Gwendoline Christie on Brienne’s future, Stannis and the Game of Thrones finale


Brienne of Tarth finally made her move in the Game of Thrones season finale, abandoning her post watching Winterfell. It was a big moment for Gwendoline Christie and the actress talks to The New York Times and Entertainment Weekly about Brienne’s actions in “Mother’s Mercy.”

Christie’s comments in the New York Times make the fate of Stannis absolutely clear, despite some viewers finding the scene’s ending ambiguous.

Christie says of Brienne finally moving to take revenge on Stannis:

On the one hand it’s fantastic to see her reconcile something she has been carrying for all these seasons. That’s very satisfying. But once she finds out that she missed Sansa’s candle, as I’m sure she will, she will be even more crushed than when we saw her at the start of this season, having had Arya slip through her fingers. Brienne has been staring at that window waiting for the candle to appear for, well it feels like about three months but I think it’s probably only been about three weeks of standing there, staring.

The actress confirms Brienne has been standing watch at the windows for probably weeks.

But what it does reinforce in our minds is her tenacity, and her loyalty and her dogged determination. It was Season 2 when Renly died, and it’s at the end of Season 5 that Brienne avenges his death. It’s about something a lot more sustained, and that’s what I think is fascinating about “Game of Thrones,” conceptually.

Her hopes for Brienne’s future?

One, is that there’s all of Stannis’s army there without a leader now, and they’ve actually become disillusioned by him due to his action toward his daughter. It would be fantastic if perhaps Brienne decided she would be best served as a leader and led the army. Or let’s not forget that she has Valyrian steel.

Christie has confirmed that Brienne has avenged Renly and that Stannis’s army is without a leader, so I think we can put the debate about Stannis’s fate to rest. The cutaway to Ramsay executing a soldier similar to how Brienne was killing Stannis struck me as a poetic editing choice but it caused some confusion in viewers. I believe we can consider Stannis confirmed dead with Christie’s words. Though some Stannis hardcore fans will remain resolutely stubborn, in the manner of the Mannis himself.

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The actress also talks to Entertainment Weekly about Brienne’s decision to turn away from the window and pursue Stannis:

Brienne is depressed about the situation she’s in. She hasn’t been able to achieve what she’s wanted. Arya slipped through her fingers and she just went through the fight of her life. The notion of the oath comes up again and again and she remains resolute. A lot of her personal needs remain unacknowledged. She puts all of her life’s focus on the greater good. What occurs is something very interesting. There’s an exploration of this character as a person—she’s dedicated to the greater good, not acknowledging her personal wants and needs in favor of something better than her. [Going after Stannis is] the one moment she responds to her emotional world and her feelings. She’s overtaken by something that we haven’t seen before. She chooses not to stand vigilant and to go and seek Stannis. In the script it says, “a darkness comes over her,” in that way it does when you’re hell-bent on something.

Check out EW’s complete article at their website.

For those who still doubt Stannis’s death, HBO Viewer’s Guide confirms Stannis’s death at Brienne’s hands: LINK

Sue the Fury
Susan Miller, Editor in Chief of


  1. “…make the fate of Stannis absolutely clear, despite some viewers finding the scene’s ending ambiguous.”

    What’s that joke about denial? It’s not just a river in Egypt.

    People for years said Syrio Forel was still alive because he was killed offscreen,but Ian Beattie in a Vulture interview today reported that Benioff told him he was dead.

  2. Everyone knows Stannis is not dead, if Stannis was dead the walls would come falling down. That hasn’t happened yet, so the mannis still has to be alive!

  3. Ravyn,

    Hope springs eternal… get ready for “LS is confirmed for season 6” posts coming soon (probably, they’ve already started).

  4. It was a perfect end for Stannis. Glad to see Brienne’s goal realized. Now she needs to make her way to the Wall and team up with Davos.

  5. Not to throw fuel on any “Stannis lives” speculation, since I do think he’s probably dead, but what remains of Stannis’s army didn’t have a leader even before he died. As she says, they’d become disillusioned with Stannis and exited stage right. So that’s not necessarily confirmation of his death, even though, as I said, I don’t think we actually need confirmation, because that was most likely meant to show him die.

  6. Show Brienne beats up Loras,The Hound,kills Stannis.Who’s next?Night’s King maybe,get hyped.

  7. This is honestly the one thing I’m worried about, of all the cliffhangers, and judging by this interview it wasn’t a cliffhanger at all. Jon Snow was pretty clear, they say he is dead and thats true, but we all know he will come back.
    But I still refuse to believe that Stannis is dead though, I mean it makes sense in terms of his tragedy in those final moments, he sacrificed everything because he though he was Azor Ahai, and in that moment he realises he’s not, and that must have had broken him completly. I just don’t see how this fits if he also dies in the next book, I mean it won’t be brienne for sure, was the pink letter true after all? was he really defeated and killed in battle? Well at least the part that he was defeated was already spoiled by the show, or maybe not.

