building that I’d assumed was perhaps depicting this.

    So, if the IB are implicated in the plot moving forwards I’m wondering if they despatch the FM on Cersei? Could Arya’s list finally be struck off in some way?

    Or- we know (indicated in the books), that

    Euron has some connection to the FM from the GOHHs visions, could it be possible that HE plays the Valonquar role?

    I really hope not.

    Gotta say all of the cast in Seville is making me a little apprehensive as well as excited, for reasons best not discussed here ?

  99. Hello. I am not surprised about a high stakes scene in the Dragon Pit as I remember EW mentioned it back on Oct 8th, if I recall correctly. That being said, I am also not surprised that Liam and Emilia, and Gwendoline are there since the spoiler on EW mentioned it as well. An interesting surprise is the IB, although maybe I shouldn’t be surprised. Since LF drove the crown into debt back in season 1 when he was master of coin, I am wondering what role the IB and the FM will play here. That part of the storyline was never resolved. What is interesting is how most of the main characters are present in Kings Landing except the 3 Stark kids and LF. Will more characters show up? Is it safe for the mad queen to have so many enemies in one location? Will Arya complete her list? I feel somehow her list and her training are still unresolved, as well as her connection with the fm. I wonder if she will disguise herself as Tyrion and kill Cersei. This is just speculation of course. Also, I also believe there is a connection between the fm and the ib.

  100. asoiaf fan:
    .What is interesting is how most of the main characters are present in Kings Landing except the 3 Stark kids and LF.

    Yeah, I have been trying to figure out who we are missing from the main cast; so far I have Arya, Bran, Sansa, LF, Sam, Gilly, Melisandre and Tormund. Do we count Grey Worm, Edd, Meera and Yara as main cast?

    Still, a huge gathering of the cast and an opportunity for so many of them who have never shared the screen before to do so.

  101. keltia:

    Some of the previous comments involved Cersei’s having Tycho killed as a warning to the Iron Bank.I then wondered, because of the relationship between the IB and the Faceless Men, whether Jaqen might arrange some payback.

    I have now donned my tinfoil hat. My prediction? Because Jaqen knows that Cersei is still on Arya’s kill list, he will tell Arya that he will forgive the balance on her HoBaW student loan debt if she will deliver the gift of “mercy” to the new Queen.

    It might happen. We don’t know about the connection between IB and FM but of course if anybody can afford Jaqen it would be IB for sure. I don’t know if Arya will be involved. Jaqen seemed to be happy she was leaving but maybe he was happy because she is in debt to FM now and like you said she will have to do some killings. I still hope it would be Jaime who will kill Cersei though. It would be the most dramatic death for her. It would be cool though to see Jaqen actually doing some work too not just brag about it 😉 As far as I know Jaqen and Melisandre might appear in next season but they haven’t started filming yet. Maybe they will have some scenes together. It would be interesting.

  102. I guess these are not going to be there?
    Joe Dempsie , Jacob Anderson , Aidan Gillen and Carice Van Houten?
    Seems I remember Aidan having been around production, a little, in NI, and suppose his character may have been eliminated, which makes LF a bit of a shaggy dog story.
    Since the two Stark girls are not there Gendry would be in the North, tho why the hound is there is puzzling.
    That Melisandre is not there is not a surprise , but her story seems not to be in the sneaks, tho I think that is true of Varys too. Over the last two seasons the religion of R’hllor has been , not matter how briefly , injected into the story with their warnings about the ‘Others’ , well even back in season 4 when Melisandre pointed brings it up with Stannis, as she did with Jon season 6. Seems Carice has not been around the production at all this filming?
    If there is this big meeting seems a contingent of both Dany’s Unsullied and Dothraki would be around which makes Grey Worm’s absence weird (I am thinking the character is not eliminated yet) , the new Dothraki guy could be around but he may not be recognized.

