Yes, Game of Thrones season 7 episode 6 has leaked

My face when I heard the news.
My face when I heard the news. Get the wine, y’all.

There’s not a whole hell of a lot to say about it. Overseas vendors have once again messed up, and aired an episode of Game of Thrones early, causing it to leak worldwide. Last night, it came to our attention that episode six of this season was now available on HBOSpain (in error), and that downloaders were already making copies for sharing.

So here we are, another week, another leak. We can’t ask that people not watch the leaked copies, that’s up to you to decide, but we can ask that you be discreet and not post about what you’ve seen in the episode on social media and our websites like ours. Please have consideration for your fellow viewers who would prefer to see the new episode for the first time on HBO, next Sunday night (or whenever it airs in your country).

Unfortunately, people are already leaking spoilers all over social media. So we encourage everyone to be careful this week, and if you’re very spoiler-phobic, you might want to take a Twitter or Tumblr break. Because this is a big episode, and why have it spoiled by some jerks who can’t help posting gifs from the leaks without warning their followers first?

As for Watchers on the Wall, we’ll continue with our Quarantine rules. Leaks cannot be discussed on our blog posts, but you’re free to discuss the episode in our Quarantine forum.  Please use the forum if you’re just dying to talk about the new episode! We don’t allow commenters to post any spoilers, hints or teases about the leaked episode in article comments.

Now, let’s try to make this coming week fun anyway, with a great episode on the horizon- plus Axey’s Eastwatch Twitter recap is up next this morning! And we could all use a laugh.

(Note: we’re turning off comments for this one.)

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Sue the Fury
Susan Miller, Editor in Chief of