Well, Game of Thrones fans, today is your lucky day! No, there’s no trailer yet, but – in addition to today‘s Entertainment Weekly covers and inside look at a key season 8 battle sequence – we have more promotional photos courtesy of EW to share. The stunning portraits also include hints at some of the characters’ storylines for the final season!
First up, we have a lovely look at the Stark sisters, Sansa and Arya. Sophie Turner reveals, “Sansa this season is very much enjoying becoming a leader in her own right, and this year there are certain challenges by people who threaten that.” Given what we’ve seen so far, this could be further indication of conflict with her brother (cousin) Jon Snow’s new queen – and girlfriend – Daenerys Targaryen.
As for Arya, Maisie Williams states, “There’s this split with Arya between trying to be who she wants to be — getting back to back to that naiveté and innocence with her family — and her unfinished business.” Perhaps Arya’s desire to finish her list will be at odds with Sansa and Jon’s plans for the Starks? Only time will tell…
Speaking of Daenerys and Jon, here is the Westeros power couple in all their regal glory. Jon appears to be his usual brooding self, and no wonder, as Kit Harington explains, “The end of the world might be coming soon, but at least he’s in love with somebody and knows who he is — and then comes a sledgehammer.” It sounds like his parentage reveal will be a huge blow to the King in the North.
It will be interesting to see how Daenerys reacts. Emilia Clarke teases, “There’s so much she’s seen and witnessed and been through and lost and suffered and hurt. She’s been working for this her entire existence.” Does she mean the Iron Throne, or finding love, home, and family? Maybe both?
While we’re on the subject of family, Rory McCann hints at a confrontation between The Hound, Sandor Clegane, and his undead brother, Gregor. “There will be a chance of squaring up to his brother and facing those demons,” he admits. Cleganebowl, get hype!
Samwell Tarly may also have a confrontation with his Night’s Watch “brother” in store, as John Bradley admits, “Sam is really feeling the responsibility of this information. But he knows Jon would rather hear this from Sam than anybody else.” Assuming he means the truth of Jon’s parentage, hopefully Sam can soften the blow.
Although Bran Stark discovered the truth, Sam would probably be a better messenger given Bran’s detachment from his family since his return to Winterfell. We may see a kinder, gentler Bran in the final season however, as Isaac Hempstead Wright confesses, “We see a slightly wiser Bran this year, who’s less like robot overload.” Well, that would be a welcome change! Something tells me the Starks will need to support each other more than ever as we head into the endgame.
Be sure to check out the full slate of character portraits over at EW, and let us know your theories about their fates in the comments!
Nice! Lots of chatter that the trailer is dropping tomorrow. I can’t see them doing the character posters, EW cover reveals and the trailer all in a span of week, but we’ll see.
I like the quote from Tyrion – sounds like his political skills will be in the forefront again. I like political Tyrion Lannister.
I love the picture of Jon and Daenerys – despite the fact that she looks happy and he looks like he has a boil in some delicate area of his body.
Brienne is elegant. Best woman is the story – honourable, brave and selfless.
Jaime looks too skinny in his photo with Tyrion. He should have stayed at the barbeque.
Grey Worm’s photo is stunning – I love it!
Mountain also looks great and his quote is poetry.
Sansa is so pretty. I have never noticed Arya’s nose like this before – shopped to be more aquiline?
Really good photos in this group!
* and good on them for not mirroring this image of Sandor. 🙂
Ugh… >:/
So, David Benioff said this at Oxford Union March 2015.
“Luckily, we’ve been talking about this with George for a long time, ever since we saw this could happen, and we know where things are heading. We’ll eventually, basically, meet up at pretty much the same place where George is going. There might be a few deviations along the route, but we’re heading towards the same destination. I kind of wish that there were some things we didn’t have to spoil (for the books), but we’re kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place/…/ I think the thing that’s kind of fun for George is the idea that he can still have surprises for people even once they’ve watched the show through to the conclusion. There are certain things that are going to happen in the books that are different in the show, and I think people who love the show and want to know more about the characters, want to know more about the different characters who might not have made the cut for the show —will be able to turn to the books.”