  103. As long as it doesn’t involve Cersei magicking up yet more soldiers out of thin air and sacking Braavos, i’m fine with it…

  104. Alba Stark,

    This is just speculation, of course. But how Cersei deals with her enemies is not peaceful, based on credible source material. There is wild fire planted in Kings Landing. She has a recent history of blowing up her enemies. This is very worrisome for me personally. ESPECIALLY since all these people are situated in Kings Landing. I personally feel the real central characters not present are Bran, Sansa, Arya, and Little Finger. Will any of them show up or no? That is what I also wonder. I also think about what path Arya will ultimately choose in the end game.

  105. The forums are not working (or not refreshing) again: I have wrote an answer to Geralt an it disappeared. Not a big loss, but still…

  106. Dee:
    Maybe a faceless man returns then.

    I thought the same thing. Wouldn’t that be great? In 13 days S6 comes out on Blu-ray disc with background stuff. I figure the production news will be slowing down through winter so I’ve decided after the holidays to watch all six seasons and the background stuff. Think it will take me into summer?…lol

  107. Sean C.,

    You make a great point mentioning Casterly Rock is broke in the show. I bet Lannisters go and sack Highgarden and take that wealth to refill their coffers. They don’t even have to show that, they only have to state it one simple sentence and it would fit well with the story.

  108. fierce as a wolverine:

    It will be fitting if a Lannister failing to pay her debts brings down ruin on her house.

    I hadn’t even thought about that, but you are right! I’m very excited to see what transpires when Cersei doesn’t pay the IB. I can imagine it will be like dominoes falling.

  109. Apollo,

    I still hope that Tyrion will ‘have the honor’ to put her away. About so much of the cast being there. We are getting close to the end and it is logical that eventually the circle will get tighter in regards to who interacts with whom.
    I still hold on to the believe that the characters still standing when all is said and done will unite for the ultimate fight.
    In the end it comes down who will win that fight, not who sits on the Iron Throne.

  110. It is good that Iron Bank will return, they really needed to return with the death of Stannis and the Tyrells.

    I dont think the Iron Bank and the Faceless Men are exactly the same people, but I do think that the Iron Bank uses the faceless men. They are properly their best clients. The Iron Bank or the Faceless men might also have other more magical ambitions.

    The Iron Bank will definitely want some retribution from Cersei. Cersei can do whatever she wants with Tycho Nestoris, he is just one employee, it will not change her position with the bank. It would only make it worse.

    I hope we see Jon making the deal with the Iron Bank, that was a good deal for both parties since Bravos doesn’t have trees and the North is full of trees.

    I could easily see how the Iron Bank will just back Dany.
    But Bravos, The Faceless men and the Iron Bank actually hates Targaryens or Valarians, because of their slavery. Unlike her ancestors however, Dany has obviously freed slaves. But they might still hold some resentment, Dany destroyed the economy of a few cities within Essos, this might have had a big effect on the Iron Bank. But the show will obviously not delve into these the issues.

  111. Boudica,

    I have been thinking that Dany’s anti-slavery quest in Essos was kind of a walk of atonement for all the sins of the Valyrians and the Targarians. It looks like dragons and the ability to control them was a gift from above and its primary purpose of which was to enable humans to fight and win against the White Walkers. The Valyrians used it for selfish purposes, so the doom came. The Targarians were saved but they went pretty much the same path by using dragons to conquer Westeros, so the doom came for them as well. But Dany showed potential of becoming a fighter against slavery very early, and that could have been the reason why she was given power to hatch the dragons. And during her later wanders she proved herself as someone more or less worthy to wield the power of the fire made flesh. However, if she fails to make the right choice at some point, the consequences may be dire.

  112. kathy,

    Yeah, the guy who gave the leaks didn’t write out each episode and every little detail. Not to mention he only answered questions. No one provided a question about the Iron Bank. Not to mention Gatiss has only been in a scene or two each season he was in the show. Yes, good storyline for Iron Bank coming back. But was it something we were all thinking about three weeks ago when these leaks dropped, nope not at all. Also, I doubt the Iron Bank will have a heavy influence. My guess is they are a tool to increase hate for Cersei or possibly to show her trying to do good, or possibly telling Cersei they are backing Dany and she kills him. Gatiss being back is cool but probably a small role that wasn’t worth the mention from the guy leaking anything.

