Wall Nuts: Pixels and Cages

It is time for some more Wall Nuts now that Europe is being engulfed in a heat wave and winter is definitely not coming. Yet, the Wall still stands strong.

Let us start at the … end. Cages? Yes! Cage of Thrones is an Imgur collection of Nicolas Cage photoshopped as every character on Game of Thrones. It’s just as silly (and sometimes disturbing) as it sounds.

Nicolas Snow
Nicolas Snow

More after the jump and over at Imgur.


Daenerys Cageborn
Daenerys Cageborn
A Caged Sansa
A Caged Sansa

Next, guys at the pipoca VFX channel have animated some key deaths from Game of Thrones in pixel art. Fun and well done as it the video is, the Shireen scene is still gutwrenching for me, even in this format.

Speaking of that scene, it inevitably resulted in a metric tonne of spoofs and jokes when Father’s Day came around. Azad‘s take on it is stll my favourite:

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  1. Ugh, never liked Nicholas Cage! But at this point I’m so starved for GoT news that I will read anything.

    The father’s day postcard… hilarious! This show is dark…

  2. The Wall is sweating in this heatwave, and with that, I mean my giant square forehead..

    That Caged Sansa is worse than SansaGate. Good lord, they even matched the expression flawlessly!

  3. Deesensfan,

    I hate to discuss this, but it’s almost like last season. Facial hair too. Yeah, he will be back in next season. I just can’t imagine him missing whole season. 😀

  4. For some reason I have watched this video like 20 times and it always makes me smile and think about how Jon Snow can’t be dead-dead…

  5. Deesensfan,

    We can discuss Jon, but this hair thing is a bit too much for me. 😀 I’ve seen countless articles on this and debates (here or elsewhere) over length of his hair. His story just feels unfinished with secret about his mother/parents, white walkers and stuff. He needs to know the truth. This is why he will be back and not because of his hair. He can still wear a wig.

  6. Arthur,

    I get the strong feeling something gets blown out of proportion here. – Nah… A trusted source like Complex News wouldn’t do that. 😉

  7. Valaquen,

    I haven’t read The World of Ice and Fire, so I maybe I’m wrong here, but this comment doesn’t make sense to me. It’s a world/companion book to aSoIaF, not book 6 in the series. What good would something be as a draft for the show that isn’t even (in large parts) about the story D&D are adapting?

  8. The same day they tweeted that noone at HBO saw WOW draft, so the “high source” is GRRm himself telling Westeros.org that he gave HBO TWOIAF “book” as new material….


  9. Valaquen,

    Mads Mikkelson already played a one eyed Viking in Valhalla Rising and that movie was really awful plus the acting was horrendous.

  10. Valaquen,

    I think it means that nothing further than the “history” book exists in any kind of draft form, in a position to be shown to D&D. Perhaps that means the next book is still a ways from being in a rough draft form?

    Geralt of Rivia,
    Can’t wait!! 😀

  11. El Witcher,

    Just because he played an one eyed Viking and you didn’t like him in that role (I thought he was quite good, btw) doesn’t mean he couldn’t play Euron… – I mean seriously, what is it with all that “I saw actor/actress in role X. which had similarities to role Y, and I didn’t like it, so obviously he/she would be a bad pick for role Y.”?
    The man is an actor and quite an alterable at that. If he were to play the role I’m sure he would do just fine.

  12. Abyss,

    Calm your titties. Mads Mikkelson is known to play characters that are serious and gritty, thats why he was so good as hannibal. I liked his characters in King Arthur and Casino Royale. I just don’t see him playing a pirate with a swagger, thats like asking Daniel Day Lewis to play captain jack sparrow.

  13. El Witcher,

    I’m quite calm, just because you can’t see someone in role doesn’t mean that someone can’t play it, that was all I was saying. It is a simple fact, not a personal attack. The comment wasn’t even directly for you, but more a general statement.

  14. Abyss,

    I’m just saying if Mads Mikkelson plays Euron he will make the character his own. He might play Euron as serious and mysterious instead of the captain jack sparrow like character in the books. If Mads makes a serious Euron I wouldn’t mind it, he is an awesome actor. All I know is book wankers are going to be crying about how he assassinated the character the great Lord GRRM has written in the holy text.

  15. El Witcher,

    He’s a good actor but I don’t see why people are trying to shoehorn him into this role. Much better fits for it out there.
    Also, how does a comment about casting a character turn into a diatribe about “book wankers”?! Seriously, let it go!

  16. The misses got me Elio and Linda’s Book for my birthday last month I enjoyed it. The history of the targaryan,Starks and lannisters were great. And some good hints at what may well happen in the future. I’m not a fan of there site but they used to have a segment on thronecast

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