“…Meet up at the same place…” … I have always wondered, A Dream of Spring always sounded benign …. I suppose the war against the Night may comprise the first third…. Half? Of that novel..and then what? More nasty biz? Finally smooth waters? Implications for season 8? I puzzle , at this date, whether the show actually lands on the same spot as George?
Not sure why they are making such a big deal about Jons Identity. Jon and Dany are together, regardless of the ending and what happens. Their mind set should be:
hey we were most likely gonna marry anyway since we like each other and its a great political alliance, lets get married, Dany is still Queen, Jon is still rightful King, all is back on track. no problem. The north can rest assured that at least for a couple generations Jon and his offsprings northern roots will keep their best interests in mind. lol
Jack Bauer 24,
I kind of expect them to do a trailer for a trailer like they did before
No, that’s Maisie’s nose, it really does just look like make-up and contouring. Like, i can actually see where the contouring is.
Maisie looks gorgeous, Arya looking all soft and not as just-warrior like, but still bad-ass. I love it!
Jack Bauer 24,
Im thinking it will drop with Captain Marvel in theaters. D&D were quoted saying they didnt want a trailer, but were convinced on the idea of having the trailer show in theaters like another show did(forget that show) With CM releasing Thursday night, im assuming thats when we’ll see it.
Everyone looks great!
Ok…she does look very nice! Polished…
Her face usually looks a little less angled to me but they can do that with contouring you are right!
That Bran black and white photo looks…..off?
I just don’t believe that they would release it first for a ‘limited’ audience in a theatre, and then online the next day or later time. I can easily believe them doing the opposite and putting it online a day or two in advance of a theatre preview. They’re going to have a bunch of bad quality cellphone vids floating around if they hold off putting it online first or simultaneously.
Random observation: I noticed they (EW) incorrectly credited Hannah Murray as Hannah Waddington.
Yeah they could drop it tomorrow and then start having it air in theaters with Captain Marvel. Or they could drop it Thursday and have it start playing in theaters that day with Captain Marvel. OR, more likely, it probably won’t drop either day. I’m still not expecting it until at least next week. With the character posters and the EW covers there’s not much more besides the trailer. If they drop it now they still have to fill out the rest of the month with promotion. The trailer is the heavy hitter and once that hits everyone is going to explode lol.
LOL so did I. It’s quite sloppy.
I hope the chatter is right, I can’t wait to see it now after the posters and now these other promo-shots. I suspect you’re right though and it does seem like promo overload if they drop the trailer within days of all of this. Why such a long silence and then do it all at once?
As for the pictures and snippets of info:
– Love the Stark girls’ picture. Both look stunning and have a true sense of purpose about them. You can really see how far both have come from the kids we saw in S01E01. Hoping to see big things for them this coming season. I hope Arya chooses who she wants to be over her unfinished business – that would be a powerful moment in concluding her personal arc, where she might have a chance to kill Cersei/Mountain, but refrains and chooses the Arya she wants to be, not the one the gravest of circumstances forced her to become.
– Jon and Dany’s shot is interesting – Jon seems deeply troubled and is staring off into the distance rather than at Dany. It’s as if they’re trying to hit us over the back of the head with the fact that he will have more to brood about than ever this season. Hope we get to see a lot of happy Jon too. We know he broods with the best of them, but seeing him experience moments of levity and happiness do really help flesh his character out more. I wonder if Emilia’s statement over Dany’s state of mind hints at how hard her character will find it when Jon is revealed to be real Targaryen heir. I know some don’t think it will cause too much drama (I very much disagree).
– Tyrion – what negotiations?? Surely at this point the talking is moot and it’s all hell breaking loose? I presume he makes it out of the AOTD battle and then has to deal with Cersei’s betrayal – of which he may or may not have been party too. Hopefully this means there will still be plenty of political intrigue this late in the game.
– Varys will be effective – but at what? Will he change his allegiances when he realises that Jon is also a Targaryen heir he could get behind that doesn’t burn people alive?
– Cleganebowl may actually happen after all. Who knew? 😜
A grand total of 0 people care about promotional photos of stuff that aren’t even part of a set from the show.
Jon’s theme tune in that picture with Dany: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oa-ae6_okmg
It will certainly be very good if Arya passes up opportunities to kill and really starts her healing. She needs to retreat from the dark side. I do not think she survives the story unless she regains her humanity.