  113. Inga,

    Inga -yes!! That has been my thought too!! I said in a couple other posts that I believe the Valyrians were chosen by the gods to have the dragons to bring balance to the world. Bringing balance would include putting and end to slavery and uniting the people to battle the Others in the fight for the Dawn. The Valyrians corrupted their purpose by doing the very thing that they were supposed to stop so the Targaryens were saved and the rest wiped out in the doom. The Targs used the dragons to fight each other and ultimately the dragons died out as punishment. Dany is the first one to get it right and even then she needs guidance from the descendants of all the OTHER people that moved to Westeros under guidance from the Gods. Makes me think of Kinvaras statement of everyone is where they are and who they now are for a reason that all the bad things that happened to all of them was for a reason. It was necessary for all of the pieces to be exactly right ?.

  114. Boudica,

    Do we have anything that suggests Iron bank and FM hate targaryens

    targaryens have been in dragonstone and westeros for 425 years and still we dont see FM or iron bank hate or do something against them..

    But you have to wonder why these escaped slaves who didn’t like people being in slavery never bothered to stop the slavery and put and end to it..

  115. dragonbringer,
    Well, Braavos did fight several wars with Pentos over slavery, eventually winning and getting Pentos to drop slavery and slave trade. I also believe that slave ships/ships from the slave cities aren’t allowed to port in Braavos. Of course, none of that necessarily means the IB or FM have an issue with it themselves…

  116. Stargaryen,

    Eating some bread and other good food. Chilling out. Wildling style.


    Reply feature is not working or when you even want to post comment on it’s own.


    Iron Bank plot can be discussed, as it’s part of the article. Tycho, IB and what ramifications it could mean for Cersei. Caravan is not part of it and it’s close or it can turn into debate about leaks.

  117. Chump Force 1,

    You clearly have no idea what you are talking about. If she refuses the Iron Bank it won’t be hired swords coming her way. It will be a silent assassin getting rid of the power. The assassin would just take out Cersei and let the next in charge to step up then hit them up for payment. Should that be difficult to bare the Iron Bank will look to fund another claimant, IE Dany. However, if you are looking to be funded by the Iron Bank to take the throne you have to accept the current debt of the Iron Throne. The Lannisters do not owe the Iron Bank. The Throne owes the Iron Bank. The Lannisters control the throne. Stannis said as much when he took the money from them back in Season 4 or 5 whichever it was. Should a claimant take the throne without the Iron bank then the Iron Bank would go to the remaining family members for recompense.

    Tywin was correct they think they rule Westeros but really the Iron bank does.

  118. greywind,

    Your comment had explicit spoilers from the leak. I see nothing here that includes spoilers from the leaks. If you do, please point me to the comment and I will delete it 😉

  119. The Dragon Demands,

    Well the plot was handled with Mace going and renegotiating the thrones contract with the Iron Bank. Not to mention the Tyrell’s probably made a down payment on the new negotiation.

  120. Inga: I have been thinking that Dany’s anti-slavery quest in Essos was kind of a walk of atonement for all the sins of the Valyrians and the Targarians. It looks like dragons and the ability to control them was a gift from above and its primary purpose of which was to enable humans to fight and win against the White Walkers. The Valyrians used it for selfish purposes, so the doom came. The Targarians were saved but they went pretty much the same path by using dragons to conquer Westeros, so the doom came for them as well. But Dany showed potential of becoming a fighter against slavery very early, and that could have been the reason why she was given power to hatch the dragons. And during her later wanders she proved herself as someone more or less worthy to wield the power of the fire made flesh. However, if she fails to make the right choice at some point, the consequences may be dire.

    This has been a question hanging for a long time now, bookwise and showwise Dany is an abolitionist … even though she is Valyrian heritage …at this late date we still don’t know if the Targs were anti slavery… the big hanging question is what do all the Essos anti slavery cities think of this? Especially Braavos and the FM ? Seems they should be Dany’s strongest Essos allies.

  121. LordGiantsbane,

    I don’t know about Sandor but Brienne was probably dispatched by Sansa to represent the lady of winterfell. She probably didn’t get the memo that this was a Queens and Kings only party. Oh, Sansa.