  8. “Christie has confirmed that Brienne has avenged Renly and that Stannis’s army is without a leader, so I think we can put the debate about Stannis’s fate to rest.”

    I don’t see how an actor speculating on the future of her character for a story that hasn’t been written can be considered putting something to rest. She’s speculating. Just like everyone else.

  9. Sue the Fury,

    Well, yes. When I say “What remains of Stannis’s army” I’m referring to the deserters who were largely mercenaries. As I assume Brienne was when she said Stannis’s army was disillusioned with him and without a leader, and when you referenced her saying they were without a leader as clinching his death in your post…

    Because otherwise none of that really makes any sense.

  10. One thing I that didn’t register with me on my first 510 viewing was that Theon and Sansa have nowhere to go (or…er…compared to where Theon and Jeyne head in the books).

    So. Where do we think early S6 will take them? How will Brienne get involved?

    I’m interested to hear speculation, but I’ve also heard enough general online complaining (and yes, I do appreciate all the WotW insights over general internet reactions) that I may try to read less comment sections all over the web.

    Here’s to another year of tin foil, re-reads and re-watches!

  11. I’ve solved Game of Thrones! Brienne takes Stannis’s sword and gives it to Pod because she thinks he needs a better weapon. With Lightbringer in his hand, Pod suddenly transforms.
    Podrick Payne becomes the Prince that was Promised.
    The White Walkers don’t stand a chance!!!

  12. Everybody stop it with your “Stannis is still alive”! He is confirmed dead in HBO’s viewer’s guide:

    “Stannis was killed outside of Winterfell by Brienne of Tarth, who wished to avenge Renly’s death.”

    Is that confirmation enough for you!?
    He had an incredibly dramatic last season, he was a hero at the beginning of the season for saving the night’s watch and then he risked everything, sacrificed everything and lost everything including his own life in his quest to save the world. An incredible arc for a polarizing character that stayed true to himself to the very end.

  13. I would be surprised if Brienne didn’t ultimately come across Theon and Sansa. The only place Sansa can probably think to go that is safe is The Wall, so THAT will be interesting.

  14. trarecar:
    I would be surprised if Brienne didn’t ultimately come across Theon and Sansa.The only place Sansa can probably think to go that is safe is The Wall, so THAT will be interesting.

    Interesting, indeed. She just found out that Jon Snow is Lord Commander… oh, wait, never mind that.

  15. Sue the Fury,

    You beat me to it Sue!

    By the way great job to you and your crew on your first full season on your new website! You did an incredible job and I’m looking forward to spend the off-season with you. Keep up the good work!

  16. Dvd78: It is more than obvious.

    If they are saying he is dead after the fact then fine (although they are also saying Jon is dead) but it was far from obvious. Still it makes no sense to me that they would cut away.

  17. Lion of Night:
    One thing I that didn’t register with me on my first 510 viewing was that Theon and Sansa have nowhere to go (or…er…compared to where Theon and Jeyne head in the books).

    So. Where do we think early S6 will take them? How will Brienne get involved?

    I’m interested to hear speculation, but I’ve also heard enough general online complaining (and yes, I do appreciate all the WotW insights over general internet reactions) that I may try to read less comment sections all over the web.

    Here’s to another year of tin foil, re-reads and re-watches!

    I always think the simplest answer is the easiest (for TV anyway). They’re both hurt after the jump, maybe Sansa worse than Theon. They’re on the run from Ramsey, and early in the season, they run into Brienne who finishes off Ramsay in a Purple Wedding-esque early season kill, and they head from there to the Wall.

  18. And you don’t know what else they shot before the director did the final editing. She could have had a shot with Stannis’ cleaved head that was cut to make the Ramsay–Brienne parallel. So it’s not just speculation on her part… not likely.

  19. hexonx: If they are saying he is dead after the fact then fine (although they are also saying Jon is dead) but it was far from obvious.Still it makes no sense to me that they would cut away.

    It was to draw the parallel to Ramsay’s killing through jump-cut.

  20. I’m a fan of the show but this whole storyline was ridiculous.
    Having Brienne watching a tower for 5 episodes waiting for a single candle to be lit and when the supernova candle is finally lit she’s off dodging whole bolton armies and executing the mannis who just happens to be the only survivor of a battle which luckily for his men was a quick death because how the hell could he have maintained a siege with no food or siege weapons and if for some reason she managed to spot this candle…
    what in fucks name was she going to do? march into winterfell alone and rescue sansa?
    bargain basement tv.