Interesting comments on Varys seeing other paths for the leadership of Westeros.
It would be great to see the old Tyrion back in the political game.
interesting background in some of the photos.
Speak for yourself mate. A lot of people really enjoy these small but crucial teases going into any season. It’s like an adventure and we’re unearthing info breadcrumb at a time. Many are dying for a trailer but it’ll be all worth it when it arrives.
I’m with you. I’ve enjoyed the teasers and photographs. Frankly, I could do without a trailer. (For me, the two-second snippet of Arya looking up at dragon was better than any of the prior seasons’ trailers.)
S8 is next f*cking month! Savor the anticipation.
@Che I posted the link to reddit about the trailer. I’m not sure if Reddit links are allowed. I’ve never posted one and my comment is sitting in moderation. Apparently this “Kaysen” was right about the previous promo dates and has an HBO source. Seems confident in the trailer dropping tomorrow. I’m still cynical and don’t believe it, but I really want to lol.
“Tyrion – what negotiations?? Surely at this point the talking is moot and it’s all hell breaking loose?”
Really. Is he going to propose a one-on-one sitdown with NK in Hanoi?
Jack Bauer 24,
“I’m not sure if Reddit links are allowed. I’ve never posted one and my comment is sitting in moderation.”
Hey Jack!
Speaking only for myself, I really wish you wouldn’t. Those bozos are the ones who published the stolen scripts’ synopses before last season. Besides, I prefer to confine myself to the judicious reporting by Sue, et al. on this site.
Ten Bears,
I think Tyrion would want a productive meeting – at the moment Hanoi meetings are two NKs and the result is just gas and nothing else.
Oh ok, my apologies. I don’t want to condone leaks like those. I don’t frequent Reddit, I just saw the link on Twitter. I know a lot of people are amped about the trailer lol, so I posted it.
Azor Asshai,
Random observation: I noticed they (EW) incorrectly credited Hannah Murray as Hannah Waddington.
Ten Bears,
Only a few more weeks until we see Arya take on some white walkers! It’s going to be a momentous occasion.
Stark sisters looking amazing and bad-ass!
As for Arya’s “unfinished business”, I don’t think many expected that she would just drop her list. I’m sure she’ll be tempted to go after Cersei or Gregor, so I’m very intrigued to see how that will play out. Will Jon or Sansa talk her out of it? Maybe even Sandor?
Jack Bauer 24,
Jack Bauer 24,
Yes, it is known.
No one commended on the placement of the people in the group photo…
I’m surprised Dany and Jon are not front and center, instead it is the Stark Sisters front and center…
Left side Team Targaryens. Right are the Lannisters (even Jamie and Tyrion, will they be at odds with D&J? Will most of Theon’s story will involve Euron so I assume that is why he is over in that section… maybe? The Middle are the Starks with their bodyguards, plus Davos and Melisandre, or perhaps this is how they will be divided by location?
or it means nothing… lol
also, nice to see Gilly making the cut in the group photo, she has been there since season 2. It is a small role, but an endearing one.
also, pointless nitpick … the person who put this collage together… your proportions are a little off… Melisandre is a little taller than Dany, but she looks taller than Sansa and the Hound! and Varys looks as tiny as Arya
Oooooooh So much, so much! Nothing succeeds (or fails) like excess. I love, love, love all of the releases but really could love a trailer. Last Tuesday I thought the trailer would be released. I hope that it will be released tomorrow. This teasing is deadly.
I hope each of these characters act ‘in character’ and we see interesting ‘hard/difficult’ choices being made. Most of these characters have been there since season 1-2, so it will be good to see each of their stories come to a satisfying resolution
With Arya, I assume her dilemma will be wanting to help in the fight and completing her list vs staying and protecting her family. Sansa I sure will not like seeing her family being separated after they have finally reunited, she won’t like to see Arya taking unnecessary risks. Hope we get some good sisterly conversations. I want wolfgirl Arya to get the fighting moments to shine, but I also want too see mamawolf Sansa making sure her family stays alive and maintain their positions of power.