  122. asoiaf fan,

    Yes, the Iron Bank plot was completed they are reopening it. Mace Tyrell went to Braavos to renegotiate the terms of the THRONE’S debt. Basically stating hey the Tyrell’s have money and our daughter is queen. Terms were successfully renegotiated so the Iron Bank was leaving the throne alone – plot ended. Well Cersei put a monkey wrench into the new terms with the Iron Bank by killing off the Tyrell family (save Olenna). Of course now they will come calling for payment from the new Lannister on the throne. Remember the debt is not the Lannister’s debt, it is the Throne’s debt.

  123. Streetad,

    I don’t see why people think the Lannisters have a depleted army. Jamie took a small portion of their force to Riverrun (8k). They even mentioned it was the whole army. Also, like the books new soldiers are being trained in the Westerlands throughout the entire story. Also, the Lannisters have Crownland support, Riverland support, probably Reach support now that the Tyrells are gone. Thinking Randyll Tarly and his large army will join the Lannisters. Also, her kids were Baratheons I guarantee there will be some Stormland support as well. Plenty of men for Cersei to use to fight dany, Braavos, and the wights!

  124. Luka Nieto,

    I have to get back to work and it’s not worth a whole back and forth. I’m just saying the article says “Spoiler” ahead: and then goes on about the IB. Then half the comments are theories about the spoiler and what will happen after that. I feel my comment was the same thing. I shared my theory on something that was written after “Spoiler” ahead. I just don’t see see the difference. I don’t want to be argumentative. Have a good day.

  125. Yaga:
    Also, another thought: I just hope that some half of the characters in this gathering die.

    There are a couple on my list of “need to go”. Starting with Cersei and her two cohorts.

  126. lucy,

    Regarding Brienne, the most legit assumption is that she will be going to the Dragonpit for Jaimie. Another question, what Jaime will be doing there.

  127. Inga,

    Of course, Brienne’s interaction with Jamie is what I would most look forward to. However, Brienne does not command herself. And I can’t see her asking Sansa to be allowed to go to the meet, for personal reasons. I think S sends B to Dragonpit to be her eyes and ears.

  128. lucy:

    Of course, Brienne’s interaction with Jamie is what I would most look forward to. However, Brienne does not command herself.And Ican’t see her asking Sansa to be allowed to go to the meet, for personal reasons. I think S sends B to Dragonpit to be her eyes and ears.

    I agree, it is not in her nature to put personal needs over duty.
    Either Sansa sends her there or she represents Tarth instead of her father.

  129. lucy:

    I don’t know about Sandor but Brienne was probably dispatched by Sansa to represent the lady of winterfell.She probably didn’t get the memo that this was a Queens and Kings only party. Oh, Sansa.

    ??? I would LMAO if that happens.

  130. Newbietothegame,

    YES YES YES. I am so done with Cersei, but I think D&D find her endlessly fascinating, unfortunately. Lena is a great actress, but there comes a time when a character tips from being evil-but-interesting to cartoon-character-eeeeeevil with no redeeming qualities. Cersei has long since crossed that line for me, and I want her GONE.

  131. Stargaryen,

    IMO it’s more complicated; however, I’ll better cover my further speculations: none of them are related to any “leaks”, but nonetheless.
    For the moment Cersei controls Crownlands, Westerlands, Riverlands, and Stormlands (probably).

    The alleged alliance with Euron will bring her the Iron Islands early in the season, and by the mid-season she is supposed to regain control over the Reach and Dorne (speculation based on the In Production Trailer). However, the Riverlands will rebel (again speculation based on the In Production Trailer and PAP4Y photos published here on the WOTW) and most probably declare to KITN (again see In Production Trailer) and this might turn into a MAJOR problem for Cersei, because this way Jon will drive a wedge between her two main strongholds (Crownlands and Westerlands), as well as the Iron Islands. Meanwhile, the Reach and Dorne won’t be able to compensate that loss, because Cersei’s control over these lands will be rather limited.
  132. LordGiantsbane,

    Brienne and Sandor are not Jon’s bodyguards, they have nothing to do with Jon, they don’t serve him.