  21. He’s dead as shit. It wasn’t ambiguous at all; good-looking deaths cost money to film and by that point it was already pretty clear that the “cool fighting stuff” budget was not gonna be real high where the “Battle” of Winterfell was concerned. The cut to Ramsay killing somebody was maybe an overly-artsy choice, but it didn’t leave any question in my mind as to what had happened.

    As for her stuff about Stannis’ army having no leader now… No. She probably just didn’t know/remember that since she wouldn’t have been around when they were filming the camp scene about defection and wouldn’t have seen the overhead shot that makes it obvious the remaining Stannisites get totally slaughtered.

    So yeah, Stannis’ army is dead as shit just like Stannis. The defectors were mostly foreign mercenary groups who already had their own captains before they signed on with Stannis, and you’ve got to assume those captains are now fully invested in a strategy of getting the hell back across the Narrow Sea, rather than signing on with some girl from Tarth just for funsies.

    Or if the defecting sellswords aren’t just written out of the show entirely (which would be fine) maybe they end up cold and out of money with Winter coming and so they all have to all join the watch (or they back the Azor/Davos/Brienne/Pod/Theon/Sansa superteam I like to imagine is about to form.)

  22. Stannis’s death just made Balon the only survivor of the War of the Five Kings in the show universe.All hail Balon Greyjoy,the one true king of the seven kingdoms.Long may he reign!

  23. Oh well, if it’s on the VIEWER’S GUIDE, that does it. Lol.

    Hopefully Sansa broke Theon’s fall. Brienne will run over, sling both of them over her shoulders, Pod running behind carrying the burden of the storyline in his capable hands. 🙂

  24. Sue the Fury,

    The HBO viewer’s guide also states that Jon “was murdered by his own men”. Jon does have a possible out, with Melisandre so close by. But if we go strictly by the HBO guide, and interviews then Jon is confirmed dead also, and not coming back. I’m not saying Stannis is alive and Brienne spared him (and I’d actually take Show!Stannis’ death like that as very fitting), just that there might be a chance… They’re not going to have something ambiguous in interviews and the guide, to avoid spoiling, similar to Jon.

    I know it’s not exactly the same with Jon, and he (probably) is dead, but will (probably) be resurrected.

  25. hexonx: Still it makes no sense to me that they would cut away.

    It is a common enough film technique: you have seen it many times before.

  26. I’m still confused on why Melissandre abandoned Stannis. I mean, just moments before she was so sure that everything was going as planned… I wonder what made her flee.

  27. In case people want to check, Kit Harrington spoke about his fate on the show with absolute certainty. If you want to find out, search his interview but yeah spoiler alert, don’t do it if you don’t want to know
  28. why don t show stannis death? this makes no sense.

    he is a big caracter like the one who ´´kills´´ him.

    i don get it….

  29. Wimsey: It is a common enough film technique: you have seen it many times before.

    I have, in many other shows. GoT doesn’t normally shy away from showing it to the end though. I’m not a Stannis fanboy so I’m not in denial over Stannis’ death, I just wish they would have shown it.

  30. Stannis is dead according to HBO. But so is Jon Snow! LOL It says so in the HBO viewer guide. And the actor said he’s not coming back either. His exact words actually, even though

    back in Oct 2014 Hollywood Reporter came up with an exclusive article about who and how they renegotiated Kit Harington’s salary in concert with a bunch of others. Tier A, Tier B actors, who’s who -it was all there.

    Sure, they say just because you are renegotiated for 2 more seasons doesn’t mean you get to live that long but let’s face it, HBO is about making money, not protecting spoilers or we would not have so many leaks. They would also not pay Kit for two seasons a Tier A salary if he was dead and not showing up anymore. No matter how exciting his death makes it for the fandom.

    What is more Benioff and Weiss gave an interview in EW saying that there is a lot of ambiguity IF you don’t see the sword chopping off the head (generally speaking and then they went straight to Ned’s example). Of course they were talking in relation with Jon Snow’s stabbing and their decision to leave him bleed all out as the last scene of the season, just to make sure everyone gets it that Jon Snow is dead. However, if it goes for one, it should go for the other too…

    Personally, I think Stannis is dead. Dillane’s contract does not seem to be renewed. Follow the money works almost every time. But people are completely right to speculate based on the scene and the show producers specific words as well.

  31. Josla,

    I think she realised that, despite half his army deserting him, and despite him having no hope in the battle to come, Stannis was going to be Stannis and was going to march on Winterfell, no matter what. Even though it meant almost certain death. She didn’t want to hang around for that.

    If you watch the first scene again, when Stannis is being told of the desertion, Melisandre’s face says a lot. She’s realising that, if Stannis marches, he’ll die, despite everything she’s been saying in pushing him towards Winterfell. I think, judging by her state when she reached the Wall, that she just realised how wrong she was about Stannis being Azor Ahai or the chosen one or whatever.