I’m glad Bran will become a little more human this last season (poor Issac) will be interesting to see how they incorporate him – seems like all the major past reveals happened already, so looking to see how his power truly works in the here and now, I’m sure he will be a game changer, surly he hasn’t had to go though all he has just to learn who Jon parent’s were. He is one of a kind and his power should be as relevant as the dragons to winning the war! Hope the writers don’t forget that. Bran is the first POV that began this journey and I really hope they don’t sideline him yet again in the final season.
I’m ready for many people to die and I know just about anyone could, but I really want the last Stark children to live… will be crossing my fingers each moment they are on the screen. Don’t let me down Brienne and The Hound – from my viewpoint, your only job on this show now is to protect the Stark kids! I’m counting on both of you! ^_^
She never lost her humanity; it has always been there, temporarily hidden like Needle. I think she’s already well along in recovering her self as well. Sparing Lady Crane despite the risks, sparing many of the Freys, the Lannister soldiers, etc. demonstrates that. She didn’t attempt to kill even Littlefinger, but worked within the justice system and handed the responsibility and his Dagger to the person who could legally have him killed, Sansa. Most important, Arya immediately turned from her 6-year vengeance quest to kill Cersei and went home. That said, considering what Cersei has done against the Allies in the War and some likely atrocity to come (many fans theorise that she will capture Sansa or Jon), I foresee Arya being ordered to re-target Mad Queen Cersei for new outrages she’s perpetrated. In the right situation, Arya might even spare Cersei, but that is unlikely considering the circumstances.
Seriously, Varys – lay off my man.
Rory. ❤ Arya. ❤ She’s a beaut.
Also, I was seriously hoping the whole Cleganebowl crap was dead yet here we are back at it. Augh.
Perhaps there was a little foreshadowing about this formula when Hot Pie told Arya she was pretty when she stopped at the crossroads. She was looking like the YMBQ in that EW cover shot. Even if she’s the Q, I just can’t ever see her sitting on the throne very long. That’s not her and she isn’t likely to settle down, just like Nymeria wasn’t going to be domesticated. Perhaps she will rule from Air Force Dragon 1.
Thanks for the heads up! Re the time …it’s a workday, so I suppose they want it for after work hours.
According to the (admittedly ambiguous) wording of the prophecy, it just has to be “another” who’s younger and more beautiful to cast down Cersei and take all she holds dear.
It doesn’t necessarily have to be another queen.
I’m still hanging onto my Arya = Lyanna 2.0 tinfoil speculation, though it’s based more on my second-hand understanding of details from the books (eg that Ned told Arya she looked like Lyanna) which I haven’t read.
After Robert & Cersei’s S1 conversation about their marriage being haunted by Lyanna’s ghost, and Cersei’s S1 admissions to Ned that drunk Robert whispered Lyanna’s name to her on their wedding night and that Robert loved a dead Lyanna more than the live girl he married, coupled with the chameleon-like ability of the Many-Faced Goddess (Maisie/Arya) to look androgynous – or beautiful and glamorous – I was hoping the “ghost” of Lyanna Stark would return to spook the sh*t out of Cersei.
It wouldn’t take much – a dress and new hairdo – to make Arya/Maisie look like Aisling Franciosi as Lyanna in the brief glimpse of the Rhaegar-Lyanna wedding ceremony we saw on Bran-o-Vision in S7e7.
– End Arya Fanboy Raving –
This excerpt from the EW article, recounting that Sapochnik called Maisie Williams a full year before filming began to tell her to start training, has got me looking forward to some nifty Arya battle scenes. (I’ll put the excerpt in spoiler coding for anyone who doesn’t want further details)
From EW article:
A full year before filming began, Sapochnik phoned Williams to warn her. “Start training now,” he said, “because this is going to be really hard.”
“And I said, ‘Yeah, yeah, yeah,’” Williams recalls between takes, looking ultra-grimy with dirt and mock blood on her face (as do all the actors). “But nothing can prepare you for how physically draining it is. It’s night after night, and again and again, and it just doesn’t stop. You can’t get sick, and you have to look out for yourself because there’s so much to do that nobody else can do…
This tidbit from the EW involving Rory McCann made me chuckle:
To keep actors focused during the long, cold hours, Sapochnik surprises them with questions. “You’re in the middle of a battle and Miguel comes up and goes, ‘Why are you here?’” McCann says. “Why am I here? It gets you thinking. Then he’ll go to another actor and go, ‘What are you fighting for?’”
