Wall Nuts: Kit Harington, Every Game of Thrones Ever, album covers and more

This is here is quite a respectable cheeky take on the tropes and recurring motifs in Game of Thrones. Spot on, with plenty of laughs. Make sure to follow the bloopers link at the end as well.

Kit Harington was a guest on Jimmy Kimmel where he judged Jon Snow impersonators. Some are really good! Our old friend Steve Love made an appearance.

The latest episodes also inspired a whole lot of creativity among the fans. Some have already been featured in Axechucker’s Twitter recap post. Here are just a few more examples; I know you will also link to your favourites in the comments, and I am looking forward to seeing some I haven’t come across yet.

Starting light:

Reaching awesomeness with two album covers:

Final scene tributes:



  1. I find it amusing that people still associate “sexposition in a whorehouse” with GOT – has it even happened once since season 2?

  2. So Kit getting the national TV interview before the finale means…he’s the de facto star of the show? (Yes, I know Emilia is shooting in Spain right now and Dinklage acts like doing interviews is tantamount to getting his teeth pulled)

  3. Damn, these imitators were good !

    My favourite remains the first one !

    And yeah, I think Kit, Emilia and Peter are definitly the three leads, but this season has been Kit’s.

  4. I’m confident that Lena Heady will be getting her share of interviews after Sunday’s finale
  5. I don’t mind waiting another year. I love speculating about the series as much as I do actually watching and reading it… and there will definitely be plenty to speculate over.

  6. Quite a few GOT actors don’t like media appearances / interviews. Lena has said they terrify her.

  7. TOMTOM,

    What a world of free speech we live in, it really must make you feel proud of yourself to do this, tired of closed minded idiots… People should make their own choices, spoilers exist, deal with it, you can either check them or not. I don’t care really

  8. Joffrey’s Cunt,

    We have repeatedly asked people not to post pirated or leaked material. I am deleting your post. Please don’t post a link to that. This is not about “free speech,” because no one is arresting you. And this isn’t a public place, it’s website that people own.

    Mr Fixit:
    Have some posts started disappearing on WotW or am I imagining things?

    A banned user’s posts will go away sometimes. And if you were quoting a banned/innappropriate post, that tends to get junked sometimes too as part of the clean-up.

  9. Sue the Fury,

    Do not agree with that policy, but I apologize, since it’s not my website like you said, it’s yours, you dictate the rules. This is a great website that I check everyday and will continue to do so, just think it’s shame we’re not free to share everything we can find about this great show we all love. Apologies again, and it won’t happen anymore

  10. I need to pick up that new Mace album, although I am a bit surprised it has a parental advisory warning! Maybe he drops some “dang” “heck” or even “arse” bombs. What a rebel.

    Sue the Fury,

    Thank you. Not every sullied viewer wants to see spoilery pics early. Gahh.

  11. I believe Kit also said that he does not like doing intervies, as it makes him him feel uncomfortabele, bu that he is also slowly getting used to it. No-one else was probably also available. It is, however, also understandable if a lot of people want to do interviews with him. He has had a great season and two fairly good films that came out this year. Apparently, according to people on tumblr, the impersonations made him feel a little uncomfortable. I haven’t seen it yet, can’t view it now. Nonetheless, looking forward to episode 10!

  12. Thanks for doing that Sue. Frankly, come the weekend, I’ll be cold turkey on this site unti after I see the finale. Not interested in a repeat of what happened last Sunday.

  13. Look, this comment isn’t really relevant to this post. Or maybe it’s a tangent. You know that poll you post at the bottom every week? Wouldn’t it be interesting to see how answers vary by geographic regions? I’ve been wondering, especially in light of recent controversial scenes, what reactions people have and how they vary by country. Just like Axechucker samples social media reactions, this could be done on a larger scale and give a more complete picture of the fandom. Just an idea.

  14. I was in a briefly popular band in the ’90 and I have two friends currently in the business. Doing interviews is part of your job, every HBO, Sony, or Universal expects you to do that. If you are not comfortable with interviews, think twice about becoming an actor.

  15. This is a bit off-topic, but Linda Antonsson (y’know, the one at Westeros.org) has been leaking info from Episode 10 in her Twitter account, as some sort of petty revenge against the show for “spoiling” book readers.
    Wonder what D&D/HBO think about that. Can anyone warn them? I don’t want to start a controversy against Westeros, but the vileness of this person is going too far, and she’s actually damaging the trust that is put on her and the Westeros site (with the advance copies of the episode that are sent their way, the free merchandise, etc.)