    Brienne is all about redeeming Jaime and therefore protecting Stark daughters for him. In the show she may be sent there by Sansa to represent her, or to protect Sansa and Arya somehow, or deliver a message from Sansa, or maybe she goes there with personal agenda…she is a lady too, if her father is dead, she may be personally involved in politics now. But speaking storywise, she will go to south to meet Jaime again of course, just as in Riverrun. Brienne’s real storyline is her star-crossed love story with Jaime (beauty and the beast), it will be evident next season.

    And Sandor is not serving to anybody, he became his own man. He can be the new leader of the brotherhood, perhaps. Again speaking storywise, Sandor may be there to eventually fight Gregor. Because that’s his main storyline and possibly his endgame.

    EDIT: Removed the parts related to the leaks (I had used spoiler tags for leaked info but I guess mentioning the leaks is not allowed even with spoiler tags now).

  133. Newbietothegame,
    Yeah. For me: Cersei, Jaime, Qyburn, the Mountain, the Hound, Euron, Jorah and Varys. That’s 8/17. Like I said, half. Even without the last two, it’s still 6/17 I really want dead.

  134. Sean C.:

    Casterly Rock is bankrupt in the show (though that hasn’t been mentioned since Season 4).

    The most obvious reading of this is that she just kills Tycho, but in the alternative, maybe she decides to sell Westerosi civilians captured in her wars as slaves to pay the debt?That came to mind because of that extras casting report we got a while ago where the women were told they would be playing slaves, when there aren’t any slaves in Westeros.Though I don’t know that this would have “substantial ramifications”; it would certainly piss off Dany.

    The Iron Bank is from Bravos. And Bravos outlaws slave trade absolutly.

    So – no slave deals with the Iron Bank.

  135. Who confirmed Cersei would be there? Looks like Lena Headey is still chilling in London. How long will they be filming at the Dragonpit?

  136. innocence,

    Exactly, storywise Brienne will go to the Dragonpit to meet Jaime, but that doesn’t exclude the possibility that formally she will go there for one of the Stark girls or even both of them. Arya may run to KL, if she decides that her skills get wasted in Winterfell, and Sansa may send Brienne and Sandor to look after her (such scenario doesn’t require Maise William’s presence in Spain, because most probably Arya will be using a different face).
    On the other hand, Sansa herself may end up in KL as well. Littlefinger had a plan to get on the Iron Throne using Sansa, but numerous factors (Bran, Dany, etc.) will undermine this plan pretty soon. So what Littlefinger will do? Isn’t it legit to assume that he will try to re-ally with Cersei by bringing her Sansa (or her head)? I don’t want to go into practicalities. For instance, he may persuade Sansa to go to the Vale to support Sweetrobin, who will be becoming Cersei’s next target after she repels Dany’s first offensive, and if Sansa goes by boat (his boat), Littlefinger may sail directly to KL. Or Euron may be involved… One way or another, if Cersei gets Sansa, she will probably have the leverage to bring Jon and Dany to “the parlay” in the Dragonpit.

  137. lucy,

    Theon was “feeling homesick,” and Jon has “pressing southern business to deal with.” Whatever excuse Brienne uses to get out of that storyline, I’m down with it.

  138. I am really enjoying everyone’s comments, ideas, and speculations in this thread. Yes, there were a few non-Iron Bank spoilers that had to be deleted (good job, Luka), but the comments and responses have been civil and thought-provoking. Thanks, fellow Watchers.

  139. Mel:
    Who confirmed Cersei would be there? Looks like Lena Headey is still chilling in London. How long will they be filming at the Dragonpit?

    WotW did not say Cersei will be at the Dragonpit. I believe a Spanish site confirmed (?) it would be Davos and Brienne. Take some of the posts with a grain of salt. A lot of Tinfoiling going on. I skip over comments from folks that I know read the you know what.
    I am under the impression that Seville is a centralized location for more than one story line. Just because they all gathered there does not mean they all film together.