    Bonus tinfoil: She realised the sacrifice of Shireen to melt the snow wasn’t to allow Stannis to get to Winterfell, it was to allow her to get to Castle Black, to bring heat and fire (and life) back to Jon Snow.

  32. Could Stannis have better last words than, “Go on, do your duty.” Just perfect.

  33. I think there is a difference Stannis and Jon’s situation. Stannis is just dead-dead. Jon is dead, I think they’re being straight about that.

    But Melisandre oddly rushed out of Stannis’s camp in order to make it back to the Wall. They also made a point of creating a non-book scene where Mel meets Thoros and sees Beric. There’s every chance that she could raise Jon, so it’s not the same as Stannis being dead.
  34. I thought the whole “same situation as with Jon” was to do with the interviews, that the actors wouldn’t just go and spoil what’s going to happen going forward. That combined with how Brienne’s ending mirrored where we last left her in the books might make it somehow plausible Stannis isn’t dead.

    He’s still dead though.

  35. Sue the Fury,

    I know, that’s why I say I don’t think they’re the same. But Kit has stated, in interviews, that he is NOT returning for season 6. Ergo, Jon is dead, and Mel is NOT resurrecting him in season 6. If we take interviews and the viewer’s guide as gospel, that is.
  36. dubq,

    No- it’s not speculaion to endorse the death of someone who was killed. The speculation in this situation is being perpetrated by those stating that he’s somehow still alive, and it’s quite baseless.

  37. Sue the Fury,

    If you just go by what is shown on screen, and what the producers tell you, without the help of the speculation of the possible actions of a third character who may or may not do something in the future is pretty hard to support the point for one and remove doubt from the other. I do agree with you, but I find it difficult to tell others that they cannot speculate because it is 100% clear they are both dead.

    It is funny though because Sandor is supposed to be dead too. Left to bleed out while not shown closing his eyes. Is he dead? Maybe? No? Was there a maester under the rock?

  38. Terry Jumblies,

    I agree in that this episode (and season) was filled with lazy writing and editing. I still love the show, but:
    1) Stannis, supposedly the greatest military mind in Westeros just strolls up to Winterfell (with a shadow of the force he started out with and with no siege engines) in no formation, planning to “start the siege in the morning?” Only to be taken unawares by an entire cavalry who were hiding in a gulley? There were plenty of ways that they could have portrayed the rout without sacrificing all of the character traits of Stannis
    2) The opposing leader is the only survivor until he’s confronted by 2 isolated soldiers of the victorious army, apparently out of ear shot of the rest of the army, who he kills, only to be found by Brienne, who has managed to bypass said army to score some alone time with Stannis.
    3) Arya’s reveal in the brothel looked like cable access.
    4) Dany is alone in a valley. Panoramic view= no one around. Panoramic view #2= oh, it’s a horseman. Panoramic view #3= OH MY GOD THERE’S A MILLION MILLION HORSEMEN IN THE VALLEY! It reminded me of the scene with Tyrion, Jorah and the slavers earlier this season. Just bush league stuff.

  39. I really hate how D & D have turned Brienne into some sort of super soldier. Just watch, she’s going to end up defeating The Night’s King single handedly.

    Brienne Wins LOL!

  40. Ser Florian,

    What if Mel burns his body and he resurrects as Azor Ahai with a different appearance. Kit could be done without Jon Snow necessarily being done.
  41. I think the cutting away to Ramsay was a mistake. No one cares about Ramsay killing some random nobody. We wanted to see confirmation of Stannis, and maybe a few seconds to let it all sink in.

    I thought the rest of the scene was pretty well done, despite making me sad. Felt bad for Stannis, despite all his screw ups… but it was a fitting and just end.

    But yeah, they really shouldn’t have cut away. Oh well.

  42. Dandelion,

    Book Brienne is a tremendously good fighter as well, if a little younger and less experienced. Jaime comments on it, that she’d trounce Loras Tyrell, and that she’s stronger than the Hound.

  43. Dandelion,

    I’m glad someone else said it.In the show she’s like the Terminator.She can beat anyone with no problems.It’s unrealistic to just win every fight you’re in.And I don’t even want to start on Ramsay.

  44. Ser Gerold Dayne,

    She didn’t have any notable fights this season, so I’m assuming you mean the fight with the Hound from last season. That wasn’t exactly a cake walk for her.

    I don’t understand why she can’t be a great fighter, possibly the best in Westeros. Someone has to be the best, why not her?

  45. hexonx,

    I don’t that would work at this point of story.

    It’s either Kit or bust.I would gladly see Kit with a blonde wig, rather than different actor.Kit is Jon,Emilia is Dany or Maisie is Arya.I don’t think would care for the potential new guy either.
  46. Lion of Night: So. Where do we think early S6 will take them? How will Brienne get involved?