  16. I swear to god if the finale gets ruined for me like last weeks episode I will be so angry.

  17. Morgoth:
    This is a bit off-topic, but Linda Antonsson (y’know, the one at Westeros.org) has been leaking info from Episode 10 in her Twitter account, as some sort of petty revenge against the show for “spoiling” book readers.
    Wonder what D&D/HBO think about that. Can anyone warn them? I don’t want to start a controversy against Westeros, but the vileness of this person is going too far, and she’s actually damaging the trust that is put on her and the Westeros site (with the advance copies of the episode that are sent their way, the free merchandise, etc.)

    No she hasn’t. Stop repeating this bullshit.

  18. cosca,

    No there isn’t, I know the one you are talking about, it’s a retweet in a full conversation of people all speculatively bitching about what D&D did and now it’s doing the rounds on reddit and 4chan suggesting she has tweeted it herself and it’s still bullshit.

    Linda spouts off far more than she probably should, but this is just more of the anti-Linda crap she has to put up with like when people said she leaked the first four episodes and it is simply not true.

  19. ctid,

    She brought it on herself. She does nothing but spew venom at D&D, the cast and crew of the show, and Unsullied fans. It shouldn’t be any wonder when people call her out on it.

    I also never accused anyone outright of leaking any episodes or other material, I only said she could easily be the culprit and that there are some signs pointing in her direction. I can’t imagine very many copies of that screener went out, so the notion that she might’ve been the one who leaked it is hardly a stretch given her past and present behavior.

  20. Robb Snow:

    She brought it on herself. She does nothing but spew venom at D&D, the cast and crew of the show, and Unsullied fans. It shouldn’t be any wonder when people call her out on it.

    Can’t argue with that. She does and I agree.

    Robb Snow:

    I also never accused anyone outright of leaking any episodes or other material, I only said she could easily be the culprit and that there are some signs pointing in her direction. I can’t imagine very many copies of that screener went out, so the notion that she might’ve been the one who leaked it is hardly a stretch given her past and present behavior.

    It is a total stretch. She complains, criticises, rants and raves. But she’s not leaked, spoiled or done any of the criminal stuff she’s being accused of at all so it is a total stretch and really wrong and defamatory to suggest otherwise.

  21. I think this discussion is starting to get somewhat out of hand, and I’m not looking to get on Sue’s or anyone else here’s bad side. So I’m just gonna drop it.

  22. ctid,

    She promised to start a spoiler campaign around episode 10. This is undeniable. It really isn’t all that much of a stretch to think she would do it, even if it was only briefly. She hasn’t earned the benefit of the doubt due to being an awful person.

  23. cosca:

    She promised to start a spoiler campaign around episode 10. This is undeniable. It really isn’t all that much of a stretch to think she would do it, even if it was only briefly. She hasn’t earned the benefit of the doubt due to being an awful person.

    No she didn’t, she said she felt like it. Not the same thing.

    Robb Snow:
    I think this discussion is starting to get somewhat out of hand, and I’m not looking to get on Sue’s or anyone else here’s bad side. So I’m just gonna drop it.

    Agreed. This is the last I’m saying on it until somebody makes another unfounded accusation.

  24. ctid,

    But there is evidence. You are choosing to ignore it, but it’s there. Why anyone would be so determined to defend Linda is beyond me.

  25. cosca,

    There really isn’t.

    I’m defending her because I think she’s innocent of any leaks and therefore defending her is the right thing to do.


    (what’s happening here?)

  27. Off topic but thought this would interest people about the show ratings: bigger than ever, apparently. ” For Season 5, its gross audience — meaning, the average viewership for each episode when HBO adds up live viewers, replays, VOD, and streaming — is 18.7 million viewers. By the time all viewership for Game of Thrones is counted after Sunday’s finale, that number should be close to 20 million.”


  28. Robb Snow:

    She brought it on herself. She does nothing but spew venom at D&D, the cast and crew of the show, and Unsullied fans. It shouldn’t be any wonder when people call her out on it.

    I also never accused anyone outright of leaking any episodes or other material, I only said she could easily be the culprit and that there are some signs pointing in her direction. I can’t imagine very many copies of that screener went out, so the notion that she might’ve been the one who leaked it is hardly a stretch given her past and present behavior.

