Screenshots from Telltale’s Game of Thrones episode 4


It appears that we will be treated to a new episode in the Telltale’s Game of Thrones video game series during the airing of season five of the Game of Thrones TV series. Telltale Games have released screenshots from the latest installment, and while there is no official date yet, we can expect it any time now.

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More action is promised for Asher, who has just met Daenerys, while Gared appears to be establishing further Forrester-Stark parallels by meeting his own fierce female Wildling, judging from the screenshots. Hmm. Telltale Games offer the following copy on their blog:

In Episode 4, the fate of the scattered Forresters hangs in the balance, and no one allied with the family is safe. An unexpected meeting offers Rodrik a new opportunity to free Ironrath from its Whitehill stranglehold, but with young Ryon Forrester still held prisoner, his next moves are critical. Gared must abandon Castle Black and venture beyond the Wall in search of the mysterious North Grove, risking encounters with Wildlings and worse. In King’s Landing, the population is reeling from a recent royal death, and Mira must step carefully in an increasingly complex game of politics where secrets are traded as currency. Far away in Essos, Asher infiltrates the slave city of Meereen at the behest of Daenerys Targaryen, but will the friendship he holds dear break under the strain of a mission that raises memories best forgotten?

Further screenshots below.

image 3 image 4 image 5 image 6 imahge 4


  1. Yes,hopefully now that season 5 has begun,they can run currently with it,it would be kinda like Agents of Shield and other shows is for MCU only this is in video game form,it would focus on some of the things the show can’t focus and hopefully bring us more developements in the series . How cool it would be if one of the characters from the game appears in the show ? I know it’s extremely unlikely but never say never .

  2. urangutan21,

    Well, in the scene with Margery and her ladies in waiting this season, one of the women looked quite a bit like Mira (maybe it was a bit of an easter egg?)

  3. Can’t wait for this one. To be honest I would have preferred to have them delay this episode until season 5 is over JUST so I could have more GoT stuff to watch/play during the off-season! I know, sorry 😛

  4. Wow at those ratings O_O

    Edit: I’m tempted to go back and check all those posts that blamed the leaks and Mother’s Day, and forecasted 8M again this episode…just for laughs 😛

  5. Pau:
    Wow at thoseratings O_O

    Edit: I’m tempted to go back and check all those posts that blamed the leaks and Mother’s Day, and forecasted 8M again this episode…just for laughs

    What is the point I wonder, you know that if ratings drop there might not be a seventh season. That means there won’t an end to the show. Doubt you want that.

  6. davy,

    The show is in no danger of not having a 7th season. The ratings could drop significantly more and the would still get it’s 7th and finale season.

  7. davy: What is the point I wonder, you know that if ratings drop there might not be a seventh season. That means there won’t an end to the show. Doubt you want that.

    Nothing I’ll do will affect the ratings, and the 7th season is not in danger anyway, so the point would be to laugh a little.

    Why laugh, you’ll say? Well, I find it very amusing when people who insult others and think they are the solely owners of thr TRUTH are proven wrong. I’m petty that way 😉

    PS: Of course there must be people like this in both “sides” of the argument, but it seems that the ones that post here are only those defending one (imaginary) side. (Because there should be no sides, really). But there you have it. I’ll bet we’ll get some comments in the upcoming Marko post that blame Martin/The Books/”The Purists”.

    PPS: If there are none you can take a laugh at my expense 😉

  8. davy,

    Of course the show will have its 7th season. Ratings could start falling like a brick and GoT would still finish as planned. It’s too far along now, too big and profitable that even a huge downward shift wouldn’t change anything.

  9. I am surprised the ratings aren’t posted yet. It looks like they should not be straying so far from the books.

  10. Homplomplom,

    Agreed they probably should have cut Dorne and given more time to the main characters. I was a fan of its inclusion but it doesn’t seem to fit right now

  11. Pau,

    Who cares,the show is still popular,the books will still have no ending and the book purists are still worthless scum so it’s nothing really new .

  12. Leaf,

    Yeah,i’m sure those pointless and countless filler chapters from AFFC and ADWD and those long ass pointless travelings would have raised the ratings through the roof,my god some people are really either morons or just trolling at this point. But i was sure the purists would blame it on the changes even though i’m 100% it has nothing to do with that,the last season featured plenty changes as well and the ratings grew from episode to episode . I’m honesly over all this stupid fucking reactions and don’t even care if half the fucking audience stop watching or not,i will still enjoy the show until the end with all it’s flaws and won’t give anymore attention to the so called detractors .

  13. 6th and 7th seasons have confirmed

    Even if it has plateaued there will still be enough for a final 7.5 or 8th season

    If traditional ratings are steady or have peaked, there can still be revenue growth on HBO’s part by channeling otherwise unofficial pirate viewers into HBO Now, so half their challenge lies in growth and the other half in conversion

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