  140. Inga:
    So what Littlefinger will do? Isn’t it legit to assume that he will try to re-ally with Cersei by bringing her Sansa (or her head)?

    No, not really, seeing as Cersei is pretty clearly doomed at this point, and selling Sansa to Cersei would gain him what, exactly? And he’d lose his Vale support, and his designs on the North.

    Team Hodor,

    As I said, it wouldn’t be Cersei handing the slaves to the Iron Bank, she would sell them and then give the Iron Bank the money.

  141. Green Chili,
    what if the little brother is the people of kings landing?Could cersi be the big brother spying on the people of kings landing with her little birds and using that to control them? The little brother(people of kings landing) get sick of it and rebel against her.

  142. aagnee: It could happen but it means Tycho will return only to be killed

    It would be a shame to lose Gatiss that quickly, but it wouldn’t change the plot. There’s always another banker. Hence the excellent paragraph Jared posted upthread about Tywin explaining to Cersei.

    Since it seems many of us expect her to make a horrid mess of running things, yet we are all waiting to see the twists GoT is famous for making, maybe she won’t make a mess. Maybe the twist will be that having full power and no kids to worry about opens up her ruling capabilities, at least for a little while. Nope, even as I typed that, I didn’t believe it. She’s going to try to do it right, but it will probably be a bloodbath.

  143. Inga,

    I had also thought that either Arya or Sansa, maybe both would go to KL next season and LF would be there too. But I highly doubt it now, because I think if Maisie, Sophie or Aidan would be there, we would hear at least rumors about them being in Spain until now. You may be right about Arya though, Maisie doesn’t need to be there if Arya wears another face, or if she has only indoor scenes. But I think Sophie and Aidan would film in Spain if Sansa and LF go to KL, so now I don’t think they will go to south. Maybe Arya, if there is a big plot twist that spoilers don’t reveal.

  144. Luka Nieto: Do not discuss the leaks here. Use the forum for that

    Luka, I went over to the forums a couple of times but got frustrated trying to find the latest comments. I don’t want to have to read through the whole thread of replies over and over just to see who replied to whom. I’d much rather the format was like it is on the main comment threads, with an easy way to see scroll and see the newest replies. Just saying. Maybe you’ll pass that comment along to whomever is in charge of formatting those pages.

    Good work on the articles, btw.

  145. Inga,

    Oh I agree, Cersei has support if she wants it. I forgot about Euron’s Ironborn! So Cersei will get a fleet as well.

    I guess I was using it in the context of people stating that the Lannisters make soldiers magically appear. Kind of like they don’t see how Cersei could stand up to Dany. I think she can in a political way. Again Cersei can grab men from all corners of Westeros South of the North and Vale. I think it is obvious Tyrion will not let Dany burn Kings Landing to beat Cersei (at least not at first).

    clearly they organize an ambush or win a battle vs Dany, so Jamie and Euron are clever enough to defeat them in the field

    I think Cersei makes it out of this season alive. She has always been playing the Game of Thrones and will be the last big bad to be defeated in a show called Game of Thrones. I do believe the battle vs the Wights will come first. However Cersei will do something to effect the battle vs the wights in the negative way. That is the final straw that has the rest of Westeros go again Cersei and that is where Dany and Jon and Riverland defectors will be able to create that wedge you referred to and easily defeat Cersei. But Cersei is no pushover and she is lucky her adversary won’t do things that she will do like burn down portions of cities.

    Until Tyrion says just do it and be done with her. Boom Tyrion’s approval for Dany to burn Kings Landing is like the little brother killing Cersei. Dany wouldn’t do it without Tyrion’s approval.

  146. Thronetender,

    You know you hit CONTROL and F on your keyboard it brings up a word finder. You can type in someones name and it will go to that person name. Just some help to efficiently use your computer screen.

  147. Stargaryen: Until Tyrion says just do it and be done with her. Boom Tyrion’s approval for Dany to burn Kings Landing is like the little brother killing Cersei. Dany wouldn’t do it without Tyrion’s approval.