    Sansa, Theon are in the same local area as Brienne and Pod. The simplest thing is to have them join up and form a nice team of 4.

    Josla: I’m still confused on why Melissandre abandoned Stannis.

    Look at her face when Stannis’ general is informing him of most of the horses and sellswords gone during the night. She finally, finally realizes she was dead wrong. Stannis is not meant to be the one who will fight the WWs, god of fire is not behind him. She had seen something intriguing about Jon Snow, so she quickly latches onto the fact that he’s the one and off she goes.

  47. Ser Florian,

    I am not denying that Brienne is a skilled warrior in the books but on the show they’ve made her out to be some sort of ultimate badass. Need we forget how badly scarred she walked away from that encounter with Rorge and Biter, show Brienne would beat them both blindfolded with one arm tied behind her back.

  48. What a coincidence that Brienne went to Winterfell and Stannis arrived.
    What a coincidence the flame went on after Brienne turned around after waiting for six weeks.
    What a coincidence that Stannis was the only one surviving
    What a coincidence that not the Boltons, but Brienne found Stannis.

    What an awful, awful, AWFUL resolution, not even mentioning that Brienne killed two of my favourite characters. Well, Brienne, off to Bronn I guess? Might as well kill Arya and Jorah after that. The only good stuff were the things that were semi-GRRM’s stuff. I’m all pro-book change, but at least try to make them without using hundreds of movie clichés, D&D… The same goes for pissfaced Ollie. Very predictable.

  49. Sue the Fury,

    I agree with you. Given the proximity of Melissandre to Jon, and the foreshadowing in the novels that Jon is an Azor Ahai candidate, it is more likely he is alive and Stannis is dead. But the only reasoning you mention in your post that “confirms” Stannis’ death – word of the actors and HBO Viewer’s guide – applies equally to Jon. Once again, I believe you’re right, but that’s an incomplete and unfair way to dismiss those who want to believe Stannis is still alive.

    Further, as many of us are so sure Jon will come back based on contextual clues from the novels and show, people can also believe Stannis lives for similar reasons. If he’s actually going to burn Shireen in the books (doubt it), it means he lives past Winterfell; he appears poised to win some sort of military victory in the WoW sample chapter; and like Jon, there’s also a lot of long-game foreshadowing surrounding his character – Dany’s vision in the HOTU of Stannis suggests that she must confront him as the “slayer of lies.”

    I think this confusion arises from the fact that Stannis’ journey may be quite different in the books, though he will likely arrive at a similar destination. He may even take Winterfell only to be betrayed by a northern conspiracy or defeated by the Vale. Instead of keeping those actors in his story line around for 1/2 a season more, the show kills them off early.

    And I believe the show might have left his death “ambiguous” as a sly nod to the books, where is death is clearly meant to be ambiguous at the end of Book 5.

  50. Somebody has probably already mentioned this even if on another thread but how come Dany left Mereen wearing a pretty sleeveless white dress and ended up on the plateau in a mucky blue (well I’d expect it to be mucky obviously) dress with short sleeves?

  51. I really want Stannis to be still alive, but I can’t think of anything he could do if he is alive. He’s lost his army, his heir, his faith, his wife and his closest ally (Davos, who is probably never gonna support Stannis again after Shireen’s sacrifice). It’s just incredibly tragic and also, in my opinion, a bit cliche that he just died at Brienne’s hand, Brienne being the person who wants him dead the most. Loved his last line though. ‘Go on and do your duty.’ Perfectly sums up his character, both in the book and the show.

  52. Pod wasn’t with Brienne when she killed Stannis so maybe he rounds up Sansa and Theon.

  53. You’d think Gwendoline Christie would also be talking about Stannis being dead knowing Stephen Dillane knows it’s his final episode… but of course those two actors haven’t met up all season for a scene and… oh. Wait. Right. 😉

    Stannis. Is. Dead.

  54. The final defeat and subsequent death of Stannis Baratheon is one the few true potential “spoilers” for future books that was revealed in the finale (Myrcella’s death is another). So, naturally, people are questioning it. But I don’t think there’s supposed to be any ambiguity that Stannis is dead in the show. I think they cut away from Brienne delivering the killing blow to allow Stannis to retain his last measure of dignity. He had been brought low enough by the actions he had taken in the last few episodes. We didn’t need to see his skull split open or his head cut off.

    Furthermore, I think this outcome in the show foretells Stannis’s ultimate fate in the books – a fate we may have been told already. In A Dance with Dragons, we were explicitly told via the Pink Letter that Stannis Baratheon’s army was smashed by Ramsay Bolton, and that Stannis had been killed. As it happens, that’s exactly what we saw happen on the show. The Battle of Winterfell may play out differently in the books in terms of its logistics, but I think the result will be the same as what we saw in the show. The Boltons will win. And Stannis will die.