In my mind, I can imagine Sapochnik going up to Rory McCann mid-battle and asking him “Why are you here?”, and Rory growling, “F*ck off.”
Ten Bears,
Sounds pretty effin ASNAWP-tastic if you ask me!!
Jack Bauer 24,
No problem. No need to apologize. It’s just me: I’m still ticked off at the stunt they pulled last season.
Ten Bears,
On the topic of the Lyanna/Arya parallels, there’s a story – ‘Knight of the Laughing Tree’ – and while this knight is described as a ‘he’, it’s speculated by some fans that this knight was actually Lyanna. The intro summary from the Westeros.org wiki: “He defended the honor of a crannogman by challenging and defeating three knights whose squires had bullied the crannogman, demanding that they chastise the squires in order to ransom back their horses and armor.”
The knight is also described as shorter in height with mismatched armour, defending the bullied. If this is Lyanna, I think there’s a strong echo of her in Arya! 😉
And a quote from AGOT that might interest you!
The problem is Captain Marvel is a 12A rated film meaning it’s going to be watched by a lot of young kids, clearly not the target audience for GOT. I’d imagine they will drop it on social media so it reaches the maximum global audience.
The funny thing about that is that Hannah WaddingHAM played Septa Unella, but I don’t know of any Hannah Waddington. XD
Still praying for the trailer asap–and all those press day interviews!! :O
Don’t see how refraining from killing Cersei or the Mountain would align with being the person Arya wants to be…killing either/both of them would be good. Arya never lost her humanity or “went to the dark side.”
I very much don’t want Varys or Tyrion to betray Dany; I’ve loved all three of them from the start. x-|
And I don’t really think that the Jon-parentage-reveal should be too much of an issue aside from the incest/romance. I could see him gladly handing her the throne, since she wants it and he doesn’t. Or they could accept co-rulership or something, not that I’d expect that to wind up happening. It’d be too much of a Disney ending.
I noticed the same things as Viki re: the positioning in the group shot. (Why IS Melisandre so tall all of a sudden?! O.o xD)
Anyways, few thoughts I had looking through the portraits:
“a slightly wiser Bran this year, who’s less like robot overload”–That’s a relief.
Euron’s such a rock star.
“The chances of anyone surviving are remote”–That’s it, errybody gon’ die. B-|
Cleganebowl, get hype!!
I love Varys’ blue robe and Napoleon pose and giant school rings. xD Super-effective.
Jaime & Tyrion together again, yays. 😀
Melisandre’s still life is very pretty, elegant, and different.
As for the lineup banner photo…very curious as to what Varys may be whispering to Jorah. Hopefully those two will get some interaction. =D Then you’ve got the three couples, Brienne…not next to Jaime. The Starks, Davos & Mel (apparently wearing some heckin high heels or platforms), the Hound looking amazing, Euron & the Lannisters, Theon & the Mountain. Wow. All these feels…
However, since we’re still mainly looking at the same people who got throne posters…wonder how this bodes for Podrick, Gendry, Bronn, Qyburn, Yara, and my Hot Pie. Maybe they just don’t want to give stuff away about some of them–I’m SURE that’s why we’ve seen no Tormund or Beric in the marketing! Perhaaaps the others don’t have significant enough roles in the endgame, or live long enough. Guess we’ll have to see…!
I am with you Che that Tyrion and Varys comments are interested. Varys being “effective” tells me he will turn his support towards Jon and bring some level of split in Team Targ. Tyrion’s comments scream spoiler to me because there are no logical negotiations going on right now.
Apparently there was a timezone mix up and it’s dropping at 11am est, so about 3 1/2 hours. We shall see.
I’m wondering what that sentence of Ian Glenn is about.
Iain Glen: “He’s been given the greatest challenges around Dany. He’ll be tested like never before.”
He will be tested like never before. I don’t think he meant tested like fighting undead because he did that in season 7. I’m wondering if his loyalty to Dany is being tested.
And I have to say, Alfie is looking handsome in his picture.
And why does Cersei look “younger” in her picture, little bit scary younger, bit magical in my opinion.
Nathalie Emmanuel: “[Grey Worm is] the thing she wants to live for. They’ve got this lovely bond that is worth fighting for.”
