The winners of the Watchers on the Wall Anniversary Giveaway are…

ravenbday We want to thank everyone for taking part in the two giveaways, in honor of our one-year anniversary. The response was overwhelming, as was the reader support for the Watchers on the Wall birthday celebration this weekend. We hope you all continue to enjoy the site and stick around for another year!

Now, the part you’re all waiting for- the big winning announcement!

The winners of the Game of Thrones Monopoly Giveaway are…

Saturday Winner: Flor Aranda

Sunday Winner: Luke D

We’ll email the winners to get the rewarding started! Congratulations to Flor and Luke, and thanks again to everyone who took part.

Sue the Fury
Susan Miller, Editor in Chief of


  1. Congrats to the winners!
    I never win, maybe some day! 😀 Thank you for the amazing giveaways WotW!

  2. Oh my I won!!! Many thanks Sue!! I’ve only recently come across this immense site, so happy days!!! 😀

  3. *imitates cumsprite*

    “It’s all rigged I tell ya, all rigged.” 😉

    Enjoy playing with the great game sets Luke D and Flor Aranda. Let us know how cool it really is. 😀

  4. JCDavis,

    Will do buddy. It’s ironic as I wanted to get a Monopoly and was actually looking for a Game of Thrones edition here in the UK but been unable to find one as yet! What a pleasant surprise 🙂

  5. Congrats to the winners!!!

    It’s not like I’m envious or anything… nah nah!! 8(>_<)8

  6. Congrats! Can’t say I’m not jealous but well done, enjoy!

    When you get the game, have a game on me!

  7. Luke D:
    Oh my I won!!! Many thanks Sue!!I’ve only recently come across this immense site, so happy days!!!

    Get a load of this cheeky motherfucker. Fie!

  8. Luke D:
    Oh my I won!!! Many thanks Sue!!I’ve only recently come across this immense site, so happy days!!!

    I hope you and the other winner enjoy your prizes. I’ve got the King Joffrey figurine I won a little while ago looking down on me as I type.

  9. Well gee this is er…embarrassing….guys you spelt my name wrong in the list of winners. It’s cool though, I’m still willing to accept my prize!

    On a more serious note though, congrats to the winners 🙂

  10. Luke, congratulations! You sound like my favorite character, Samwell Tarly! So glad you won, especially since the game wasn’t available yet in UK 🙂 & congrats to Flor Aranda as well
    Luke D,

  11. Woo hoo! Game night at Flor Aranda’s and Luke D’s.

    I’ll bring the chip and dip!

    Seriously, though. Does anyone know what the game pieces look like? I imagine little house sigil pieces.

    Edit: I just checked Amazon; a White Walker, a Raven, a Wolf, A Dragon Egg, a Crown, and the Iron Throne. Cool stuff.

  12. I see that my usual luck at one of these giveaways has held. Congrats to the winners. May their winters be cold and long!

  13. Congratulations to the winners!

    The story of my life: If I want something badly… I have to work for it!

  14. MaesterMercy:
    Luke, congratulations! You sound like my favorite character, Samwell Tarly! So glad you won, especially since the game wasn’t available yet in UK & congrats to Flor Aranda as well
    Luke D,

    😀 😀 I shall take that as a good thing, though I slay no White Walkers and er I know nothing! Maybe my nickname should be BastardTarly? hmm.

    Thanks everyone for the congratulotory (I hope I spelt that right?!) messages, much appreciated, I look forward to playing the Game Of Thrones, hopefully I’ll win rather than die! The iron throne is mine, mine I tell ye!

  15. YAY

    It arrived today 🙂 would post photo’s but there’s no photo upload button and photobucket is too much effort,

    Sue & everyone, many thanks again for this!! I look forward to taking the Iron Throne!!

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