    In certain corners of the Internet, it has almost become fan canon that the Pink Letter had to be fake or based on bad intelligence. Many theorized that Stannis had suckered Ramsay into believing he was dead while he put his real plan into action. Others proposed that he had written the letter himself to draw Jon off the Wall. Seeing Stannis alive and well in the preview chapters for The Winds of Winter provided some textual support for those hoping the outcome would be different. But the events depicted in those chapters take place before Jon’s assassination at Castle Black. In light of Stannis’s death on the show, I think any uncertainty about his ultimate fate in the books is a function of the wonky chronology of the later novels, which the show has taken pains to straighten out.

    The Pink Letter in the novels serves the dual purpose of providing an account of the Battle of Winterfell (true or not) without showing it to us, and giving the Night’s Watch the final push they need to assassinate Jon. Without the need to adhere to a POV structure, the show could show us the battle (or rather, its aftermath). Furthermore, by leading the ill-fated expedition to Hardhome himself and returning with the Wildlings, Jon had done more than enough in the eyes of his adversaries to seal his fate already. Hence, from a strict plot perspective, the Pink Letter became unnecessary.

    There’s this persistent belief in many fandoms, and this one in particular, that if we don’t explicitly see someone die on screen or on the page, then they’re not dead (and even that’s not enough to prevent a slew of resurrection theories at times). To be fair, GRRM has encouraged this thinking with his consistent use of ambiguous deaths and subsequent fake-outs/resurrections, In AFFC, we are told that Davos has been executed. In ADWD, he is revealed to be alive. If those two books had been published as one novel as originally planned, there would have been no real drama there. If Martin hadn’t had to end ADWD earlier than he originally planned, maybe Stannis’s fate wouldn’t have remained a mystery either.

    It’s pretty clear that Brienne won’t be the one to deal the fatal blow in the novels. But if Stannis dies in battle, who ultimately kills him doesn’t really matter. Say Stannis is killed by either a minor character who serves the Boltons or a random soldier whose name we don’t even know. He’s still every bit as dead, and the situation that led to his death was still his defeat in the Battle of Winterfell.

    Would Stannis’s death ultimately hewed closer to the novels if he had instead been stabbed by the two nameless Bolton soldiers who tried to kill him just moments before Brienne arrived? Perhaps. But there are many examples of major characters dying in both the books and the show, only at the hands of different people. In the books, Catelyn Stark’s throat was slit by Raymund Frey In the show, Black Walder Rivers does the deed. In the books, Jon Snow is stabbed by a group of Night’s Watch led by Bowen Marsh. In the show, Marsh participates in the stabbing, but so do Alliser Thorne and Othell Yarwyck, and it’s Olly who deals the fatal blow. The Hound suffers his apparently fatal wounds at the hands of Lannister soliders in the books, and Brienne in the show. Myrcella Baratheon has not yet died in the books, but it’s widely assumed that she will. It almost certainly won’t be a poisoned kiss from Ellaria that dooms her, but she will die nonetheless. The identity of her ultimate assassin isn’t as interesting as the effect her death will have on Cersei, which remains to be seen. And of course, there are many minor characters who are dead in both versions of the story, even if their killers and/or the exact method of their deaths were different (Rorge, The Tickler, Amory Lorch, Doreah, etc.)

    Allowing Brienne to deal the final blow to Stannis undoubtedly marks a distinct divergence between her character in the show and her counterpart in the books. We’ll see how it affects her going forward. But for Stannis, this last bit of poetic retribution is almost an afterthought. He was dead already.

  55. I do have to say that this not-quite-death annoyed me ALMOST as much as “sword”/”Brienne screamed a word”. Perhaps D&D were just trying to recapture some of that Brienne-in-AFFC “magic” by pulling a cut-away!

    Though if that were true we’d have a semi zombified Stannis showing up randomly at Dragonstone in the middle of next season. Let’s hope not… Also how it makes completely no sense for Brienne not to know she killed Stannis so it will be instantly obvious whether he is dead in her first scene. Hence there is absolutely ZERO reason for Gwen not to know and say something. So, yeah. Stannis is dead. D&D just massively accelerated his twow storyline.

  56. Feels like the show purposely rushed threw stannis storyline for budget reasons. The way it cut from far shots of the different armies and tried to piece together a cohesive story between cuts was NOT affective, they were able to do this properly in astapor with the “kill the masters” scene so I’m not sure what went wrong.

    I still don’t understand Brienne’s motivation for Renly as the “true” king, he has no claim though I suppose that dance of theirs was enough to convince her…

  57. Dame of Mercia: but how come Dany left Mereen wearing a pretty sleeveless white dress and ended up on the plateau in a mucky blue (well I’d expect it to be mucky obviously) dress with short sleeves?