    You made a good point about Tyrion’s approval of dragon fire being the ultimate death sentence for Cersei. (and a nod to the Valonquar prophecy of the books ) If we are to believe the visions Dany had at the HotU, and the visions Bran had, something obviously burns the roof off the Throne room. We’ve already seen the effect of wildfire beneath a building – it takes out the walls and everything, so the damage to the roof we saw in the visions must come from flying dragons. 🙂 I don’t know why thoughts of fire-breathing dragons make me smile, they just do.

    But I was super happy to read somewhere that Nymeria will be sighted. I feel like there were far too few dire-wolf scenes. I just hope Ghost makes it through.
  148. Stargaryen: Just some help to efficiently use your computer screen.

    thanks 🙂 I already do use the edit button to find things on the screen, but it doesn’t help much if I don’t know the names of those who posted. I just want to be able to go in and see the latest comments on a particular thread. I’m fairly efficient at using a computer screen

  149. Good to hear about IB

    Not surprised, this seems to be a major arc-line, going back to firstly Tywin and Olenna “‘m not scared of the Iron Bank” conversation with Olenna before the Purple Wedding

    And later the “brick” conversation between Tywin and Cersei right after Tywin makes an inexplicable comment about Lannisters having “zero” Gold output which shows they don’t understand economics and issues of falling rates of production but anyway

    Have a suspicion that in a visual realm there may be an issue with the Mountain removing Tycho’s head from his body, only for it to show the Iron Bank is relentless etc, hello funding for Jon Snow and the Kingdom of the North and his new army along with Dany to put alternative Lannister Tyrion in the seat of Casterly Rock

    As for massive pit, as a non-spoiler reader one can only guess, perhaps it’s like last season where Braavos and KL were filmed in the one city and they are having multiple cities in the same location for cost (and tax-breaks) reasons

    If they did come together can only imagine it’s a climactic thing revolving around destruction of KL ahead of S8 dealing with war with White Walkers etc

  150. Boojam,

    Regarding Greg Worm, if people’s theories are right about Dany landing in Dragonstone in the first episode by the director lineup. Remember Emilia first filmed in NI for two weeks or so and she posted a pic of herself, Nathalie and Jacob.
    I have no idea where that was meant to be set but considering Missandei and Greyworm were with her I think he’ll probably be okay, maybe they just want to give the Dothraki time to shine and Greyworm will be a general more involved in tactics than actual fighting, I don’t think we’ve seen him fight since he was injured.

  151. innocence,

    It’s hard to say much based on the actors’ presence. If Littlefinger indeed kidnaps Sansa and brings her to KL, we can expect Cersei to lock her in the dungeons and therefore Sophie’s presence in Sevillia won’t be required, and Littlefinger may simply bite the dust indoors, if Sansa tells Cersei who killed her beloved Joffrey. But on the other hand it’s just a speculation: Sansa may find out about Littlefinger’s plans and deal with him herself.


    Totally agree with you regarding Cersei: she is a tyrant but a local tyrant, and Dany will be seen like a foreign invader. Who are her supporters? Power-hungry Sand Snakes who killed her own prince and his totally innocent heir; Yara who has rebelled against her legitimately elected uncle; Tyrion whose reputation is not the best (to say the least)… Ollena may not be enough to outbalance all that horde of outcasts and bastards, and if Cersei manages to take her out as I expect, she will be able to present herself as a true Protector of the Realm which would be a gift to any tyrant (very few have lost wars in such situation) and Jon will be the only one able to change the balance in Dany’s favor.

  152. Mel,

    Dany may land on Dragonstone in Ep 1, but if she is supposed to take part in the ambush-battle in Ep 3, she will have to land in the Westeros mainland in Ep 2 with most of her army. And if the battle goes ill as we guess, the Unsullied will be given the task to cover Dany’s retreat and most probably play the 300 Spartans. So, yes: there is a big probability that Greyworm will be one of the ambush-battle causalities, though nothing is written in stone.

    On the other hand, I have started to think that the ambush-battle might be in Ep 6, instead of Ep 3. Not sure, whether this idea is worth anything though and first we have to find out which director will be filming the ambush-battle.