Not Dany, but Grey worm. Makes me think, and how must she fight for it and not Grey worm, how will she fight? I’m wondering what she is going to do.
The stark girls photo is really stunning. Sam’s expression makes me laugh.
I have a question. What’s the long skinny metal thing hanging from Sansa’s chains? Maybe I just don’t know my medieval tools… It doesn’t look like a weapon. What the heck is it?
And how about Arya’s hair. It doesn’t look as slicked back to me as it did in season 7, and it looks longer in the back. Am I imagining things? I really like this look. It will probably be great for action shots too (with more hair flowing in the wind as she leaps off one of the dragons…)
I’m going to have to use some of these for my new computer background theme… I have an old Stark family theme that is pretty awesome, but I may just be able to add some of these photos. I will try doing that now! #DROPTHETRAILER
I am sceptical about this trailer release leak but if true the morning Americas time zone works best as you still reach maximum exposure in Europe (afternoon here) and evening in Asia (including India).
Same. But apparently the trailer will have
That’s detailed which makes me think it’s possible. I’ve also seen some things on twitter suggesting the trailer will drop today, in the morning US Eastern time and afternoon for Europe so I’m cautiously optimistic now.
Everyone (well, the hordes on various net boards) seems to expect the trailer today.
Perahps HBO tipped off a few of the leaders on boards to quell the complaining. It seems that the trailer and photos are often released close to each other anyway.
The trailer will likely be misdirection or not informative at all. I will look to see if they decided to start telling anything worthwhile.
HBO has been excellent in social media management for this season. Over the last 2 years, they actually have diligently diverted internet attention to Jon and Daenerys and kept the hivemind’s focused on these two. This misdirection started with the red herrings written into the S7 script. Expect S8 to surprise in the other major players active therein!
Yeah it’s just pictures of the actors in costume. Something ardent fans and watchers have seen many times before.
Supposedly between 11am-12pm, so in 1-2 hours.
Sam’s reaction to the news that his best mate’s girlfriend fried his dad and brother ought to be interesting.
Yeah supposed to drop in next couple of hours and less than two minutes long Witt content from first two episodes.
omg i have been so MIA travelling again..
but just saw all these posts and wowwwwww
this is so exciting and soooooo sad.
The worst part about this trailer is going to be the people all over the internet that have been complaining about waiting for the trailer and that HBO Marketing people are “hacks.” Many will be the same people likely to go off about it not being long enough, doesn’t show enough, didn’t like [this/that], is just simply a disappointment. I’m certain their loud impatience has bred incredible expectations. :/
Everyone should know by now that the trailer will be limited in scope and spoiler free as possible to still create a buzz.
Hannah Murray is so damn beautiful.
Hey, jet-setting Dee! Yeah, it is some of both. We have to let the excitement win for now. Just under six weeks to go!!
I’m glad the final season will be released before the AT&T merger went through…lots of layoffs and rumors of HBO no longer being the premium quality programming channel it’s long been known for
Olaaaa – I missed you!!!!!!
Yes I am super excited, I also read that the producers made a comment about how what they have done is nothing that has been done on TV or MOVIE? I mean… HYPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Maisie looks great! Very Lyanna-like.
WOW the trailer was spot on!
TRAILER IS HERE!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arya looks petrified what has happened to get her like that? Compare with the speech she gives about knowing death. Shit is going to get very bad indeed.
its heeeere!
Jon Snowed,
Maybe she’s running from the ice spiders.
I wondered about that too… Besides the Stark sisters being in the middle, it shocked me that Jon is so far away from his family. After all he’s always been more loyal to his land and kin, no matter his love stories ! ‘The North is a part of him’, he said. I don’t see him turn his back to that.
It looks like… a needle but stronger and heavier. Like a miniature weapon. With some luck, Brienne or Arya will have told her how to stab someone into the eye or neck with it 😀
How does it sound benign? It probably is a variant of “darkest before the dawn”: in the coldest, darkest part of winter, spring is something of which you dream.
The big “war” probably will be most of the novel: or would have been, as it probably never will be published. The big “damned if you do/do not” choices will probably be the climax. The denouement probably will be on the long side and be largely tying up of “living with the consequences” of those choices.