    On my screens (TV and computer) it didn’t appear blue, just very dirty. I also noticed she had made little wraps for her hands (no doubts for holding onto Drogon’s scales) out of her cut sleeves. How did she cut her sleeves of? Maybe with her teeth, or with the help of Drogon’s scales? If I were her, I would also use of it to bandage poor Drogon’s wounds. They must hurt, he was licking one.

  58. Stannis is Alive, All those Major Characters that died, They died On screen, But Stannis, he didn’t, Of course Gwen and the Viewers Guide would say he died, Otherwise they would spoil it(he is alive)

  59. So they spend all that time building up Stannis, one of the characters who we have sort the most time with and they don’t show his “death”

    D&D you have lost the plot!

    Pretty sure you could have trimmed some time off from the shots of Cersei’s muff and put it into giving the audience a proper ending to Stannis.

  60. Dandelion:
    I really hate how D & D have turned Brienne into some sort of super soldier. Just watch, she’s going to end up defeating The Night’s King single handedly.

    Brienne Wins LOL!

    Exactly. Since LSH doesn’t seem to be happening, which at this point is fine by me, who is going to avenge the death of Catelyn and Robb and Talisa?
    Revenge for their deaths has only been mentioned, that I can recall, by Littlefinger to Sansa. Why would Brienne be so hell bend on avenging Renly and not Catelyn? She swore her sword to both. I get the vow to return the Stark girls but that was mainly a promise made by Jaime when released and one Brienne didn’t act on until prompted by Jaime. I know she spoke to him about it in KL but didn’t do anything to make a move or even speak with Sansa.
    I guess I am just a bit frustrated that we didn’t have Frey deaths to keep the RW aftermath brewing. And now 2 seasons later, I wonder if we will have much of a conclusion to that subplot.
    That said, I like Brienne enough but her hero arc is getting kind of boring.

  61. My god, I wish Stannis’s head had rolled on screen so this character would not be added to the list of the many “I WANT TO BELIEVE” characters. This list is already too long (Stoneheart, Syrio, the Hound…).

    He’s dead guys, let it go. Brienne has no reason to spare him. Plus, what would he do? His army is dead, his family is dead, and he has no support. He would survive to be totally pointless? Plus, if you watch the scene again, you’ll see that Brienne swings her sword right through him, it’s not like the movement was cut or something.

  62. Stannis is most likely dead but it’s a weird editing choice. Why leave people in doubt? It’s as if the episode is deliberately going for cliffhangers this episode.
    Show Brienne has just become eugh. All she does is turn up and kill good characters in unfair fights. I hope she gets killed soon as she’s just a boring chracter who seems to get tagged onto other people’s storylines. Christie’s performance is getting increasingly robotic too.
    Only good thing about his death is that Stannis went out fighting. Also the irony of his “do your duty” line as Brienne abandoned her duty to pursue revenge.

  63. this is the problem with stannis fans

    comparing his death to jon like he is the major character

    say he is alive what purpose does he serve now …the man has lost everything and his last words are so fitting to the character

    So if brienne become leader of the deserters …then they successfully removed the BWB and managed to give Briennne her own BWB

  64. Since Gendry is the last living person with Baratheon blood (if he didn’t drown that is) I assume that he will be legitimized by whomever ends on the iron throne to reinstate the family name. I predict we will never see him again until the very end of the series but I hope I’m wrong.

  65. Kells,

    As for RW vengeance, don’t forget that with Meryn Trant’s death, Arya’s most recent “death list” is down to three names – one of which is Walder Frey.

  66. I thought Gwendoline was brilliant. I love her even when she’s just brooding out the window all season. 🙂

    I’m glad Brienne finally got her revenge kill and I think Stannis totally deserved to die for many things he did… BUT the cut away was pretty fishy. I felt a smidgen disappointed and suspicious when the strike wasn’t actually shown. Though I don’t like Stannis I did think he deserved an epic camera panning out or up and away from his body type of death scene. Didn’t feel as… FINAL with the cut away to Ramsay of all people.
  67. Josla: Since Gendry is the last living person with Baratheon blood (if he didn’t drown that is) I assume that he will be legitimized by whomever ends on the iron throne to reinstate the family name.

    What reason is there to think that? Just because the show (and books) mention(s) no Baratheon cousins, it does not follow that there aren’t any. Indeed, there almost have to be. However, this would only come up if anybody was questioning the succession there: and everybody has their minds made up about it one way or another. (In reality, Tommen probably would plan to have his second son inherit that seat.)

  68. Dandelion:
    I really hate how D & D have turned Brienne into some sort of super soldier. Just watch, she’s going to end up defeating The Night’s King single handedly.

    Brienne Wins LOL!

    Stannis was grievously injured and appeared to be bleeding heavily. In that state, Sweetrobin could have killed him.