  153. Haven’t had a chance to read the comments yet, so apologies if people have already said this. What if Cersei decides to grab the Tyrell’s assets to pay the bank? We have been told more than once that not only are they the second wealthiest family in Westeros, but also in control of a big chunk of the food supply. There’s only Olenna left alive and, depending on when this happens, Cersei may not realise she’s already allied with Dany and thinks there won’t be any major repercussions?

    I believe in the books

    the Tarlys are allied to the Tyrells, but I don’t remember if that’s the case in the show? It seems a bit unlikely that they’ve introduced Sam’s family this late in the story for them to just be in one episode. Perhaps they do a Roose Bolton: a secret deal with Cersei to betray Olenna?

    Or maybe she tells the bank where they can stick their debt and that causes the bank to do something which aids Dany?

  154. Newbietothegame,

    No Yara but is it just me who finds it a bit odd that Euron will be in King’s Landing with everyone else? For what purpose? Perhaps to ally with Cersei..

  155. Lulus Mum,

    I don’t think Cersei could be unaware of Ollena’s doings. She has her little birds flying all around and Ollena just sent her fleet to Dany and her army has to be on the move as well: no way such things can be kept in secret. But that’s exactly what makes Ollena Cersei’s target No. 1.

  156. This big meeting can only mean one thing. War and mass killing of characters by Game of Thrones. It is no coincidence we have two female and two male monarchs, with potential pairs that could match in age. Everyone probably spends the season allying together, and the losing side is annihilated.

    Not even mentioning spoilers, but based off background alone, it would have to be Euron/Cersei vs. Jon/Daenerys. With the North and Targaryen forces together, no way can they lose in this battle.
  157. Inga,
    Yeah, that probably wasn’t the best choice of words on my part. I meant more along the lines of Cersei does it because she thinks Dany (or others) won’t retaliate on Olenna’s behalf. Or hasn’t thought it through, she’s not into long term planning so much.

    Mind you, communication works strangely in the show. Dany has amassed an enormous army and has three very large, very much alive, dragons, but the Ironborn are the only people in Westeros who seems to have heard about this or be taking it remotely seriously. It’s been said before but news of dragons would spread like er..wildfire.

  158. Apocalyptic queen:

    No Yara but is it just me who finds it a bit odd that Euron will be in King’s Landing with everyone else? For what purpose? Perhaps to ally with Cersei..

    A Cersei/Euron alliance is expected.
    I have not read the books so I don’t have any emotions for the Euron character. I did not care for the scenes, but the show needed him as a plot device to get Yara and Theon to Essos and to play the other baddie besides Cersei due to the Boltons being gone.
    Yara will probably die and I hope her uncle will too by the end of the season.

  159. On the pic with Rory McCann and Iain Glen the third guy, all in black, looks very much to me like Tobias Menzies. Could it be him? Edmure Tully in King’s Landing? As a Lord of Riverrun or as a Lannister’s hostage?

  160. Inga,

    Isn’t Podeswa directing the supposed ambush scene ? That would set it in episode 7 meaning that the ambush is not the big scene we’re expecting, that big scene will probably happen in episode 6 with Alan Taylor at the helm so maybe an important WW scene or the actual Dragonpit scene. Do we know for sure if Jeremy is directing that one as well ?
    Emilia had the day off today which is weird considering she’s supposedly involved in both the ambush and the Dragonpit scenes which means they probably filmed something else there today.

  161. Thronetender,

    If Nymeria is to make an appearance this season, I hope that it’s not just in a flashback to the Arya/Micah/Sansa/Joffrey scenes and used only to set up the sisters’ past relationship before they reunite at Winterfell.

  162. Newbietothegame,

    Oh noooo! lol. I hope Theon cops it rather than Yara though..

    I predict that we will see the back of Euron in Season 8. I think Cersei might off him after they possibly ally because he starts demanding more power and starts to become annoying…

  163. Sean C.,

    I know this is old but….is Casterly Rock bankrupt in the show or did the mines just run dry? I remember Tywin saying they hadnt been producing for the last two years, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are broke. Did I miss something?

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