    Agree wholeheartedly. Her uncouth language and atrocious behavior make her a legitimate suspect of any unsavory accusation leveled against her. Not to mention the fact she openly threatened to spoil episode 10 as “revenge” against D&D for having the audacity of making an episode she didn’t like (ep 9). Real classy, Linda. Spoil the episode for the whole world because you’re mad at the producers to whom GRRM sold the book rights.

    If I were GRRM, I’d cut her off from all access. She makes him look very bad.

  29. Joffrey’s Cunt,

    Hey man! I didn’t mean to upset you, and I can assure you I am not a close minded idiot. I just was trying to correct the mistake you made (which I’m sure was accidental since you’ve been here for a while) which was posting leaked material before the episode in question. This is an online community, an as such, it comes with sets of rules and conditions to ensure readers have a pleasant expierence debating this story we all love, so I just saw you were breaking one of said rules and tried to correct it. But just so you know, it wasn’t a personal attack.
    I’m sure you’ll understand. And please let’s try to remain civilized.
    PS: I’m not a native speaker as I am from Argentina, so forgive me if there are mistakes.

  30. Sue the Fury,

    Thanks, Sue. 🙂

    That said, I think I’m gonna disappear ’til after the finale airs. I trust that, as always, y’all will do a terrific job staying on top of this stuff, but I don’t trust that there won’t be some… people of questionable intent working hard to spoil over the weekend. Best to avoid outright, I think.

    Can’t wait to chat with everyone again Sunday night!

  31. Apparently the finale leaked? There’s screencaps too. HBO get your shit together. Half the season as been leaked this year.

  32. TOMTOM,

    Sorry I didn’t mean to offend you either, I was just pissed off because I personally do not agree with these rules, I think everyone should be free to chose, to either open the link or not. This website has already showed us tons of leaks in the past like when we discoverd Tyrion would be at Daznak’s, I just don’t understand how these are any different but oh well, their site, their rules. It won’t happen again.

  33. Joffrey’s Cunt,

    I think the mentality here is that filming and production news is game, while leaking direct episodes or scripts is off the limits (because it’s just TOO spoilery).

  34. Those leak pics are all over the place now, but only one is a minor sullied spoiler.
    If it is Linda, how would GRRM connection to her be affected, George has been awfully quiet this week.

  35. tyjon,

    I thought the ep would have leaked, maybe it’s out there, but I’m relieved that it’s slowed down now. Hopefully no more stunts like this.

    HBO have a year to look at how all the leaks occurred and put a proper system in place to prevent it from happening. The show is HUGE, the demand for it won’t go away, I say get rid of screeners bar maybe the first ep of the season.

  36. Lars:
    I find it amusing that people still associate “sexposition in a whorehouse” with GOT – has it even happened once since season 2?

    Um, just this season with Littlefinger and Olenna? Meryn and Arya? Jorah and fDany? LOL

    and CROWS BEFORE HO’S…..omg lmfaooooo

  37. Damn, inadvertently saw episode 10 spoiler images on another website 🙁 Be careful, guys. Don’t frequent certain image boards!

  38. Sue the Fury,

    I just wanted to say that I’m grateful for WotW’s strict policies on spoilers generally and this recent rule about the leaked material specifically. No idea where I’d get my GoT fix if it wasn’t for the general attitude/rules about spoiling things here.

  39. tyjon:
    Those leak pics are all over the place now, but only one is a minor sullied spoiler.
    If it is Linda, how would GRRM connection to her be affected, George has been awfully quiet this week.

    He’s travelling in Europe so probably no time to post anything or write anything more for TWOW!

  40. Hmm, with Dany’s Khaleasyjet, I wonder if her dragon-plane is made mostly from carbon fiber?

    (get it, since carbon IS the base element most species are made up of?)

    OK, I see that fell flat. Just trying to get this post somewhat back on topic. 🙁

  41. Valaquen,

    Unfortunately I saw a very spoilery one so I quickly closed that tab. Damn it, I was trying to remain completely unspoiled 🙁

  42. chameleon: Um, just this season with Littlefinger and Olenna?Meryn and Arya?Jorah and fDany? LOL

    LF and Olenna were in a destroyed whorehouse with no whores (it was almost a joke about the exposition that happened there). Arya and Tyrion’s scenes had plot relevance (and both were in the books I think) so they were not just for exposition and Arya’s whorehouse did not have real nudity and Tyrion’s barely any.

    Not that this matters, it just shows the showrunners have became aware of this trope and there is less pointless nudity.

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