  69. Wimsey,

    Indeed. Why would they? Especially if it’s a Targaryen! Why breath new life into a House that pretty much eradicated your line?! The Starks and possibly Tulleys are the only House I could see wanting to reinstate the Baratheons but not really sure if either stands a prayer of getting someone on the Iron Throne!

  70. keltia:

    As for RW vengeance, don’t forget that with Meryn Trant’s death, Arya’s most recent “death list” is down to three names – one of which is Walder Frey.

    From your fingertips to D&D’s ears!
    I think vengeance for Robb/Cat/Talisa has taken a huge backseat and I get it, sort of. Lots of story to tell in other part of Westeros but it’s still such a huge moment that hasn’t been properly addressed. I want to see someone, anyone at this point, take those who betrayed the Starks and hold them accountable. As in, kill them all! 🙂
    I was a bit hopeful Brienne would feel the loss of Catelyn in the same way she felt Renlys and feel the need to avenge them. And not just by making good on Jaime’s promise. Meh…maybe next year.

  71. This proves that Stannis lives.

    100% sure that Brienne spared him and he now limping his way to a nice sandy beach in the south where he is just going to chill out like a bro for the rest of his days. They probably wont show much of it in the show but at least we all know he is okay. Even if they did end up showing the “Stannis chillout, feet up, relaxation” arc next year at least it would be better viewing than Dorne.

  72. Stannis the mannis is gannis. He’s pushin up the daisies and joined the choir invisible. He is an ex-mannis.

    The Baratheon is dead. Long live the Baratheon–Gendry.

    By the way, didn’t Stannis take out a rather large loan from the Iron Bank of Braavos? Was Tycho Nestoris being Ironic when he told Mace that the Iron Bank does not gamble? If not, who are they going to relentlessly pursue for repayment? Davos, who helped persuade them to give Stannis the loan? The Iron Throne, since Stannis claimed it? Or will they repossess Dragonstone? And we need that dragonglass!!! One wonders if D&D will even bother to tie up this loose end. But they could use it as an unpleasant surprise for some character in season 6 or 7.

  73. Jared,

    My guess is that Brienne, and Theon and Sansa will be swept up by the Knights of the Vale and Brienne will learn more about the Freys who killed Catelyn and they will learn that the Freys came to add to Bolton’s army and are at Winterfell right now. Brienne and Podrick will join the assault or they will escort Sansa to the Wall only to learn of the young Lord Commander’s fate.

    Theon will reunite with Yara in some fashion (perhaps she will be a hostage of the Vale captured during her escape from the Dreadfort?) where we will learn about or see what happened to Balon.

    That’s my guess anyway.

  74. Moka:
    My god, I wish Stannis’s head had rolled on screen so this character would not be added to the list of the many “I WANT TO BELIEVE” characters. This list is already too long (Stoneheart, Syrio, the Hound…).

    He’s dead guys, let it go. Brienne has no reason to spare him. Plus, what would he do? His army is dead, his family is dead, and he has no support. He would survive to be totally pointless? Plus, if you watch the scene again, you’ll see that Brienne swings her sword right through him, it’s not like the movement was cut or something.

    The only purpose a live Stannis would serve would be as a reasonable pretext to enter the gates of Winterfell with him as prisoner. She locates Sansa sends her off to the “safety” of the Wall with Podrick, and if Stannis is still alive she turns him loose to wreak some havoc inside Winterfell to cover Sansa’s escape.

  75. Stark Ravin’ Rad,

    My thoughts too. It will be interesting to see how the IB will react to Stannis’ demise. But this is the very least of all the loose ends that have accumulated. Because if Jon is really out of S6 how are they going to handle Mel and Davos? If Mel is not meant to resurrect him in S6 then she is out for S6 and Davos too. Then there are many practical things. When Thoros resurrected Beric he did it on the spot. How are they going to keep Jon’s body out of the picture for a whole season and then resurrect him in the end of it or maybe in the beginning of S7? I mean if I understood it well the reason why Catelyn became LSH is because her body was found some days later and as a result her ressurection was not as effectful (correct me if I am wrong as I haven’t read the books and this comes from spoiler comments I read previously). This means that they have to do sth with Jon’s body and actually show it to us as soon as in ep1 S6. But if he is really dead, dead-dead, then Mel and Davos will stay at the Wall to carry on the Wall plotline for what purpose? It doesn’t really make sense. The only logical explanation I can give to all this is that Mel will transfuse Jon into Ghost (perfect name for this) and then take revenge for the Watch.

  76. Stannis’s conclusion makes absolutely no fucking sense. And dying to Brienne, what the ****. Seems to me they’re hellbent to create an omnipotent female icon to appease the social justice warriors. God, this show is going to hell. Used to be so good. Organic, free from the shackles of political correctness.

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